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Book online «My Protector by Mallory Davis (cool books to read txt) 📖». Author Mallory Davis

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hours anyway. I let it pelt my skin until my fingers are like prunes. I get dressed and step out of the shower. Sam and Dakota are there in their pajamas. They stare at me awkwardly. I crawl into the middle of the bed. “Come on” I say and they cautiously lay beside me. We lay like that in silence. They lay stiffly beside me. “Do yal want to shift? It might make it easier” I say. They instantly jump up and shift. I realize it’s the first time I have seen Sam as a wolf. He is slightly smaller than Dakota. He has white fur and blue eyes. Dakota shifts into the same wolf I’ve seen so many times before. I scoot all the way to the edge and pull the covers back. I pat the bed. “Come on” I say and they hop onto the bed. Both of them curl up at my side. There warm bodies press up against mine. I smile and whisper into the darkness. “Perfect”             Chapter 15: The demons


            The next few days go by in a blur. With constant studying. Training, research, food. We all read prophecies, anything to connect my uncle to the demons…nothing. I go down stairs to grab a bite to eat. I was starving, my appetite had increased over the last few days. I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. I skim the first shelf, nothing. I hear footsteps behind me. I whirl around to see five demons surrounding me. My breath hitches. I trapped, the stared at me with a vicious hunger. I felt them enter my mind. I felt there presence. I felt the evil. Suddenly, I’m on my knees. I feel detached from my body, like my soul itself didn’t exist. There whispers fill my mind. They whispered foreign words, but in my mind it sounded like screams. Images fill my brain, horrible, horrible visions. Towns burning, bodies decapitating, babies cry as they burn alive. Worlds colliding, destroying. Screams of mercy, screams of fear. Its like I’m there. I smell burning, rotting flesh. Hear their bones crunch, crack at the hands of the enemy. This is a place where death is peaceful. Death is a delicacy. I hear more screams. Maybe it’s mine. My eyes fly open. The kitchen door swings open and Dakota runs in. His eyes blaze, like a fire of hate. Others run in behind him. I claw at my head and rip at my hair. Then the screams stop. Everything stops, my breath, my heart, my world. I open my eyes to look around. “No, no!” I hear Dakota yell. He falls to his knees and pull me into his lap. His hand goes to my chest. I close my eyes. I see it. Dakota’s power. It’s green and gold. Warm and smelt of honey. He pushes it to me. My own power comes alive at the sight of his. Mine is blue, and it aches for Dakotas. His intertwines with mine. Where my body had turn cold and lifeless, now turned warm and pulsing with life. I open my eyes I clutch Dakota. I cried out, I cried and cried. The images flicker throughout my mind over and over. “Dakota, it-it was awful” I whisper. “I know” he whispers. “Know, you couldn’t it was…unimaginable” I say. “I saw it too, I heard the screams, the laughter.” He says and I bury my face into his neck. Dakota was safety, Dakota was home. He carries me up the stairs. I’m have asleep in his arms. He stops half way up. “Move” he growls. “Just let me take her” I hear Sam say. Dakotas grip on me tightened. Dakota brushes past him. Once in the room he lays me on the bed. Out of Dakotas, warm arms the cold mattress was torcher. “No, please stay” I whisper. There’s a moment of silence and I wonder if he heard me. Then he crawls in beside me. The warmth of Dakotas body surrounds me. He was so warm. I press my head against his chest. I felt safe in his arms. I feel invincible. Finally, sleep takes me way to a magical place. I wake up at the sound of voices. I sit up in bed. Dakota, surprisingly, was still asleep beside me. I climb out of bed and fallow the voices. They were coming from the hallway. Then, it gets quiet. I swing my bedroom door open. Sam stood there, kissing Sarah. The shy blonde girl is NOT so shy anymore. I stare as he kisses her lips. She kisses him back. Those lips I had kissed. My face got hot with embarrassment. How could I be so naĂŻve? Sam sees me and pulls apart. “Riley-“ he says, but I slam the door in his face. Suddenly I was claustrophobic, the room seemed hot and to small. I rush to the windows and jump onto the ledge. I hear Dakota get up just as Sam busts through the door I hear them come after me, but it was too late. I had jumped. I fall, fast and hard. The cool, wind felt amazing. What if I just close my eyes, give up? I fall, faster and faster.

