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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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found the people who could explain their situation.
Partly correct. As they would find after the Rebel Leaders would be invited to a meeting by The Quorum of 12 aboard the Battlestar Atlantia.

The Jedi and Rebel leaders met the Colonial representatives after the Colonial shuttle landed in the port pontoon of the Atlantia.

They were greeted and welcomed by President Adar of The Twelve Colonies, Council Sire Domra, Quorum Member Siress Tinia and Count Baltar with an escort of eight Colonial Warriors. Their light-brown uniforms and medium-brown jackets made both the male and female warriors look impressive.
"It's an honour to meet you President Adar. I am Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc, head of what's left of The Jedi Order. This is my head of the Jedi Council Grand Master Delpa Gival, and my strategist Master Damocles and our head of the Rebel military, Admiral Chertoros."
"Without further ado Grand Jedi Master, we'll take you to the Council meeting chamber. We have much

to discuss of which I'm sure

would be of great interest to you all." President Adar turned and all other colonials followed him like they were his shadows. The three Jedi and one Admiral eagerly awaiting the answers to their questions.

The newcomers to the Battlestar Atlantia

watched and listened to the very tall, dignified alien Sorgarn lecture the two sides of this ultra-secret meeting with great fascination. The Colonials had already known of the disruption of time and parallel dimensions from the Sorgarn, but only enough to explain the basics, they awaited the arrival of The Rebel Alliance in order to inform all concerned of the enormity of the seriousness and dangers of the matter. The Ministry Of Sorgarn Research had only omitted discussion of their previous meeting with The Seraph. Only some final questions remained, Delpa Gival started.
"You mentioned that some who are displaced have not returned to their proper time and dimension. Why are we still here?"
"The principles require an understanding of our science of physics, but, to explain it in layman's terms, your atomic structures have 'settled' into this universe and that has the effect of establishing yourselves here unless we return you. Because we didn't have enough time and power to return everyone some remained outside their native planes of existence. Yourselves and the Imperial Fleet could only be sent back if we build our facilities to create a field to surround all of you and read your dimensional signatures. Once read, our computers would determine which dimension and direction of time you belong."
"What's a dimensional signature?" Asked Seaco Buroc, still in his diplomatic manner, reminiscent of Master Kenobi himself.
"It is something unique to every atomic and subatomic structure. This applies to everyone and every thing.

Our instruments can scan you and determine whether if you belong to the same or different timeline and dimension from each other." The seemingly spiritual manner of the head of The Ministry Of Sorgarn Research prevalent, having the effect of calming all those present despite not possessing The Force.
"And does this apply to those from the same timeline but existing years apart? For instance, Master Damocles is not the Master Damocles we are familiar with, he's from eight years after our time. Would your equipment send both him and the rest of us to the same date or the different dates we originally come from?"
"I understand what you are trying to clarify Master Gival, and your answer is 'yes.' This is done by determining, what we refer to as, a 'Quantum Signature.' It is simple process conducted after, or at times, independently of, reading dimensional signatures."
Master Damocles asked the final question.
"You mention you need between 30 and 35 days to construct your facilities and Bruticus' fleet will reach us well before then. What do you suggest we do in order to prevent The Empire from destroying what you plan to build?"
"It isn't their intention to destroy

it. They want the technology for themselves, that is why they attacked the base you were assigned to. They found it there without any prior knowledge of it's existence just as they converged upon our research outpost. We cannot allow you to stay in this universe as timelines must take their course as naturally as possible, so we shall not delay the construction of the facilities we need. Therefore both Rebel forces and the Colonial forces must form a coalition to engineer a defense for Caprica. That is where the Imperial Fleet will attack."
With no farther questions, President Adar turned everyone's attention to the figure seated two places to his right.
"Rebel leaders, I'm sure you've been eager to know who this man is. Why don't you introduce yourself."
The Jedi stood.
"Greetings Masters, Admiral..." he stood and bowed. "I am Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star. I was seeking out my twin brother and then reappeared in the Sorgarn base and then this very chamber. You come from after my time, so have you heard of Sith Lord Draconis?" To Orion's surprise, they hadn't.
Orion only gave a few words to elaborate his story before seating himself. President Adar was about to suggest calling in warships for their defensive measures when the council member seated two places from Adar's left rose and commenced voicing his contempt, pointing in the general direction of the Rebels, shouting.
"Why should we go to war with that Empire you speak of? It's their very presence here which is the obvious reason for those Imperials to threaten Caprica or any world within The Twelve Colonies. I suggest we begin diplomatic measures with The Empire instead of planning outright war. I demand that the Jedi and the rest of the Rebels must leave The Colonies for the duration needed to build the Sorgarn facilities in order to save as many Colonial lives as possible-lives we The Council are responsible for."
Seaco Buroc responded in his usual practical and diplomatic ways.
"The Empire wants

no peace. Their aim is to conquer and diplomatic measures would simply not work, especially considering that The Sith are in command."
"Nonsense, we do things differently here. We simply cannot

