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Book online Ā«My Protector by Mallory Davis (cool books to read txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Mallory Davis

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Chapter 1: The beginng


                           ā€œItā€™s timeā€ I whisper into the darkness. I know he heard me because he moves soundlessly, effortlessly across the room. Dakotaā€™s lean body sways back and forth, but those beautiful, majestic, green eyes stay locked onto mine. I heard a crash and a moan in the other room. He was beating herā€¦again. My uncle is abusive. He beat my aunt and I regularly. I wasnā€™t his usual target. It was mostly my aunt, but once in a blue moon I will get the worst of it. Tonight is my eighteenth birthday. Iā€™ve waited years, years to be free and tonight I was. I couldnā€™t walk into the kitchen tomorrow and see her sitting at the table smoking a cigarette black and blue again. I couldnā€™t stay up another night listening to her screams of mercy. I couldnā€™t wake up another morning to the smell and taste of blood. The worst part is she loves him, in those eyes I see pain, yes, but most of all I see longing, desire for himā€¦lust. Thatā€™s why I hate her. She could have gotten us out of this, but instead she was too caught up in her own sick fantasy. Now why Dakota and I sneak though my open window and into the woods I feel no remorse. I almost feel...feelā€¦happy (almost). I walk numbly through the thick, dense, forest. Letting, trusting Dakota to lead us. Now you might be wondering, who is Dakota? Dakota isā€¦my dog, yes, thatā€™s the more practical word. He is more of a wolf. He has jet black, wiry, fur that bristles when heā€™s angry. He`s broad, alert, and strong. He is my everything. My friend, my protector. Many times he has saved me from my uncleā€™s wrath. In which he has received a kick in the gut himself in return. We have a special connection. He could leap higher, run faster, and understand better than anything Iā€™ve ever seen. He was huge too. Growing taller than my waist, almost the size of a bear. Now, I just follow his lead not knowing, not caring about what might be in store for us. We walk deeper and deeper into the woods until Dakota stops and sits down. ā€œI guess were sleeping here tonight boyā€ I say as I slide my backpack full of food and water off my shoulder. Then, I curl up on the cold ground. Dakota lies down next to me and I bury my face into his warm, fur. Just like I have done so many nights before. At some point I start to cryā€¦sob actually. I cry, and cry until my eyes are swollen. Then I start to shake. No, Dakota does. I quickly sit up and stand back. Was he having a seizer? I scream at myself. Thenā€¦heā€¦morphs. His paws become hands and feet. His hair into tan, beautiful skin. Slowly before my eyes he transforms. Not into a beast, but a man. I look at the man standing before me. He was, in fact, not a man. He was a boy around my age, not quite a man. He had silky black hair and he was tall and muscular. He had the same eyes as Dakota. The same green eyes. He reaches out and touches my cheek lightly ā€œRiley?ā€ he whispers. Then his lips connect with mine.

Chapter 2: The truth


I gasp in surprise. His lips were warm, salty, and inviting. I relax against him. I run my hands through his hair. His lips part and he murmurs something against my lips, but I was lost for word. He makes a deep rumbling sound when I run my hands down his chest. What was I doing??  ā€œNO! Stopā€ I say. He pulls back a fraction and I was suddenly aware of him. Aware of his arms around me, his breath that stirred my hair. This was Dakota as aā€¦man. With my eyes still closed I take a couple steps back. ā€œOpen your eyes, look at me, itā€™s me Dakota.ā€ He said. Then I realize I was crying. ā€œDonā€™t cryā€ Dakota whispers his voice suddenly hoarse. I open my eyes. He was so beautiful. ā€œIā€™m sorry, I...justā€¦I neededā€ he stuttered and ran his hands through his hair. ā€œHow?ā€ I whisper. He sighs and leans against a tree. ā€œIā€™m your protectorā€ he says so quietly I can barely here him. I snort ā€œThen you werenā€™t doing a very good jobā€ I say. Thereā€™s a moment of silence and I look up. His eyes had shown nothing, but pain, regret. ā€œIā€™m sorry, I didnā€™t mean that Iā€™m just so confused.ā€ I say and he looks at me. ā€œNo your right. I didnā€™t protect you like I shouldā€ he said and he sounded like he blamed himself fully. ā€œI was assigned to you. Every werewolf or any other downworlder is assigned to one person. They didnā€™t give me much information, but I need to take you to the institute. They can tell you all the details.ā€ He says and locks eyes with me. ā€œI know your confused, I know you, the look on your face right now. Your scared, and yet you trust me because.ā€ He takes a step closer to me and takes my hand. He lays it on his chest were his heart is. ā€œBecause Iā€™m the same Dakota that you talk to, cried to, cling to every night. Itā€™s me, all that time.ā€ He whispers he was so close. All that time it was him. I feel his heart beat under my fingertips. Thump, thump, thump. It was him, I remember because it was that heart beat I listened to every night. I pull him into a bear hug. I squeeze him tightly, afraid of losing him. ā€œIā€™ve dreamed of this momentā€ I whisper and buried my face into the crook of his neck. Which was true. Iā€™ve dreamed of Dakota as a man, because in my mind he was always more than a dog. He was my friend. ā€œMe tooā€ he whispers so low I wonder if I imagined it. He holds me a while and eventually I fall asleep to the sound beat of his heart.

