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Book online «Guity until proven innocent by Cama seeney, Monique x (howl and other poems .TXT) 📖». Author Cama seeney, Monique x

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own bottle. Great that’s going to be the next task isn’t it. I sighed and drained a bottle whole before placing it back down and returning. It was 5:56, I had some sprinting to do to get back down now.


I took a deep breath and ran down the path Lincoln had chosen yesterday. I had to agree it was slimy, and way more hazardous but it was also the more direct path. I tried to keep blinking to a minimum, lengthening my stride I saw Lincoln ahead of me jogging without pause. His longer legs were more equipped but I was smaller more agile and a little faster. I ignored my cold wet feet, my sweaty back, banging headache and blurry eyes I knew at the end of this trail it was over.


I eventually caught up to Lincoln even surpassed him, but I needed to go faster. I had cut the running up time in half. Last time I had jogged it, but I had sprinted down and still made it in twenty minutes. At fifteen minutes I was getting angsty. But then the ground stopped dropping, it flattered out and I easily found my water bottle. Laughing I pulled out my headphone and sprinted more steadily out of the forest.


I found Cam walking back towards us with a big flask of what smelt like soup.


In threw myself on the drenched floor gasping for air, it was wet and cold but I’m pretty sure I would have slept there if Lincoln hadn’t hauled me to my feet. ‘Come on you two 1 hour eighteen? I can do it in one hour flat.’ He called looking happy. ‘You serious?’ I panted feeling a little faint. He nodded and passed me the warm soup with a concerned look on his face. ‘You. Suck.’ I called drinking some before handing it to Lincoln. ‘How do you think all the drink bottles ended up there?’ He asked stretching out his back. I rolled my eyes ‘I always thought. There was a secret. Back way for trucks. Or something.’ I panted, he shook his head as Lincoln handed me back the soup. It was good, thick creamy I love tomato soup. I clutched my stomach and nearly threw up. ‘Meds?’ I gasped clutching my stomach. I passed Lincoln back the flask.


He looked at me shocked and quickly retrieved a packed from his coat, I shook my head. Too late. I ran to the closest cover of trees ready for my spaziming stomach to throw up the food. Cam followed me muttering to himself. ‘You not going to throw up. Repeat after me.’ He called out softly. I shook my head again. ‘Breath in, One – two, three. And out.’ I nodded distraction. I held my hand out and he passed me my pill.


‘Fuck that was close.’ I told him standing straight. ‘Does that happen often?’ He asked. ‘Naa only in the morning and only after exercise. They used to try to get me to eat bananas but I can’t look at them without wanting to yalk now. I’m fine to miss a pill as long as I don’t do so much exercise.’ I replied automatically clutching my stomach. ‘Quit you’re hovering, I’ll be good in ten.’


I looked into the mirror image of his brothers eyes, but they were kinder, gentler. They were complete opposites. Cam was strong, incredibly so, he was sweet and nice. So why did I keep running into Lincoln, the fates were playing a cruel game on us all.


Holding Cams eyes seemed to become my entrapment, I was stuck in a moment I wasn’t all that sure I wanted to be a part of. His eyes held me like that of a helping hand, the one holding you, stopping you from falling into the abyss bellow. So why couldn’t I stop thinking of Lincoln? He was a jack ass mostly, yea but he can be nice and even if he’s an ass you like him. My cruel mind whispered traitorously to me. No I didn’t I was just drawn to him. Three days down, I only had four more until we would officially stop being forced to work double shifts together. I would only have to deal with him during sparing. I only felt connected to him because of the ‘training’ we endured together.


‘Will you teach me so more kickboxing? I kinda won’t to be able to kick your brother’s ass.’ I asked breaking the silence. His smiled turned into a crazed grin. ‘Course princess.’ He replied good naturally. ‘Ugh not you two.’ I complained.'You love it.' I glared at him before turning and walking away from him. Starting from now Lincoln is going to stop affecting me so much. I walked out from the underbrush to see the original pair of stony blue eyes. He smiled softy flashing a dimple. Ugh who was I kidding? This guy was a pro, okay so instead of cold turkey maybe I should just not ever be alone with him? I glanced at his eyes again. I'm doomed. 

