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Book online «Phönix by Zafrina Jones (ebook pdf reader for pc .txt) 📖». Author Zafrina Jones

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and her eyes hurt. She looked around the full common room. All her alliance members were gathered and talking. She looked a lot at her uncle Sin, who was discussing with her mentor Firewolf, but the young lady could not really understand much. She got up from her chair, walked through the common room and sat down on the back of Sin's sofa chair. "Uncle, what are you talking about," Zynoa asked curiously and straightened her brown braid. The warrior named Sin turned to Zynoa and smiled. His serious look had disappeared and he looked at Zynoa friendly. "Not so important, little one," Sin explained, and Firewolf nodded in confirmation as Zynoa's gaze wandered to her mentor. "Don't fool me. You act as if nothing happened. I know about everything. I'm not a little kid that you have to play everything down like this," the student complained, crossing her arms. Her angry look remained at her uncle, who sighed heavily and scratched behind her head. "You know I was on a mission to spy on Valhalla. I didn't notice any of this. Your mentor enlightened me about everything that happened during my absence. I haven't had time to visit your mother yet to see how she is doing. So I asked Firewolf if he knew anything more," Sin explained and pulled the little one onto his lap. She looked up at Sin and sighed, then bowed her head and nudged her fingers together. Soothingly, he stroked her hair and asked anxiously: "Your mother is definitely better. I bet your father has a plan to finally unleash the true Phoenix. Your mother was destined to lead the phoenix from the beginning and no matter how we will help her to this destiny," Sin said softly and smiled. Astonished, Zynoa looked at her uncle, admiring how calm he could remain. "Uncle, do you actually know who hurt mother," Zynoa asked cautiously and looked at Sin who thought it was Elly. But Zynoa shook her head in denial after Sin's answer. Sin looked up in surprise and looked at Firewolf who grumbled and angrily admonished Zynoa to be quiet. "Who was it?" Sin asked seriously, looked at Zynoa and ignored Firewolf who kept trying to keep his student from saying it. "Suzuki," whispered Zynoa and Sin winced. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. His leader is said to have hurt his little sister? He had seen Suzuki send his little sister off on her own without any protection on missions where more than one person would have been bulging. Slowly the puzzle was falling into place. Angry Sin gritted his teeth, how he would have loved to storm off to end Suzuki's life. The warrior accused himself of having left his sister alone. He looked at Firewolf and was about to break the silence between himself, him and Zynoa, but the two big doors of the common room opened. All eyes of the members were directed towards the doors, the conversations of the members immediately fell silent when Lucian entered the common room with Mizu and Raiu.


"At last," Firewolf whispered and turned his chair over to Lucian, who looked around and crossed his arms. There was silence for a while, then the Vice Leader took a deep breath and began to speak, "Thank you all for coming at this hour. As you have probably all heard, Zorena was seriously injured. It is still not clear if she will make it or if her spirit will give up fighting." Frightened, some members looked at their vice leader. Myx, who saw at the end of the common room, looked around and sighed. He looked at Lucian and nodded to him as their eyes met. "We discovered a letter in Suzuki's room. A permission and request to kill Zorena," Lucian continued and Zynoa flinched. Fearfully, she clasped Sin's hand, which stroked the back of her hand in a soothing way. She had reckoned with everything but she had never in her life thought that her leader was responsible. Neither had the couple of alliance members. Some whispered confused things to each other, others breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at Firewolf, her mentor had thoughtfully supported his head in his right hand and watched Lucian. Did her mentor already know about this? She swallowed at the thought and looked at Sin, who apparently tried to stay calm. She knew his hateful look only too well. No matter who would hurt his little sister, sooner or later the person would regret it, especially when Sin found out about it. "Uncle," whispered Zynoa insecurely and did not take her eyes off Sin, who looked down at the little one. "What's wrong?" he asked quietly while Lucian continued to explain that as soon as Zorena was better, the phoenix would follow its true destiny. "Are you going to kill Suzuki," Zynoa asked quietly and waited anxiously for Sin's answer. Waiting for his answer felt like an eternity. He squeezed his eyes together angrily and sighed heavily. "He has hurt your mother and he will pay for it. She almost died if it weren't for her Phoenix," Sin spoke seriously and looked at Lucian, who ended his speech saying they should all stick together. Especially now, until Zorena was better, the phoenix would rise from its ashes. The members of the Alliance applauded and loudly agreed with Lucian. Meanwhile Sin Zynoa gently lifted Zynoa up and put her down on the ground to get up. "Sin, what are you going to do," Firewolf asked, not letting his gaze wander from Sin, who had clenched his right hand into a fist and brushed a dark brown strand of hair to the side. He didn't answer Firewolf, but stepped forward to Lucian without another word. Zynoa wanted to run after her uncle, but Firewolf gently held Zynoa's arm and looked at her with a stern look that was meant to indicate that she should not follow Sin. Zynoa nodded slowly as she looked at Firewolf and then looked back at Sin who was just starting to talk to Lucian.


