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relook at women, their newfound personalities and their emotional as well as intelligence needs in the changed milieu.

This is just a simple case of understanding ‘how’ of an evolutionary reality of our times and just be a bit more appreciative. Both husband and wife need to talk on this issue. As men and women share their joint responsibilities at home, they must also take turns in being ‘wellness-recharge’ for each other.

And, as this happens, do also ensure that sex may be postponed between couples but intimacy must not wait. A daily dose of intimacy and that too a large one between couples is a sure wellness-recharge technique. Men are men, so they must take lead not only at work place but surely also at home.


Love Wisdom – 11

Every person is a ‘potential’, however, we insist to see him or her as a ‘possibility’. A person’s utility and worth need be accepted independent of his or her possible success or failure as friend, lover et al. It is like wearing a red-tinted glass to accept a potato as a tomato. Trouble is with neither eyes nor vegetables; it is with our mind positioning.


Cyclicality Of Causality Of Wellness

There is this huge and very complex connect and symbiotic cyclicality around every one of us. This surely is a colossal structure of wellness-support-system nature has provided to all of us, which is so beautiful, dynamic and profitably productive that most of us humbly and affectionately accept it as ‘divinity and Godliness’.

We have always believed, thousands of years before science admitted it that everything, small or big, around us is connected and stand in some sort of causality and interlinked purposes. This has been designed in millions of years of evolution, through a series of accidents, which created such complex and colossal causality that most of us innately believe it to be ‘God’s own design’.

An individual, who is even far more inconsequential than a speck in the vast stretch of infinite-looking stretch of sea-beach, is also endowed with this natural mechanism of ‘divine wellness-support-system’. However, in our subjective and cultured consciousness, we often fail to sense out and refuse to configure this. Understanding this with humble and innocent conscious mind is a huge empowerment.

We all have to face the sad, bad, downcast and dreadful moments in life. This is primary cyclicality of this complex world we live in. Accepting this with objective and humble mind is first empowerment. When sad and down, everyone is immediately offered this natural wellness-support-system. Evolution may be a stupid engineering but it has its own beautiful marvels. Take a look:

A child of any species is the weakest and most vulnerable entity on earth. However, nature has designed this child in such beautifully amazing ways that it draws almost everyone to show love and care towards it. The grownups show a natural compassion and affection towards the child as they too have been designed this way. Ever wondered why? This is stupid engineering of evolution, designed accidently for survival.

Similar is the design for the old, diseased and people in extreme vulnerability. When someone becomes old, sick or otherwise in unhealthy shape of things, a particular hormone is produced by the body, which makes the affected person humble, compassionate and soft in all his or her behavior and actions. This ensures, all people around such affected person innately offer him or her, his or her best behavior and actions. Survival creates integrative cyclicality of causality.

This cyclicality of causality, which builds around us a natural wellness-support-system, is huge and very complex. All one needs to understand them with humble and innocent mind consciousness. Often, we do not do that. Rather, most of us, in our reactionary cultured consciousness, work towards negating this natural support.

When sad and down, the innate and instinctive mechanism hints us to become child-like so that the support system could start working. However, what most people do is just the reverse. The cultured mind overpowers the innate consciousness and we opt to cocoon ourselves in some self-designed world of psychosis.

The liberal and individualistic worldview has engendered an individual, which has become the ‘solo hero’ of all pursuits, attainments and achievements; often used to accepting oneself above social system and even at war with it. Naturally, the affected individual takes pride in waging a ‘lonely battle’ with his or her troubles. There is a growing tendency to involve people in joys and attainments but keep isolated when sad and down. This suits the ‘achiever’ inside cultural consciousness.

Please do accept humbly and innocently that isolation and keeping aloof from the natural support system of wellness is not an instinctive and innate positioning of your consciousness, it is purely a cultural one; that too a recent one. It is an unnatural societal and cultural benchmark of success and achievement to hide one’s troubles from people. The pop icons may opt to hush up when they go to a hospital as they are in this business of happiness. Not an average person.

Remember, how does a revolution happen? How big changes take place in societies against the prevailing powerful norms and benchmarks? Understand this energy. When one single pain and sorrow is owned and personalized by every single citizen of a nation or society; revolutions happen and are always successful. When an individual pain becomes a collective pain of millions and the emotions of millions become one single expression, revolutions happen and are always successful.

