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Book online «Broken Fay-te by Cama seeney (summer beach reads .TXT) 📖». Author Cama seeney

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Chapter Thirteen

Nothing remaining 


There was nothing left for me anymore. Sasha was all that kept me going. Masons life meant much to me but he would forget about me if I died... I sighed and began tiding the bloody bucket and rags away. His eyes followed me where ever I went. The voices hadn't calmed down either. Cackles were bounding through the air. 'Hayden come out, come out where ever you are.' Was whispered regulary. But what was more suprising was the called my own name. Flashes came to me. A familour feeling of fear. 


The had called my name before... But when? 'You gave your kiss away so effortlessly... We dont even want that anymore.' I gasped, something was in the very debts of my mind. It was locked away from me, not even submerging now. Something was still holding the memory away from me... I tried to think about my first kiss but there was no recolection. I remembered Liams first kiss with me, a quick kiss on the cheek gone wrong. But before that there was nothing. 


I walked into the bathroom and emptied the water down the drain, the colour disapating down the drain. Dilouted it didnt appear that crimsion anymore, bits clung to the bottom of the bucket. Twigs and mud. It was gross but I quickly sprayed it with water, finding so bleach I cleaned the bucket and my arms. Even the coppery smell left. The water was running competelly clear now, not even a tinge of pink. Sighing I left the buckt in the bathrub and walked back into the kitchen. 


I had tomartoes and all kinds of vegerables like peppers, mushrooms, onion ect that I could use to make a soup. I cut them all cleanly and placed them in a deep pan with a little water and oil in it. Herbs quickly followed before I placed them in the pan, which I placed over the fire. The spicy smell lingered in the air, Haydens stomach rumbled softly and I smiled. Hunger was a good sign. 


His eyes were closed, his long lashes veiling his pail lids. I missed his deep brown eyes, they held so much trust and compasion. No fear was there, no hatrid. I sighed, I didn't know this boy... man. He looked to be older than me twenty something maybe. He didn't have goosebumps lacing his barechest but he should have it wasn't all that warm here. I knelt infront of him and placed my hand gently on him forehead. He was very hot. I sighed, that was a bad sign. 'I'm naturally hot.' He told me lazely opening his eyes, his lashes no longer obscured the view of his mesmerising eyes. 'Parden?' I asked a blush leaking its way onto my unprotected cheeks, I felt the heat of them spread. 


'I'm a type of shifter technically, a Kelpie.' He whispered reminding me... Why was I not suprised? I asked myself sighing, my eyes lingered on his naturally tanned skin. My paler hand was such a contrast on his head. I removed it slowly relashing in his warmth. I turned around, turning away from him and began stering the already stewing soup thing I was making, to be honest I was the worst cook. I sighed and left the woredn spoon in the pot. 


I began braiding my hair instead deciding I needed a distraction. Whilst I was braiding I glanced down, Hayden wasn't the only one in need of new clothes.  I stood slowly and went in search of some, I found a pair of jogging bottms (aidas) with a white and dark blue line running down the side. They should fit Hayden, I also found a deep purple teeshit that was baggy on me, it was plane but would do. For myself I grabbed a pair of leggings and a long black and white stripy teeshirt that would reach just over all the important parts. 


I was one of my faveroute teeshirt dresses that gave the impression that I didnt care, cause I did't right? Dont answer that.. 


I changed quicky, throwing the ruiened dress away. My clean clothes felt smooth and well worn across my skin, I loved them. I quickly walked back into the main room, 'I found you something to wear?' I half whispered, not wanting to wake him if he was sleeping. 'Thankyou.' He half whispered back smiling a half pained smile, his damp hair had began curling adorably, the more it curled and the more light reflected on it the more the green tinge became apparent. I left them folded next to the couch. Looking at the soup it was liquidifying nicely, the finely chopped veg dissapeared under all the juices. I smiled before turning around to butter some tiger bread. I loved the stuff and often just ate it. 


I took a half eaten chicken out of the chicken and left the plate on the floor, Sasha needed to eat too. 

Chapter Fourteen

The worlds weight supressing me


Every second I stood still breathing heavily, every step I took exhaustion wanted to consume me. Drown me. I could feel it. The tiredness I mean, it seemed to be deep in my bones. Todays relavations all to painful to think about, I didn't want to think of everyone I had lost. Maybe it was me. Maybe I called for it. Pushed people away. 


