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backing down from any challenge. And being around everyone after, everyone thinking I was rejecting the process was certainly going to be a real challenge. "Well, looks like death favors you." Jane said sounding like the bitch she is. Some say that's why she and Elizabeth get along so well.

"Now, class I'm not like your other Professors are. I don't want to hear any talking until I'm done talking. First, I'm going to pass out some forms, they are questionnaires that are to be completed in ten minutes. Rachel, I need to speak with you privately. Before, I forget on the line that is next to Professor's name put Jaquiline. It has been spelled out for you on the board." she said as she shut the door.

"Yes. Professor Jaquiline, is there something I did wrong?" I asked.

"No, just that Guardian Teno asked me if I would ask you if ‘you were interested in Guardian Section’. Apparently, your abilities have brought some attention to the Guardians. Guardian Rebecca even told Guardian Teno that she thought of her, last night when she assisted you against the men from Bacreeda. Guardian Roberts and Guardian Yahteez even suggested taking you on as an apprentice of theirs. And that’s saying something, they don’t do that ever. Now, I know most people don't like the idea of this, with your rejecting scare this morning. However, the decision is yours entirely." She explained to me.

"I'm shocked and somewhat confused. I was told that I wouldn't qualify for Guardian section until next year." I stated. "That's only if your grades are in bad shape from last year. And from what I know you were one of eight people to make perfect scores on all exams. So, just think about it during class and if you decide to do it, I'll get you the paperwork to fill out. After it is filled out and turned in one of the Guardians will go over everything you will need to know for Guardian Section Training." she said as she followed me back into the classroom.

"Now we are going to go around the room and say our name, favorite color, and one thing we don't like. I'll start my name is Jaquiline Ford, favorite color is red and I don't like it when students don't pay attention. Whose next now, Brittany. Oh, one more thing this how we start class every day. And here in about five or ten minutes, a bell will go off informing those of training, for those that are in Guardian Section Training." Professor Jaquiline said.

Which got me curious about what she was (as you might say) hiding around the bush with. What was she not saying? Was she saying it like that, so that I wouldn’t know what was coming? What was the point of that? I have known about the bells going off for Guardian Section Training, its set that way to alert students that a training session is about to being. And the more you participate the better off you are, in the grading scale and in real life. The Professors and Guardians who are pretending to be attackers don’t hold anything back, they go full force at you. And if you aren’t quick enough you will get hurt and end up in the medical wing.

"Well, my name is Britany Jaren and my favorite color is red as well. I don't like the taste of any meat. Huegi your turn." she said. "My name is Huegi Hidel, my favorite color is green and I don't like rude people acting like they’re not the ones with a problem. Amy your turn." He as he sat back down. "My name is Amy Jaren, my favorite color is orange and I don't like homework." she said as an alarm went off. "Just remain seated it is a drill alarm for those who are in Guardian Section. That drill alarm goes off every hour after fourth period to inform those that are participating that certain instructors are acting out an attack on the school. So that the Guardians can determine how they can actually handle being part of the front line. Now, who’s next? Petey, you can go next." Professor Jaquiline said while keeping her eyes on me. I knew that they are wanting to see whether I can defend myself or not participate in today’s sessions. GREAT, JUST WHAT I NEED AND I’M NOT EVEN SIGNED OFF ON YET. HAY!!!!

"Hello, my name is Petey Hidel. My favorite color is blue, and I don't like alarm clocks. Elizabeth your turn." He finished as an instructor came barging in the classroom and headed straight to me. I blocked her attack and countered with a fire/water blast that put her outside the classroom on her ass, where one of the other students took over. I took my seat, yet again and the Professor never took her eyes off me again during that class. While sitting there and eye balling the Professor, I also waited for another attack, only because I don’t see that being that only attack that they would throw at me. Well, it was five minutes until the bell rang for us to go to lunch and I was the only person left.

"My name is Rachel Jaren, my favorite color is green. And um... I don't like people who try and control others." I finished right as the bell rang.

"I'll catch up." I told Huegi.

"Alright, I'll save you a seat." He said as he kissed me on the cheek.

"I want to do Guardian Section. I um... think it’s where the Goddess wants me." I stated.

"I think so too. Here are the forms turn them in tomorrow and then a Guardian will be by to discuss what is going to change with you. If I were you I would bring a solid black outfit to change into. Good Luck." Professor Jaquiline said.

