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Book online «My Protector by Mallory Davis (cool books to read txt) 📖». Author Mallory Davis

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was a blur. Dakota instantly shifted. They were locked in combat. The man would be one place than instantly another. Dakota ripped a hunk of the man’s flesh of and I averted my gaze. Then my eyes went back to the fight, to scared to look away. The man cut Dakota across the face. The blood in my veins froze. I couldn’t breathe. The man disappeared then reappeared right in front of me. He grabbed one of my wrists then hissed. His body was replaced with a new one. It was hairless, red, and his soulless, black eyes stared at me. He was a demon. A knife appeared I my hand. I sunk it deep into the demons throat. He made a gurgling noise, and I smelled burning flesh. I yanked my out and the man diminished. Dakota had shifted back to a man and he stared at me wide eyed. I look down at the dagger in my hand that was dripping blood. The blood drained from Dakotas face and he turned pale. “Do you know what you just did?” He asks in a deadly tone. “N-no did I do something wrong? He was hurting me” I say like a scared child. He stared at me in astonishment “You just killed a very,  very powerful demon I didn’t even think I could do it” Chapter 4: The institute

“I did what?” I ask. He reaches me in threestrides. He takes the dagger from my hand and examines it. “It can’t be” hewhispers. What, what I want to scream at him. “Tell me” I whisper. He goesvery, very still. I get scared. “You’re an angel, a very, very powerful angel”he whispers. My knees give out, but Dakota catches me. I could feel my bodyslipping in and out of consciousness. “Dakota don’t leave me” I whisper andthen I slip into darkness. My head felt like it was on fire. Voices swam in myhead. “Impossible”, “she can’t be she’s just a little girl” “angel”, “demon”. Ifall slowly back to the safe darkness. “Riley, Riley, come on wake up” it wasDakota. I looked through the darkness for him. I followed his voice. Thenslowly, I opened my eyes. I was lying in a hospital bed surrounded by people.Dakota was by my side his eyes full of concern. There were three more guys andtwo girls. One man was older, his hair was grey (almost white) his eyes lookedlike they held so many secrets. I instantly trusted him. There were two otherguys. One with blonde hair and blue eyes and the other with brown hair and greyeyes. The blonde hade soft blue eyes that had laugh lines and a face that wasfriendly. The one with brown hair stared at me with narrowed eyes full ofhatred. The two girls had blonde and red hair. The blond had shy, brown eyes.The red- head had green eyes, but unlike Dakota, they were soft. Dakotas wereintense and sometimes I get lost in them. Dizziness overwhelmed me and I closemy eyes. “She’s totally faking” The brown-haired guy said and the room gotdeathly quiet, I could feel the tension. “Get out Nick and anybody else whowants to run their mouth she was infected with DEMON poison. Not regular poisoneither one from a greater demon” The room sucked in a breath. I sit up and leanover the side of my bed and throw up violently into the trash can. It lookedlike black tar. Dakota holds my hair and hands me a napkin. I wipe my face.“How do you feel?” he asks he looked at me like I was the only one in the room.“I feel better” I croak. This was true I did once I threw up. “Can someone giveme some answers?” I ask. Dakota turns to the older man who nods. “We at theinstitute. This is Sarah, he pointed to the blonde, Rebecca, the red hairedgirl, Samuel, the blonde haired guy. He smiled at me showing straight whiteteeth. “Just Sam” he said. Then Dakota pointed to Nick “guess you know hisname” he said. The older man smiled “I’m Silas, Riley, when this knife appearedin your hand do you know what that means?” he asks giving her a warm smile. Ishake my head and Nick snorts. “It means that you are an angel” he shows me myknife. It says “Michael father of  war” Iwhisper. “You read Hebrew?” he asks. “What? No, it’s in English” I say andSilas looks down then at me. “One of your powers I guess. Riley, Michael is oneof the most powerful angels of this world and he made you.”

Chapter 5: Answers


Here drink this” Silas whispers. I do and sweet liquids slip down my throat. It restores my energy and heals my wounds instantly. “I have a question, if I’m an angel what are you guys?” I ask. They stare at me in silence. Sam was the first to speak. “Dakota and I are werewolves. Everyone else is nephilim”  he must of saw my blank stare because he added “which are half angel half human”. “Oh” I say. I feel much better, but I was in desperate need of a shower. “Um do yal mind if I get a shower?” I ask and a look of amusement flickers across Silas’s face. “Of course.” He points to the bathroom I swing my legs over the side of the bed. I stand, which at first was wobbly. “It’s ok, I’m fine” I say to Dakota who was watching me like a hawk. I make my way to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. It was a relief to be away from there judgmental stares. I peel off my sweaty,   bloodstained clothes. Then I slip under the scaling hot shower. I cry out in relief it felt so good. I wash my hair and scrub my hair until its raw. I step out and rap a fluffy, white towel around me. Then I realized I didn’t have any more clothes than the dirty ones. The bathroom door opens and I hold my breath. I let it out when I see its Dakota. He sees me and his eyes get wide. Then he turns to leave. “Wait, come here” I say and he freezes. I pull him into the bathroom and shut the door. “I was just going to bring you clothes” he says and sets them on the counter. He looks at the floor. I give him a huge hug and bury my head in his chest. He keeps his hands at his sides, but I don’t care. He smells like warm, warm honey. I take a step back and he looks at me. His eyes rake up and down my body and he makes a low noise that almost sounds like a growl. “I missed you” I whisper. “I take it back, Dakota, what I said about you touching me I can’t stand you not touching me.” I say and he locks eyes with me. He waits two seconds. Then he crosses the bathroom in two strides and raps his arms around me. I don’t wait for him I crush my mouth to his. He draws back a fraction in surprise and I nibble his bottom lip. He moans and crushes me against him. His mouth is warm and I explore every inch of it. I move down to his neck and kiss it slowly, hotly. Dakota pulls back and lifts my chin, we lock eyes. His eyes drink me in, every inch of me that wasn’t covered by the towel. His eyes were so full of desire I wanted to cry. “We have to stop, I have to or I won’t be able to.” He says. His voice was hoarse. “ok, later ok?” I ask. He smiles and answers me with a kiss. This one was sweet, promising more. He pulls apart and looks at me one last time and walks out. I touch my lips were he was only seconds ago and wonder what just happened? “

Chapter 6: More Questions


I get dressed in the t-shirt and jean that were left for me. I tugged a brush through my long black hair too. When I came out the girl named Rebecca was there. She sees me and gives me a warm smile. “Close fit good?” she asks. “Yeah, thanks by the way I appreciate it” I tell her. She nods and pulls her fiery red hair into a pony tail. “Well the council is having a meeting and we all have to go so we better get to stepping, we don’t want to be late to that.” She says with so much sarcasm I have to smile. We walk down a long corridor into a large room with an oval table. Many people were sitting around it and I glanced at all of them. Then I lock eyes with him. I gasp and everyone in the room turns and looks at me like I’m stupid even Dakota, but I don’t care. God, I don’t care because the man I’m staring at is my father. I’m running, fast and hard. I don’t know where to go, I just run. The image of my mother and father lying dead, cut open on the ground fills my mind. I was there. I saw him and her dead. Impossible. He CANT be alive! Someone grabs my arm and whirls me around. It’s him my father. I can barely see him through the waterfall of tears that stream down my face. “Riley, stop, STOP!” He yells and anger fills me. “Stop?” I ask the word rolling off my tongue like acid.  I connect my right fist across his face. I heard a deafening crack. It was his jaw. I brought my left up just as quickly and decked him in the

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