Chapter 3: The journey


I awaken to the warm sun beating down on my face. I open my eyes. It takes them a moment to adjust, but when they do I shriek. A guy was holding me, in his arms, against his solid chest. He looked like he was still asleep so I sneak silently, out of his protective arms. Then last nightā€™s memories flood back. I touch my lips were he had kissed them. So sweet and warm. I look at him really look at him. He had high cheekbones and long eyelashes. He had black hair that fell softly around his face. I remember running my hands through it. It had felt like heaven. He was broad chested and tall. That was saying something since I was tall myself, but unlike him I had blue eyes that some people would call ā€œcoldā€ or ā€œcalculatingā€ which I didnā€™t really care. Dakota was beautiful there was something about him thatā€¦draws me in. Maybe it was the eyes, I donā€™t know. ā€œChecking me out?ā€ Dakota says and his eyes open widely. I just back in surprise, with a blush creeping up my cheeks. Dakota laughs and I give him a murderous look. ā€œSo how are we going to get to the ā€˜Instituteā€™ anyways?ā€ I ask, suddenly serious. Dakota just stare for a moment. ā€œLook, Dakota, I appreciate everything youā€™ve done for me but I donā€™t want pity ok? I can take care of myselfā€ I say. Judging by what happen last night apparently I couldnā€™t. ā€œPITY?ā€ Dakota spits the words at me like venom. ā€œIs that what you think this is?ā€ he asks me. Why was he so mad? I just stare at him. ā€œYou donā€™t get it do you? I CANā€™T Iā€™m drawn to you somehow I canā€™t explain it. I need you like I need air to breath. Ever since that day I followed you home from school. Most people would have been scared, but you werenā€™t. You walked right up to me and petted me.ā€ He says and smiles ā€œThatā€™s when I knew you were special. Then I couldnā€™t stay away, couldnā€™t get enough.ā€ His voice drops to a whisper he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. ā€œSo if this is pity, itā€™s not for you itā€™s for me.ā€ He says I pinch myself until I bleed. Yup, this is real. ā€œOk, but one condition.ā€ I say and he smiles ā€œanythingā€ he says. I hesitate a moment. ā€œYou canā€™t touch me like thatā€ I say and the smile vanishes from his face. I keep going before I lose the nerve. ā€œI-I canā€™t think when you touch me like that.ā€ I say avoiding his gaze. Thereā€™s a long agonizing silence. ā€œOk, next time Iā€¦touch you it will be because you asked me to.ā€ He says and I let out a breath I didnā€™t know I was holding. I hug him and he stiffens. ā€œJust this one-timeā€ I whisper and he instantly relaxes. He buries his face in the crook of my neck and takes a deep breath. This was going to be hard to resist. Every part of my that touches his tingles. I give him a lingering kiss on his neck and I hear him moan. He mumbles something I couldnā€™t hear into my hair. ā€œSo very, very touching I mean really I wasnā€™t expecting that.ā€ A voice says and I jump. Dakota stiffens under my grasps. We pull apart. ā€œOh, donā€™t let me interruptā€ he says. The man steps out from the shadows. Every hair on my body was on edge. The man had blonde hair and black eyes. Fully black with no white what so ever. His eyes flicker to me. ā€œSheā€™s not that bad looking either maybe we can have some fun before I kill her.ā€ Dakota went rigid all over. His hand clench into fists and his eyes went hard and unmerciful his gaze alone could bring a mortal man to his knees. When he spoke it was like ice, razor blades in one. ā€œYou wonā€™t touch herā€ and I believed him too.  The man flew on Dakota so fast it

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