"The hell I will. I'm going to kill him now. You have enough proof Lucian," Sin hissed angrily and let his left hand go to his sword. "He wanted to send my little sister to her death. I can't just let that sit on me. Suzuki deserves to die, you know that, and so does everyone else," Sin spoke angrily and bit his lips. Lucian was Zorena's husband, how could he stay so calm. Knowing that Suzuki wanted to kill his wife. The warrior hissed angrily and turned his back on Lucian. He didn't even want to hear the answer from Zorena's husband. "Do what you think is right, Lucian. I will judge him and this is the last thing I will do," Sin spoke angrily and stepped towards the doors of the common room. But the exit was blocked by Mizu and Raiu. "Sin, be reasonable", the woman said, but Lucian raised his hand to indicate not to say anything to Mizu and let Sin go. Confused, the summoner looked at Raiu, who shrugged his shoulders, then she looked again at Lucian who nodded at her. Then they both stepped aside and let the warrior pass, who didn't say a word to his chamberlains and walked towards the infirmary. First he wanted to check on his sister. He had to know how she was doing, if this was really true, that Zorena was unconscious all the time and was so weakened that she couldn't even open her eyes anymore.  With quick steps Sin ran along the corridor. No one was here to stop him as everyone was with Lucian. When Sin finally reached the infirmary, the young man stopped at the door and swallowed heavily. When the warrior opened the door, he flinched at the sight. A doctor had filled a syringe with a dark blue liquid and looked down at Zorena. Just as he was about to put the syringe on Zorena's arm, Sin stormed into the room, grabbed the doctor by the collar and pressed him against the wall. The doctor dropped the filled syringe in fright and it fell to the floor and broke. "What the hell are you going to give my sister?!", Zorena's brother shouted in anger, drew his sword and pressed it onto the throat of the doctor who had raised his hands and begged Sin to bow his sword. But the warrior did not think of it. Blue smoke surrounded the blade and around Sin a blue circle of fire formed. The warrior repeated his question even louder and the frightened doctor shouted: "Suzuki gave me a lot of money for this! I should give it to her!" Sin gritted her teeth, let go of the man and spoke softly: "Get out of here immediately... if I see you again, you will die. The pale doctor nodded and stumbled out of the hospital room as fast as he could. As he closed the door behind him, Sin turned to the sickbed where his sister was lying. Then the warrior looked back at the floor and knelt down to the syringe. He flinched when he recognized the blue liquid. It was the nerve poison tetrodotoxin. A few milliliters alone led to death. He looked back at his sister. She slept peacefully, her breathing was regular, she was recovering. Sin could feel this as he took her step and her hand. Her phoenix gave her strength but it would not be enough to heal Zorena completely. Her body wouldn't last much longer, she needed a stronger magic to strengthen her phoenix and therefore her healing as well.


"Lucian!" Sin called and ran into the common room to Lucian, who was talking to Mizu and Raiu. Next to the deputy stood a little girl with blond hair on the right. Her snow-white robe shimmered in the light of the lamps and her ice-blue eyes fixed Sin curiously. It was Sachan Zorena and Lucian's adopted daughter. "Sin, what's wrong?", the vice-leader said in surprise and turned to Zorena's brother. He sighed, rubbed his eyes and looked from Lucian to Mizu and Raiu, who looked at Sin curiously and waited to see what the warrior would say. Sachan, stepped forward and scratched his arm nervously. "I'm going to look for Zynoa," she spoke hesitantly and scurried past Lucian and Sin, knowing that the following conversation was probably not meant for her ears. As the blonde girl closed the doors of the common room behind her, Sin turned his gaze away from Lucian, looked down and hissed seriously: "Zorena needs you. Or rather, your magic. She won't make it over the mountain otherwise." Mizu gasped up and looked down too. Just the thought that Zorena would die tormented her. She was a kind of sister to her after all, even if they weren't related by blood. Raiu, who hugged Mizu, looked from Lucian to Sin and spoke somewhat angrily: "What are you waiting for. Go to her!" Lucian, lost in thought, flinched, nodded and looked at Sin. "Hurry before it's too late," said the vice-leader and hurried past Sin, who followed Lucian. Mizu swallowed hard as she watched Lucian and Sin run out of the common room. She knew what her Vice-leader would do, he would give up his magic, the mere thought of it made her shudder. This spell could just as easily cost Lucian his life if it went wrong. "Do not worry. Lucian can handle it," Raiu whispered reassuringly and gently stroked Mizu's shoulder. The white-haired lady nodded slowly and she looked into Raiu's emerald green eyes. He smiled encouragingly and gently released Mizu before saying, "Let's watch Suzuki. He must not be allowed near Zorena." Mizu nodded, a cold fire looming in her ice blue eyes. "I'd like to kill him now," said the woman angrily and clenched her hands into fists. Raiu sighed, scratched behind

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