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know had that been a real attack I would not asking this. However, are the instructors alright? One of them looked seriously injured. I feel like an incompetent idiot for asking." I stated.

"That's completely reasonable. And don't worry about it. Professor Zaxeby will be just fine. Not to mention he would have worried that you didn't give it your all." She spoke.

"Well, that's good. Zane and ReShaun have signed off on all the paperwork." I answered realizing that I hadn’t done so yet. (How rude could I be toward the Head Guardians?)

"Professor Zaxeby wishes to speak with the student who put him in the hospital. Seems he's wondering who you are." Guardian Robert said as formal as possible.

“After he is done with you, I need to you go to the Guardians office and talk with Guardian Ortiz, and he’ll go over everything that it is going to change for you. He'll inform on things that may or may not change. He'll help you finish up any paperwork and answer any and all questions you may have.” Guardian Teno instructed me, before walking away. 

We all went to visit him in the hospital wing and waited until he came out to talk to him. I couldn't shake it but the name Zaxeby sounded extremely familiar. I just couldn't place it.

"Which one of you is the one who successfully placed me in the hospital wing?" he asked in a way that sounded more like he demanded.

"That would be me, sir." I answered.

"Well, why weren't you here last year? Were you held back or something? Or are you just that young?" he asked sounding the same as he did the first time.

"No, sir. I'm only fifteen and just finished the eighth grade last year." I answered him yet again, sounding surprisingly diplomatic. (Maybe Princess classes do pay off. LOL!)

"You're definitely qualified for Guardian Section this year. No one in seven or eight years has been able to put me in the hospital wing. What's your name miss?" he spoke softly.

"Thank you and my name is Rachel Elaine Jaren, sir." I again answered.

“Well, do I have you for any of my classes? I teach Combat, Blood Manipulation Studies, and American Human History.” He questioned.

That’s when it hits me, his name was on my schedule. Well, hell I apparently take all three of his classes throughout the day. Although; I missed one this morning already I think. I then, pulled out my schedule and looked it over. Once, twice and then finally saw that no I had not missed any of his classes. However; I had missed a class that the Head Guardian teaches, and that was my 2nd period class. UGH! She is my hero. And I missed her class because having iron in my blood means that I can’t heal properly. (Which yeah sucks, but not impressing her sucks more!!)

“I apparently have all three of them back to back after seventh period.” I answered.

“Excellent, I shall see you and the others students I have then. And just to let you know I normally test my students on their physical ability in combat, but today I think I’m going to change it up and have you help me with something. If you wouldn’t mind. I think we need to demonstrate what not holding back really looks like.” He said.

“Sure, that sounds amazing. Thank you very much.” I replied.

“Marvelous, I’m going to inform you that there are also upper classman in the combat class, so there might be some tension, from the looks of things. And from what I’ve seen well deserved tension, some of them could use a lesson or two from you. And what I’ve got planned should only last until my second hour of combat starts.” He said after both of us looked behind me at the other students looked massively pissed off, and staggered away like someone who was drunk with a broken leg. All I could think for at least five minutes was that I had him for all three of his classes and I have his second hour combat class. So basically I have him for eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh periods every day. And somehow I still have three more classes after that. (Ok as far as school goes we may go a little over board. Or least it looks that way compared to Earth human standards.) Plus, I have training for various competitions, extracurriculars, and for Guardian section {Now! (Ugh!!!! YES! NO! MAYBE! WHAT!) Are you allowed to be excited about something happening (too) early while at the same time being extremely dreadfully bummed about something good?} While thinking about all this I made my way to the Guardians office, where I was to talk to Guardian Ortiz.