I walked to the lunchroom grabbed me a tray of food, and then sat down next to Huegi. While, I ate I filled out the Guardian Section forms or at least the parts I could.

"What is that for?" Huegi asked which got everyone at our table’s attention.

"It's the forms to complete Guardian Section. Professor Jaquiline gave them to me before I left class." I answered.

"Show off or should I just call you what you are? Which is a "Teachers' pet". Must be fun getting all the good assignments." Elizabeth cracked with an evil smirk on her face. "Yeah, at least I'm not the class clown. And even if I wanted to be I wouldn't be nowhere as bitchy as you are even off you "that time of the year" or is that why you’re always bitchy because you’re always on it." I retorted.

"Wow, that's sounds awesome babe. Zane and ReShaun must be so happy and proud about all this. I mean you have told them right." Huegi chimed.

"Um... not really didn't quite think I would be doing it until next year. They're on board for that, but I'm not sure what they'll say about going with it early. Um... I'm kind of hoping so, but part of me says wait until next year. What do you think?" I asked. And as I finished up my paperwork, Zane and ReShaun were standing at my table. I tried to act like I didn't see them. Yet that didn’t work as well as I had hoped that it would have.

"Well, are you going to let us sign the paperwork or not?" Zane said which caused me to look up at him with a look that she said 'what have you done with my brother Zane?'

"Um... Sure pull up a seat here. I've filled out all I can. I was going to ask, you all this when I got home. You didn't have to come all the way down here. Which reminds me, what are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Well, we've been here since this morning. But, I've never known for you to wait until you got home to have something signed. Something is not right, why are so hesitate about this? Is something wrong?" Zane said with extreme curiosity.

"It’s just that, I don't want to do this too early and screw up my chances of being head Guardian one day. I'm terrified and I don't even know if I can do this. Especially, after this morning." I stated.

"Ok... sorry to interrupt, but what the hell have you done with the real Rachel. We all saw you take on one of the instructors in class without second guessing it. It was as if you just looked at her and defended yourself. No second thoughts, no guessing, no fidgeting none of that. So, bring that girls ass back and deal." Elizabeth stated. And the drill alarm went off.

This time nine instructors came right at me. And again without even blinking, I blocked all attacks and countered with my own. Each one went down with the same ease. Four, got back up within seconds, but they all came back at me eventually. Two managed to get up close and personal, and by that I mean close enough to go hand-to-hand with me. After sending three instructors to the hospital wing with extreme burns and lacerations that are deeper than I would have realized. Another three had been distracted by seven other students. The last three were my responsibility and were relatively an ease. After a few moments it was over.

"Not, bad for an underling. And who are you? Who do you think you are? I don't take too kindly to someone trying to upstage me. I'm Camilla Airea. And I'm head student around here. Or you are you just trying to get me to go off on you. I’m thinking I’m going to have to help you find out just who you are dealing with?" she said sounding very pissed. Just from her name I can tell you that, she is one of the Council members’ older children. Which means it’s very hard to get her in trouble, most would think it was a real challenge. Yet, they clearly hadn’t meet me or Elizabeth, because we go right up to the line, but never actually cross it. Okay that is partially true and partially a lie, we may not always cross the line, but when we do it is only between the two of us.

"I'm Rachel Elaine Jaren. And I'm not trying to take your stage. And even if I was you wouldn’t know till I already had it. I just making sure that you and I are on the same page." I answered which she didn't like.

"AH! Marcum 'the Great Marcum the Strong' Jaren's grandbaby, from what I understand you were the last one born. So, here’s the deal underling. You are going to stop being such a show off, and give me back my stage. Or I can make your life a living hell." she smirked.

"Wow, I'm so glad that you know, so much about my birth. And yet I barely know anything about you. Why don't you take that blonde ponytail you call hair and just walk away before you get hurt? I'm not in the mood." I stated.

"Well, you better be lucky that I'm in Guardian Section and can't get in anymore trouble, than I'm already in. Otherwise, I would take your ass on." she said sounding like she was what I call an 'Oh my goddess girl'.

“Oh… I’m totally sure that you would and trust me, if I was in the mood. I would have just hit you instead of telling to walk away. But, just remember that you are going to have to work on that left hook of yours. I’m sure there other things you could work on, but I don’t have that much time today or even forever.” I said with a smirk.

                "Rachel, that was quite extraordinary. I see you have filled out the paperwork, has Zane and ReShaun signed off yet." Guardian Teno asked. "I

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