No. I didn't I can't help it people dont like me. I can't force anything. I felt like social life was what critonite was to superman. Atleast he could fly I thought clenching my teeth. I shook my head and grabbed two bows and a plate for bread, spoons too. I turned and found that Hayden was already changed. I walked over slowly seeing that he was sat on the floor now I rushed over. He was breathing heavily, placing my arm under his goodside I lifted with all my strength and slowly allowed him to fall into the soft confines of the couch.


Atleast he was sitting. I knelt infront of the cooking food and placed an old rusted kettle on the hot stones I found more herbs, healing ones mostly but lavender for sleep, extra honey for healing were added too. I left it to simmer to and went in search for some pain killers and thats when the banging began. Outside the winds howled ever so loud. The lights in the room flickered, even the fire became a small flame. 


I moved the food and drink off of the dying fire and tried to rekindle it, but with little acess to anything that could help us. The lights died in the room the second the fire did. I sighed and began shaking. Howling seemed to echo around us. Screams and cries desperate. 'You owe us Hayden, she was out.' The room quickly became cold, if I could see anything I would have bet the air before my face fogged as I breathed. 


I could feel there eyes through the thin layer that made my home, I could almost feel there waiting impaitence. I was too energized to sleep. It was imposible. I found the lighter I often used to light the fire and found cadles in the cubard. I fell into almost everything, but the three candles I found did so much to relieve some of the pent up tension. I placed the candles on the frozen heart, far enough away from the fires frozen atmosphere. I quickly poored two meals into the bowls and handed one to Hayden who was looking at me with wonder in his eyes. I quickly poored him some of the quickly cooling herbal tea which he drank all of it thirstly. He pulled a small face after swallowing the last part. 'Sorry nasty after taste.' I muttered taking a seat beside him, Sasha was already jumping up to sit on the left of me, where the remainder space was left. 


I couldn't help but think of the last time I was sat on the couch with someone. Liam, Josh... Their betrail ripped deep into my heart. The pain was so fearce I pushed the bowl away from myself feeling sick. I sighed and pulled my legs up to my chest and rest the side of my face on them, I was facing him but closed my eyes and frose my expresion. I didnt want him to see the pain in my eyes, the utter life seeping from them. 


'Why were you in the forest?' He asked after a minuet or two of silence went past. Sighing I didn't wan't open my eyes yet, I had drowned out the noise the chaios but if I opened my eyes all of that would cease. 'Hmm, someone I had known for a while. Trusted when I otherwise thought it stupid to did something I never thought he would.' I replied, well not just one person. Jesse, Josh... Liam. I sighed again. I wasn't exactly heart broken, I never loved Liam, Josh tried to warn me and wel Jesse he didn't mean it but that did not lessen the blow. Only made my trust in them seem stupid. 'You looked hurt.' He replied sounding wise and very sad. 'I was.' I replied instantly, what if Mason liked her more? I shook my head it didn't matter it wasn't a compertiton I would love mason always. 


'You sound lost.' He continued after a few seconds. 'I am, I have lost everyone I once cared about. I didn't think I needed friends or family but now they are gone? I miss them.' I whispered the peoples names I had once known swiming into my mind each more painful than the last. My Ex farther and grandmothers even came to mind. I a single tear ran down my face. 


I took in a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes, unashamed. 'Why did you carry me here?' I asked suddenly. I remembered the funeral. After it. He always seemed to be there for me when I needed him. Even if i had only just learned his name he had been therefore me more times than I had cared to admit right now. Always picking me up, it was about time that I was able to help him. 'I didn't think waking in the place you broke down in would be all that good mentally. He shrugged and then winced auidbly. My brow creaced in concern and I placed my cool hand on the top of his injured shoulder. It was ludicrus, stupid. But I had to try. 


I sighed a long exhail and pulled in a deep painful breath. Dragging his pain in with me. I could almost feel it now. My shoulder, burned with an excrutiating pain. I sighed out another ragged breath and breathed in deeply once again dragging some of the pain with me. I rolled my shoulders focusing on healing this time but the pain was too bad. I couldnt concentrate. 'That's enough give it back.' He complained moving backwards sharply. I shook my head pursing my lips. Tomorrow. I didn't want to move,

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