Chapter 17: The flight? The talk?


As I fall I think of Dakota. I think of him in wolf form. I think of the times he has protected me. Stood by me. I think of him holding me, kissing me. Could I just through that all away? No. I snap open my wings and sore upward. I fly towards the forest, the only place I feel I belong. I circle around my black wings fluttering in the breeze. It felt like heaven. The institute is beautiful this high up the stone huge mansion sits in the middle of nowhere. I fly towards the luscious forest, where I belong. I land, by snapping my wings closed. I land on the forest floor with a thump. The thick pine straw crunching under my feet. The trees were a vibrant green. It was very beautiful out here. I sit down and lean against a tree. I close my eyes and the image of Sam kissing Sarah flashes in my mind over and over. How could I have been so stupid? He never liked me. I think of Dakota, his beautiful body. Smiling eyes, always trained on me. I love him. “ARE YOU OK?” Michael asks me. I can feel his presents like my own. “Yeah, it’s just been a lot to take in” I say. I open my eyes, he nods. He was handsome. With salt and pepper hair, grey eyes like the ocean before a storm, but he had a hard edge to him. Like a man who has seen things, been through things. “THERE COMING, YOU KNOW, THE NEW NEPHILIM AND I WANTED YOU TO KNOW CAINE IS THE HEAD DEMON YOU FACE” Michael said. I suck in a breath, my uncle was responsible for this. What new nephilim? No one tells me anything! I had to warn everyone! “Thanks Michael” I say giving him a quick hug. He lets out a surprised chuckle. “YOU HAVE COMPANY”  he whispers in my ear, than he disappears. Whoosh! A gush of wind blows my hair back. Nicholi stands in front  of me. His blue skin shimmering. I grab his hand. “Take me too them we have to hurry” I say he nods then we disappear. We reappear in the institute’s living room. Surrounded by people, I gasp a little. It was a total rush! Nicholi was a teleporter! I look around. There were two new people in the room. A demon, I scented. The other was nephilim. The demon was a girl. I very beautiful girl. She had short- shorts on with a tight strapless top. Everything about her was dark. Her hair, her clothes, but her eyes were a golden color. The boy was handsome also. He had black hair like hers, and the same eyes but his were light as honey. He stared at me with curiosity as I picked a leaf out of my hair. Silas, Rebecca, Sam, Dakota, and Sarah all stand around me staring. Nick, as always seemed to have disappeared Dakota runs towards me pulling me tightly to his body, then releasing me to give my body a once over. He glanced at my wings and something flickered across his face relief, maybe? It was gone so quick I thought I have imagined it. “Are you crazy?” He asks loudly. “Maybe” I whisper, very quietly. Dakota runs his hands across his face. Suddenly, very tired. “Riley, this is Viper and Jacob, there brother and sister. Well, half anyway.” He says I meet their gaze. I avoid looking in Sam’s direction. “Nice to meet you, Riley” Jacob says with a warm smile. He elbows his sister, who gives him a murderous glance. She mumbles a half greeting. I ignore her. “Michael meet me in the woods.” I say and the room gets deathly quiet. “He said that the demons are coming, my uncle is coming, and I know exactly what they want” I say. I take the quietness of the room as encouragement to go on. “ They want me” I whisper.   


Chapter 18: The fight, the heartbreak


There is a long silence and I feel Dakota tense beside me. “Well, why don’t we just give her to them?” Sarah says, breaking the silence. I realize this is the first time I’ve heard her speak. “It will save us a war, plus she’s nothing but a skank the boys pass around for fun” she says laughing. Every bone in my body gets tense. Dakota goes to say something, but I stop

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