“AH! Rachel Jaren, come on in and have a seat. Just give me a minute to pull up everything on my computer. So, it’s seems that you have everything in order to completely start Guardian Section Training, today actually, wow. From what I can tell nothing really gets in your way, as far as clothing goes, so you don’t need to worry about that. But, the moment that we see that it does we are going to ask that you change into a more formal Guardian outfit. Granted, that we don’t have uniforms, but it best to keep it simple. We do ask that if you are going to bring a change of clothes that you use fourth period, for that. Um… now you are going to be participating in daily attacking sessions. Um… also Guardian Teno will once a day participate in the attack sessions. And twice a day on Fridays, and every Friday we start the attacks earlier. The afternoons will be spent on focusing your technique, your skills, or training in general. These will alternate every week, but this week we are focusing on your skill set. Next week will be determined by Friday, all following weeks new instruction will come on Fridays. Um… let’s see from the notes in your charts so far you’re doing great, it seems that you keep this up you will get to pick and choose the attack sessions that you participate in. Unless, you get into trouble that is always going to be an option for you. Most or all of the higher up students have this privilege, yet only a third of them actually have it. That is not to say that it won’t be removed if deemed a problem. Now do you have to ask you some formal questions, but that however is something that we usually wait to do until after the third full week of simulated attacks. Now here is a slip of paper that you will need to have signed by all instructors and turned in by Thursday. There might be few things that I am forgetting, yet I’m having the problem of actually forgetting them. One major thing is that most of the attacks that happen do occur after fifth period. However when we want to test the students’ or a students’ ability in the field we do conduct simulated attacks, during the first five periods they are just isolated not given a warning bell for them. We see extreme potential in you and that has us wondering just how much we are actually seeing you. So needless to say you are on that list of students of approved for that portion of training. Just think of it as an advance on future field participation.” He said after he finished up with the rest of the formal and non-formal talk he said that I could go. What sucked was that my next class didn’t start for at least another eight minutes and seventeen seconds, give or take a few seconds. Yet, my next class went was sort of boring I tried like hell to pay attention and managed to for some of it. But not for all and took as many notes as possible. I had enchanted my pen to write down everything that was being said by the Professor, granted it was just first day pleasantries. Plus, the first actual assignment for quantum electrodynamics seemed pretty easy, actually wasn’t so bad, but hey whatever. The next class, however went by in one hell of a blur. I don’t think that I’m ever going to know what really happened during the first day of that class. But I’m sure that I’ll do just fine seeing as it is what you might call study hall, free period, or free hour. I never thought I would have ever spaced out so bad, than today. And yet it happened.

“Well, here goes nothing. I’m not nervous, I’m very confident. I’m just impressing my professors/Guardians that I’m more than capable of handling any situation that’s thrown my way.” I told myself softly as I headed into Professor Zaxeby’s classroom for Blood Manipulation Studies.

“AH, Ms. Jaren if you wouldn’t mind just setting your things down and standing by the front desk please?” He instructed me. I just nodded and sat my books and bags down at the desk next to my boyfriends. Then stood by the front desk while everyone was coming into the classroom. On Elizabeth’s way into the classroom she saw me standing at the front desk and decided that she was going to laugh under her breathe. Thinking that no one could hear her as she did so.

“Just take your seat Ms. Elizabeth Jaren. You’ll have plenty of time to laugh later, this I’m sure of.” He stated which caused a small but subtle smirk appear on my face. With him saying that I could tell you that he could also see the future not sure at what level or if his were just small things in life or if they were everything. (No seeing the future is actually very common.) The sad thing is that there are so many scary side effects from some of us having a vision of the future that it can become lethal.

Professor Zaxeby just opened his mouth to start his opening lecture, when an inexperienced recently made newborn Guardian comes into the classroom. “Hello, Professor Zaxeby, I’m here to escort Ms. Rachel Jaren, Ms. Elizabeth Jaren, Mr. Huegi Hidel, and Mr. Petey Hidel to see Guardian Teno immediately. Something has come up that has required their immediate attention. I was also to inform them that there is little chance that they are going to be back before the bell rings for the next class, so they should bring their belongings with them.” She said while trying to sound as mature as possible. Even though it clearly wasn’t.

“Well, I believe that I have you all for the next three or more classes. So if you would rather leave your things in my office over there in the corner. Just place them behind my desk and close the office door. I see no problem with that.” He stated as we all did just that. Then followed the Guardian to see Guardian Teno.

Going to see the Head Guardian by yourself was no big thing. But going in a group meant that you did something you shouldn’t have. And yet that was just it I had not had the time to get into my normal amount of trouble not that I am going to try to either. Now, that I am going to the high school where the head Guardian was stationed at for the next six years, I planning on staying out of as much trouble as possible. And I had no way of getting into “Head Guardian” trouble so all this was making my stomach feel like it was going to come up through my throat. So this made me wonder what we were all being summoned for.

“Have a seat and I’ll let them know that you are waiting.” She said as she was through a second door. That was when I realized that we weren’t in the Head Guardians office, we were sitting in

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