The trouble, we have in all societies and in all nations, emanate out of our cultural consciousness of being one and singular with collectivity only in our joys but never ever in pain. Revolutions and big changes have become extinct. They may look like beginning but die an infant death. We all as a collective have lost the innate magical art of merging our subjective and personalized consciousnesses into one singular, objective and collective consciousness at times of crisis and trouble.

We have stopped being natural and surrendered our consciousness to the popular cultural benchmarks, which stand as an unnatural and calamitous energy. We need to see this with an open eye and innocent hearts. We need to reinitiate and reinvent the art we have lost. Let your pain be my pain and be ever willing to reciprocate. Let the ‘divine wellness-support-system’ unravel its magic.

Yes, the start shall be very tough. Not many will accept to come up to share your pain, as this mind training to cocoon oneself in personal pains is a huge cultural benchmark of success and achievement. Most will initially call you a failure when you start sharing your pain with others. Things do not build in days; it shall take more time to un-build it. Learning is faster, unlearning is slow and difficult. Huge amount of patience is required. Winner has it in loads.

Over the years, most of us is modern, liberal, individualistic urbanized cultures have piled up huge loads of those age-old learning, which had to be unlearnt. In addition, fresh fill of popular benchmarks, which lead us away from our natural wellness-support-system have been added. This takes people away from ‘poise’ and lands them in psychosis.

The world around us is fast getting loaded with psychotic consciousnesses. It is rather interesting. There is a growing complaint that most people are presenting their fake personalities in social situations and the environment around is becoming replete with unnatural stuffs. Still, most would readily accept these fake and unnatural benchmarks. Populism is addictive and irrevocable iconism.

In contemporary modern world, may be, the real world has become so fake that people prefer to flock to the virtual world than be in real one! Even real personalities love to present and express themselves as virtual one. Almost all pop icons and their world transcend the real world parameters and truly reflect the virtual world, with loads of fairy-tale mystic. The fans follow icons.

Psychosis multiplies fast and sure. Gradually, the psychosis corrodes the distinction between the real and unreal. The psychotic consciousness finds wellness only in unreal or virtual world as the real world presents itself as ‘fake, tough and even brutal’. No doubt, the real world has almost lost its cherished wellness platform. It is tough even for a poised mind. The psychotic mind would definitely attempt to run away from real world’s troubles.

More and more people are also falling prey to some sort of intoxication. This only enhances psychosis. Then, there is this major trouble of fast-paced life, which does not allow psychosis a chance to revert to the poise position. Leisure is a key asset for humanity. We are fast losing this treasure. The pop benchmark hates leisure, as it extends the mind an excuse not to be reactive and instinctive.

The psychosis then is prone to fall prey to the unscrupulous elements within the larger world of mysticism. The psychotic mind has trouble deciphering the unreal from the real and that is why, mysticism lures such minds hugely. Mysticism provides an infinite realm of a suture zone between real and unreal. This suits the psychotic mind, which is desperately looking for an alternative wellness support system. The unscrupulous people profit.

The world of poised consciousness is worried. There is a fervent call to go back to where we started. This does not mean to go back to caves, as a psychotic mind thinks. The call is to simply ‘unlearn’ and be in unison with God’s own design.

This design has given us the natural wellness-support-system. This system is a must for perpetuity of the poise of our wellness – the homeostasis of body-mind consciousness. This system is automatically available to us if we do one simple thing. We present the face of our innocent love and absolute intimacy.

Love and intimacy is the wired, innate and intuitive mechanism coded deep within the DNA of our wellness homeostasis. In our dualistic consciousness, we keep procrastinating the innocence of the non-dualism of love and absolute intimacy.

Let this non-dualistic love and intimacy unravel its beautiful innocence and then watch, how brilliantly it facilitates the poise of wellness for all of us. Let us be in love and then let love and absolute intimacy melt us completely and finally make us love itself – the divine state of perpetuity of precious and pious poise.


Accept My Gratitude

Writing something is a daunting task as there is always a lurking apprehension of it not being in utility for some readers. I however feel at ease, because of my faith in magnanimity of readers. I am happily sure; you shall forgive if my efforts could not be up to your expectations. Thank you so much for being with me and allowing me to share with you. Big thanks for your precious input in my charity, as all proceeds from my book sales go to charitable initiatives. Wish you an empowered life; with the prosperity of the consciousness.

About The Author

People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously, these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators!


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