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Book online «Broken Fay-te by Cama seeney (summer beach reads .TXT) 📖». Author Cama seeney

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shouted angry now, throwing my arm out pointing to him angrily. They can't take who they want.   'He will die soon, do you even know who he is what he is capable of? Allow me to take him before he shows you.' He replied sighing. 'I can help him too. It's not his time or mine. I can save him.' I replied deadly serious.


  'You will risk his soul on the off chance?' He asked. 'No, but I would risk mine.' I retorted angry. 'So be it. If he dies your soul will take his place in the darkness.' I nodded agreeing instantly. 'Skylar Anne Clarke do you agree to these terms?' He asked looking me in the eyes. Oh crap he was dead serious.  'Yes. I agree.' I agreed after Hayden muttered a quiet no. He was dying slowly.  'What if he lives?' I ask almost afraid now.


 His wings arched over his head, a big leap in the air and he was flying through the sky. I turned and threw myself on the floor in front of Hayden. 'That was the most stupidest thing. Why are you risking your life, your soul for me?' He asked groaned weakly. 'Shh save your breath you going to need it. Scold me later.' I whispered already looking for alcohol scrub for my hands.  


 Getting him to sit up was hard, getting the fucker out? Well that was no walk in the park. I had to use all of my strength just to push it an inch back - into his skin. The sound of it tearing through his broken skin was unbareable. His groan had my teeth cleanching together. Going behind him I cleanly snapped the arrow head off. Hopefully no more damage would be done. Now that the arrow head was no longer half sticking out of hi skin or even attached I walked back around to his front. Three easy tugs and it was out. I was sweating, my hands kept slipping but I managed. Sewing him up was nothing in comparison. The skin closed easily, no think or splerting blood meant no arties or veins had been severed. Sighing I found some needle and thread, getting the thread through the needle was a night mare, cleaning the wound however made that look like a walk in the park. I had nothing but alcohol scrub and hand wipes. The skin around the wound was read and angry, spotted with dirt and blood. He groaned when the alcohol ran into the wound.


  The whole process was terrifying. I could die if I made one mistake, more importantly so could he. He made soft pained noises but wasn't that vocal almost as if he was scared the people who shot at him would be back.   I could already hear the forest humming with pent up energy. What on earth were we to do? We were out in the open, Hayden couldn't risk another wound. How was I thinking so clearly? Flying man. Flying arrows. Seriously how is none of this making me freak out?   


Because he already told you.   


Something deep and primitive whispered in the deepest crevices of my mind. What do I already know? I asked myself. Exactly who and what he is. Exactally who they are. 


  Shivering I looked into his eyes. He was nothing but human with the gentle heart of a... A horse?   No a kelpie. That same old voice whispers again. What is a fucking kelpie? Someone who's too lazy to be helpful what?   Hayden's gentle cry of pain brought me back mentally. I had finished the front. Now for the back. The skin was less flexible here more taunt. His back was muscled annoyingly so. Pinching the skin together was no easy feat. His back was a hard wall and the cut was sewn together slowly.


  As soon as I'd finished I inspected the back wound. It was tight, a bright Infectious red, though it was too early to tell if infection had set in. Though it was unlikely everything I had used was clean.  Unsteadily he got on his feet, his usually tanned complexion was as white as the moon. It seemed to shine, his skin I mean, like that of a porcline doll.


  I instantly rushed forward the second he wavered and put my arms around his frame. He seemed smaller now, like his strength had been sapped all in one blast.


  We limped in the direction of my house. Well that was untill howls filled the night. It wasn't an animalistic sound, no it was pure desperation. The sound belonged from that of a human voice, it was too high in pitch to be an animal from these parts of the woods.   


'Sash, talk.' I whispered terrified now. It could be a drunkard or it could be some physco. Either way Sasha's howl should keep them away.   


She stepped out I front of me facing nothing. Spread her legs wide and began howling, her head rose slowly with the action. Her call was pure predatory a warning through and through. Let us hope they didn't take us up on it.


  I half dragged half pulled Hayden, even his head was drooping now. It seemed that in the short distance his energy had left no fight was pulling him along now, it was only me. I could see the house now. My house. The smell of fire and Sasha met me as soon as I was close enough. I pulled Hayden through the door and Sasha quickly followed. In the darkness darker shadows learked waiting to attack.   