strike first and ask questions later. Only if negotiations should fail..."
Lord Baltar, who sat another two seats down interrupted. He stood, rapped the knuckles of his right upon the table once along with his first words.
"Damn you Sire Minos, we must hear them out! It is they

who know The Empire, not us. If what they say is true we need their information to set-up the defense we need." It already became clear to the Rebels that this Lord Baltar had a flare for the dramatic just by witnessing the manner in which he spoke.
"Nonsense Baltar, the Rebel presence within The Colonies will be the reason for their attack, therefore they must go..." Sire Minos' visible closed-mindedness still blocking his understanding of the situation.
Batlar interrupted again with emphasis to each word.
"A fight is inevitable." He seemed to spit out his statement.
"Hostile Empire or not, we, however, are not barbarians..."
"Can't you see we have no choice!" That being Baltar's statement and not a question.
"Gentlemen, please." President Adar attempted to put an end to the argument. Then turned to the head of the remains of The Jedi Order. "Grand Jedi Master, you may begin enlightening us of the capabilities of The Empire and what we are likely to face." Adar's statement also being an apology to Seaco Buroc.
Standing, again in his diplomatic poise, the Grand Jedi Master began.

Lord Bruticus lay back comfortably on his long recliner, Ari'eshna snuggled up beside him. The dark lord's spacious personal quarters already being something she could get used to. Such a contrast to Jabba's Palace, she loved it.
"Have I told you that you look most lovely in that Imperial Uniform my dear?"
"I've lost count after 12 times my Lord." She touched the edge of her wine glass to his, smiling.
Darth Shivilow entered.
"Here's the report of our fleet strength and the latest copy of the Death Star's completed stages of construction as ordered, Lord Bruticus." Not looking too interested in bringing the files in.
"Thank you, my apprentice. You may place it into the display. That will be all."
Shivilow inserted the computer chips into the front of the monitor without turning it on and paced her way outside. Her well-bodied curly hair following her sharp turns without messing up.
"Now, don't worry about Darth Shivilow, she will not dare do anything, she knows her duties as a Sith. So you merely need to ignore her temper. She may have the necessary discipline but she is, however, still crazy."
"Well, whatever it is, it hasn't stopped her hair from looking as perfect as ever." The two laughed.
After a short pause for the two to drink more of their wine Ari'eshna asked:-
"My Lord, maybe this is none of my business, but is Shivilow jealous?"
"Nooo,..." he replied relaxed. "...she just doesn't understand that even The Dark Lord Of The Sith needs time away from work and maintaining his skills with The Force."
"Was there ever anything between you two?"
"Oh no, never anything like that. She's always been my apprentice and that is all. She's always been a great learner of the Sith arts, just like her Father. Her relations with people and understanding of it has never been her strong point."
"Her Father was a Sith Lord like you?"
He paused, took drink.
"Yes. Certainly, he was none other than Emperor Palpatine himself."
"The Emperor was a Sith Lord?" Ari'eshna was understandably surprised, noting Bruticus' smile.
"That's part of the reason why he managed to take over much of the galaxy."
"If Shivilow is his daughter then why is she on your side?"
"Shivilow never knew him. She knew of

him but never met him until the day I sent her to take down Darth Vader. After I tracked down The Emperor's former relationship and observed her, I saw she was not happy where she lived and I offered her freedom and the chance to realize her abilities and purpose for existence. I knew she would take it. She blasted her Mother and said 'Get me out of this Sarlacc-hole.' And from that day I trained her as my apprentice, I needed her to help me take down The Emperor and Lord Vader."
"I can't imagine what she saw in Palpatine, the way he looked-horrible."
"Well, that was shortly before the Jedi disfigured him."
"Oh." Nodded in realization and then took drink.
"So, how did she take down Lord Vader and The Emperor?"
"We didn't. After the Rebel fleet engaged the ships and the shield was taken down, my fleet came out of light speed. Myself, Shivilow and my royal guards broke through The Emperor's tower to take out his Royal guards. As soon as we reached the throne room, I was about to give Shivilow her final test, that was to take down Darth Vader. But the last thing we expected to see was that Rebel terrorist Luke Skywalker engaging Lord Vader in a lightsabre duel. I had to alter my plan, so we waited for the outcome before I'd make the next decision. It was such a strange moment, Skywalker defeated Vader but refused to kill him, The Emperor himself attacked Luke and somewhere along the line, he said 'Father pleeese' and Vader actually betrayed The Emperor and absorbed the sith lightning he cast at Luke even as he physically carried him away. It was tremendous, along with discovering Vader's identity as his own Father he managed to carry Sidious..."
"Oh, Darth Sidious was The Emperor's Sith title. Vader managed to endure absorbing the sith lightning and survive after throwing him down the reactor shaft. That is certainly not easy to do. Darth Vader clearly had the determination to succeed, but the sith lightning had left him too badly injured to even walk by

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