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Book online «Broken Fay-te by Cama seeney (summer beach reads .TXT) 📖». Author Cama seeney

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years ago. I had already walked away once, there was nothing left of my past here, he had been lying when ever he said he had to go because of his job. I bet he didn’t even have a secretary.   


He could do anything to me now and I wouldn’t feel a thing but he wasn’t aloud to spoil my past. Three years ago I was okay, I could still feel. Buy now? He’d ruined every memory we shared. Plaguing it.  


 People parted, even the music stopped as Liam fell drunkenly on a bowl of something that spilt on him as he fell. I sighed and walked away this wasn't worth it. Searching for anyone to take me home, I quickly found Jesse 'Can you take me home?' I asked in a quiet voice, his pupils were enlarged. He stoped nibbling on the girls ear. 'You hike?' He asked sounding not worried at all. 


I sighed and moved on... Liam? No. Josh? I coudn't force myslf to ask... I really didn't have anyone. I asked a coupple people who I'd known one but their answers were a all negative or too confused for me to bother saying yes to the ride home. Lilly offered to walk home with me but I didn't know her well enough and she looked far to delicate... Hmm

Chapter Twelve



So I guess this is what friends are. People who leave you in the middle of nowhere. But I guess it's acceptable because I hike. I guess it's morally okay, to leave someone and allow them to walk along a main road.  I was okay, personally I was enjoying the walk. Scarcely lit two foot wide paths were my speciality.  


 So I guess this is what 'friends' are I thoght annoyed, Liam and Joshes faces sprang to mind. You know what I think I am doing just fine without them. I guess I should feel angry I was just left. I didn't.  A car's headlights suddenly appeared behind me. I turn around to have chips and burgers thrown at my face. The usual onslaught of boyfriend stealer and slut were thrown my way. 'Have no friends to come and rescue you?' Was also screamed at me in the highest pitch voice I'd ever heard.   'You know you're going to get raped if you keep walking.' Followed the screech in a deeper more masculine tone. Josh. He was still following me. 'Go see to your brother. I think I broke his nose.' Was my half growled reply.


  Sighing Josh pulled up next to me and shouted at the bitches to leave. 'Look I'm nearly home.'I told him exhausted.'You've got another two hours to walk!' He retorted angrily. 'Not if I cut through the forest.' Was my chaste reply. 'Then you'll get raped then eaten.' He was kinda being logical to be honest but I was so angry at his brother I couldn't be around his almost identical younger brother.  'I live in the forest Josh leave me alone.' He sighed again before nodding, he jumped out of the car and ran over to me wrapping his arms around me. 'I'm sorry.' Was all he whispered before jumping back in and driving away.


  I thought I'd feel better alone but I didn't. It didn't bring me any peace whatsoever. Soon the farm lanes finished and I was once again able to walk through the forest. It was quiet here.i like the calm before the storm. My heels slipped and slid from under me.  This day couldn't get any worse. I couldn't trust anyone. Liam had lied to me and josh covered it up. I was through with so called friends and family. They aren't worth it.  


The slippery twigs made me fall on my bare knees and graze them. The trees seemed to snag on to my hair any way or form it could. Scratching my face and upper body in the process. But that pain was nothing in comparison.   I had my phone; Liam's name kept popping up. But I didn't want to answer, it was sad to admit there was no one i could call who would answer me. They were right. I was alone.  


 There was no light here. I put my hand in front of my face and saw nothing. Nothing at all. And that was the exact second I fell, rolling down a stupid ass hill head over heals. Well tit over ass but who's watching. Well apparently someone considering I head a dry half cough half laugh.


  'Who's there?' I asked standing up on unsteady feet. My ankle was doing something funky and I couldn't stand on it without feeling like it was going to give way.  'Don't shoot im unarmed.' Was called out before another dry cough was let loose. It sounded painful, like a heave almost. 'Show yourself?' I asked impatiently. 'Wrong question princess.' He replied in the same tone I had used. 'What am I supposed to...'


  I looked around and trailed off seeing an object not to far from me, problem was as soon as I took three steps I fell flat on my face. 'Is your introduction always the same as your entrance or does it differ from time to time?' He asked, his voice was deep and masculine and totally recognizable.  