'What are they waiting for?' I whispered to Hayden, closing the door as quickly as I could. I felt so lucky that there was only one window in this whole building. Over the sink next to the fridge.   


I quickly closed the curtains as Hayden leaned against the couch uncertain. I quickly grabbed his hand and led him around to the front and sat him down. After pulling off his boots (I left his mud coated black jeans alone I didn't want to deal with them quite yet. No injurys were present there, he could deal with them himself.


  I turned around and began building a fire, I needed this place hot if I planned of bathing him.   Stacking the wood was easy, a mindless action. Lighting it was slightly harder. Though I managed that easy enough. Finding an old metal bucket I filled it with ordinary water and placed the bucket on one of the rocks. It sat there just right as I found the bigger medical kit - the one I would teach with. I'd spent so long tending to animals I had almost forgotten people needed help too... 


  Yes it was for animals but he really needed the medical attention. I grabbed the rounded scissors and began cutting a rag from an old tea towl. After finding salt I added that to the bucket of quickly warming water. When I deemed it hot enough I used the wodern part of the handle to move it.


  The metal itself was hot, the bag of salt was big and I didn't know why. 'You okay with salt?' I asked uncertain, he nodded jerkily as I poored a metric shit tone of the stuff in.


  My palms stung as I put my hands in the water, little cuts stung but quickly became numb. Picking up the wet rag I squeezed all the water out.


  Finding the rounded scissors on the floor I began cutting away his ruined tee shirt. I placed the warm rag on his freezing skin, as they touched a little steam rose. I began cleaning the opposite shoulder wiping all the grime and blood away.


  I had cleaned almost the entire side before the howling started again. Sasha was led so close to me she might as well have led on my lap.

I didn’t mind I needed her comfort as much as she needed mine. Her heart warmed me, I began singing softly. Sadness filling my tone and breaking my heart. 


Some people say you won't make it.

 Some people shout that your doomed.

Some people say anything to hurt you .

 But those people just ain't worth it.

Aint worth it.




I stopped singing but he was smiling softly. It covered the howling and I felt alittle better. I pushed the rag into the clean water turning it a deep crimsion red.  The colour stopped me for a few seconds, his hand crept over and found my wet one. He sqeezed it, looking deeply in my eyes. There was still fight there. We were going to be okay. 

 And that's not me that's you  

You say that you're helping.

 You try to tell to me what's missing.

But I cant see that. 


What am I doing so, so wrong.

  The old me would have cared,


The old me would have cried.

 But this one,this one has no feeling.

Shes broken inside.



His audible gasp stopped me, the rag had touched some of the inflamed area. I stopped and squeezed out the rag. I started again slower this time. His teeth were clenched, I wondered if his jaw would break. I follwed the line of his cheek bones with my eyes. His ears were small, the looked to be the only delicate thing about him. Everything else looked hard and forged in fire. I watched his adams apple bob up and down as he swallowed, some of my long hair gently fell from behind my ear and landed on his chest. His hand slowly crept up and pushed it back. I looked at the simple band of leather around his arm, I wonderd why he wore it. I began washing again staring down at his chest blushing. The way his eyes bore into mine made my heart stutter nervously. What was happening? I was as unfeeling as a freaking potato. Sighing, I gently placed my spare hand on his undamaged sholder and cleaned the hurt one as good as I could well singing softly to destract my mind. Threating infection would take him any second which was obserd it took hours, days to kill... 


 Help me or fight me

I will no longer listen.

  I can't help but be done.

 With you

 With everything.

 You and everything.   


Your hatred is contagious

Hurt over powers me  

Consumes me..

Your contagious.   


 The old me would have cared,

Would have cried.

 But this one,

this one has no feeling.  

Help me or fight me

I will no longer listen.

  To you or anything

I will no longer listen.


 You don't help me no more,  

You can only hurt me.

 But me I don't care no more.

 Your so called love is contagious.




 You broke me.  

Contorted my love .

 Turned it evil.

I won't stand for it anymore  

I can't take it.

 You broke me.    


The old me would have cared,

Would have cried.

 But this one,

this one has no feeling.  

Help me or fight me

I will no longer listen...


 I trailed off feeling sadder than I had ever before. I didn't want to sing anymore too much sadness stole the words from me. It broke my already fractured heart. 


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