Chapter twenty three

 Sparing with Cam is diffrent, his is soft where Link is hard. Calm where Linclon is steal. But why did I miss him? I hand held punching bag hit my head again. 'Quit doing that!' I called out annoyed, third time this hour. 'Quit thinking so much and do then.' He replied annoyed, for a second he sounded like his brother. I grinned and quickly aimed a kick at his head, which he caught with his free arm eaisly. He threw down the bag and pulled my leg closer. 'Argh!' I yelled falling into him. Loosing his balance he to fell. I giggled and began tickling him. 'AHH. Quit. Doing. That!' He called out annoyed, even his teeth were gritted. I laughed and tickled him harder, pinning his arms down with my knees. He laughed and pushed his hips forward. And kept pushing until I rolled left - which he quickly took as an invitation to pin me to the floor instead. 


'How would you get out of this?' He asked with all seriousness. I shrugged not knowing. 'Think. Look for a weak link and test it. Theres no wrong answers, theres just the one that works the best.' I nodded and tried sweeping his arms out, he was holding his weight off of me. Failing I brought my knee up into his adobinum. He gasped but held furm. I brought my face forward and bit his neck softly, I then pushed my whole body forward, when he moved back a little I let go and rolled to the left. 


Laughing I stood up and jumped up and down. 'I so Ninja.' I called out holding my hand out to help him up. 'Are you an illeterate one?' He asked pulling me back to the ground and trapping me again. 'Break free.' He comanded. Not that I'm complaining but I spent quit a bit of time under his body trying to 'break free.' I'm guessing this was mondays lesson, atleast I would know the basis of breaks I suppose. 


'Okay, that's enough. I think we shoud work on form next?' It was more of a question, even he was layed in a thin layer of sweat. I shrugged and tried to fight back the twinge in my sholder. 'I'm having troubble with jump kicks.' I supplied slyly, grinning. 'You haven't done that in class yet. No one has.' I pouted good naturally and he only shook his head. I sighed and got into position. 'Half turn kick.' He called out, not putting his hand out. Okay, i'll just imagion I'm kicking your face. I though and positioned myself with my left foot forward and left arm in a block above it. My back leg flew forward and kicked an invisible target and then returned. 'Drop your arms again and I'll throw a punch.' He told me deadpan. 'I think I'mma see if Links stole your persinolaty.' I mumbled but didnt move. No fratnising with Linclon I said reminding myself. 'Again.' He called and I repeted the movement. My foot snapping, this time my arms didnt drop. This kick was easy. Straight up, kick with the front of your foot, mind your toes. 'Again.' I repeated. 'Again.' He called. 'Again. Swap. Again. Swap.' He called out all of a sudden. I kicked, jumped in the air to swap feet, kicked, jumped to swap feet and kicked again. 'Good.' He called out with a small smile. Hella yhea. I thought but didnt want to say incase he got annoyed. 


'Where do you aim this kick.' He asked as I stood still, he motioned again and I instatly kicked. 'Chest.' I called out and jumped and swapped my feet as he made a turn motion. 'Turn kick.' He called out this time. For a second I was confused and then aimed higher and kicked through the invisible object before getting back into my stance. 'Good. Half. Turn. half. Change. Turn. Half.' I quickly complied already bored. 'Keep rushing and forgetting your arms and your gonna end up with a bruise.' He called out grinning evily. He liked this game. 


I sighed and sdjusted my stance. 'Where do you aim a turn kick?' He asked. 'Side of face.' I called out automatically, it was higher therefore it had to be. He nodded. 'Axe kick.' He called out. I sighed, hating this one. It was just as high but you didn't hit your target until the way down. The 'plam' or bottom of your foot was what hit the pad or person. I complied, axe kick was good - you got more momentum going down but you had to be careful not to slam your foot on the floor - that hurts. 


'The one step.' He called out suddenly. It was a normal half turn kick but you had to kinda do a little hop to make sure you didn't tangle your feet up. I quickly jumped back after I 'hit' my marker. 'Which foot do you kick with' He asked. 'Front, jump forward with back.' I called out automatically. He nodded, looking a little happier. 'Turn kick.' He called out, I loved this one. It was dangrous. You turn with your front foot and use the momentum to kick with your back. It was great. I hopped back into place instead of turning back into it, I didnt want to leave my back to him. 'What hits?' He asks. 'The calf.' I called out panting. 'Again.' 


'Okay, doubble half turning kick.' He called out this time. I gave him a confused look and then kicked out with my left and then jumped onto my right leg and kicked out again. 'Try to make the leg coming down and the one going up the quickest transition you can make it. You dont want to be that close on one leg.' He called out. 'Again.' Ohh that word. Three doubble half turning kicks later he was satisfied. 'Where would you aim?' He asked. 'Left and right kidney.' I repiled thinking for a moment. 


'Reverse turning kick.' Okay so thats basically turn backwards and kick with the back of your foot. Hmm it was awkward and he made me repeate it ten times. 'Try it higher. Aim

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