 'What's that?' I ask a little confused, I put my hands on the floor intending of standing but found a wet puddle instead. 'Why are you sitting in a puddle?' I asked seconds later. When I took my hands back I realized I had made a mistake it wasn't water.   'Well you enter screaming and introduce yourself screaming. Enter falling and introduce yourself falling. Least you can say your consistent.' He replied avoiding my question.   'Where are you hurt?' I asked already searching for my phone crouching beside him, I found it in my bra knowing it was the only place i could store it. Blushing I took it out, hopefully he could see neither but a flash of teeth later I knew he could.  


 I press the screen on button and drag the bottom screen up, finding the flashlight button I clicked it on. The light instantly flashed light, making me realize how much of an idiot I was to have not thought of it sooner.   Sighing I looked up into his deep brown eyes what I found there surprised me; he had a kind, caring, trusting side to him behind the pain and betrayal. My eyes flicked across his body, though I didn't have to look far.  


 An arrow was sticking out of his shoulder. 'Shit.' I cursed I handed him the phone (his right arm seemed fine). I didn't have any rags or spare clothing. His shirt was dirty and full of shreds. My dress was clean (ish). Ripping across the hem I found myself something to stem the bleeding.   'I need to get you to a hospital.' I informed him immediately. 'No can do princess. I'm stuck here.' He told me. 'Cant sit. Forward?' I asked out of breath. 'Fraid not.' He replied. 'Shit. I'm going to have to pull it out. What type of arrow head is it?' I asked worried even more now, he was so pale.  


 'You cuss an awful lot. And I don't know I didn't really have chance to inspect the arrow head as it hit.' He replied sounding bored, he was in pain not bored though he hid it well.   I pressed the cloth to his shoulder and grabbed the arrow with unsteady hands. One wrong move and it could puncture his heart. 'Three. Two.' And then I was pulling.   One tug and nothing happened other than an escaped groan I pretended to not hear. 'Where the fuck did one run off too?' He asked making me chuckle a little. It was weird, how could I laugh now? Of all times. This must have been the first time in years...


 One two and pull. I pulled with all my weight, eventually it came loose and I fell backwards with the blooming arrow in my hands. Sitting up I quickly placed my rag over the front.   'Hold this.' I asked when his hand placed itself over mine I looked back into his thankful eyes, nodding I looked back down at my dress and ripped along the hem again. This time a longer price that could warp around his shoulder a couple times. Tying it with wet hands was the worst part but some how I managed it.  


 I let forward and grabbed his hand, 'come on my cottage isn't too far from here. I think I can patch you up enough to send you in. I can't do anything about the through - and - through but I can stop infection. Nodding he reached out with his right arm, sliding under it I started forward. I couldn't put any weight on my ankle but I would make it.   At first it seemed to burn, and shake like jell-o. And then it went numb, I really hoped I hadn't broken it. He weighed alot, I know he was trying to spare me from the burden of his weight but he wasn't doing himself any favours.   


 We didn't talk, the only sound to be hears was heavy breathing and cracking undergrowth. Eventually he fell, I knew we were so close to my cabin. 'Wait here I will be back.' I told him with my sternest voice. I left him with my phone and half ran half limped back to my cabin, it must have only taken a minuet or two but it felt like eternity. Sasha was led on the couch and looked at me confused and followed me to the cupboard.   Grabbing the first aid kit I turned and ran back. My ankle was ready to give way at any second. As soon as I found him he was half seated and half lying against the tree. He was staring at something. Looking forward I saw the figure standing there. 'Friend?' I asked in a hushed tone. 'Valkery.'  


 'You mean the people who take warriors to Valhalla? You know the myth?' I asked in a tedious tone. The figure stepped forward his midnight wings stretching out before me. They were massive, longer than me but looked razer sharp.  His eyes were the same black, endless color. 'Skylar, move aside.' His voice had the least amount of character in it. 'How do you know my name?' I asked scared. Insanely so.


  'Worry not. Your time is not soon. I only know of you through relatives.' He replied in the same deadpan voice. 'Now move aside it's Hayden leon Grayson's time.' He demanded. 'No.' I retorted standing in front of Hayden. 'Move aside.' He commanded again, impaitence and indiffrence filtering his tone. 'You took my mother I won't let you take him too.' I replied throwing my arms out.


  'It was your mother's time. She had another battle to fight.' He replied rationally. 'Did you know she was pregnant? That she lost it because it was her time. It wasn't his or her time. You owe me, you took away my chance at happiness surely they were my future. Surely my little sister or brother deserved a chance. Just like he does.' I

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