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Book online «Phönix by Zafrina Jones (ebook pdf reader for pc .txt) 📖». Author Zafrina Jones

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and shook his head slightly. The black-haired man looked down and slowly walked towards Nemesy. Tensely waiting next to Zorena, the woman did not let the husband of her vice leader out of her sight. He took a deep breath as he sat down on a chair that was a bit away from Nemesy. He looked at Zorena, who was still unconscious, and spoke angrily and softly, "It was Suzuki, Nemesy. He did all this to Zorena." Startled, the warrior looked at Lucian. This could not be true. Her own leader was responsible for the current state of her friend? Slowly the warrior looked at the ground. She could not believe it. Her leader was really responsible for this? "But.... Why, Lucian?" Nemesy asked in horror and looked up at the black-haired man again. Their eyes met and he sighed, folding his hands in front of his face, resting his arms on his thigh and answering, "I don't know. But I know only one thing, that Suzuki will pay for this." Slowly Nemesy nodded, thoughtfully chewing her fingernail, and she followed Lucian's gaze to his wife. Suddenly Zorena blinked weakly. Nemesy got scared and got up from the bed as fast as she could. Lucian did the same, got up from his chair and went as fast as he could to Zorena's bed, kneeled down next to her and took the hand of his beloved. "Ely....", Zorena whispered weakly and quietly. She blinked again, opened her eyes briefly but closed them again. Lucian couldn't take his eyes off Zorena, his breath had quickened and his back was freezing cold. "What is she saying?" Nemesy asked quietly but the man did not answer. He was petrified, he gently let go of Zorena's hand and looked at Nemesy. "The leader of Synergy," he spoke and stood up. Nemesy could hear anger in his voice. Worried, she looked at her vice-leader. He had tilted his head and his black hair obscured the view of his face. Nemesy held her breath while she waited. "We need proof that Suzuki is responsible for this. The whole Alliance won't listen to me alone," Layto said earnestly and Nemesy nodded slowly, saying that she would rest her chin thoughtfully on her index finger and spoke softly: "The whole Alliance... everyone here trusts Zorena more than Suzuki. Maybe that's why he wanted to get rid of her. Remember how he and she had a big fight? About legions, because Suzuki wanted to declare war on them, just because a young member of them had gotten lost in our territory?" The man nodded thoughtfully. Nemesy was right. Their leader went crazy at the time, if Zorena hadn't intervened, the boy wouldn't have been alive. Nemesy swallowed, she bowed her hands and said: "I'll get a doctor for Zorena first and then I'll talk to Hades and Shiva about it. Let's see what they think about this." Lucian nodded approvingly. "I'll talk to Firewolf and Lilith about it," said the Lord and looked at Nemesy who nodded approvingly. They had to convince the others of Suzuki's true self at all costs. He was a master of deception who could fool anyone and that was the most dangerous thing. "Wait Nemesy," Lucian said and looked at the warrior who had already run for the door. She stopped abruptly and turned to him. Questioningly, she looked at the man and he said, "It would be better if we talked to Myx first. After all, he is the leader's companion. If we convince him, we will also convince the others, who most likely already agree with us. Nemesy nodded approvingly at Lucian's words. Natsume was the strongest summoner in their Alliance and generally the strongest fighter in their Alliance. So it was absolutely necessary to convince him first. The others would then follow them for sure and escape the danger of what had happened to Zorena. "Well then, off to Myx," Nemesy spoke excitedly, opened the door and hurried out. Lucian followed her, looked one last time at Zorena who had fainted again, sighed heavily and closed the door behind him. He hoped very much that the doctors would take good care of his wife, he would love to stay with her but he couldn't just wait when the whole Alliance was in danger. The young man swallowed hard and shook off his worries about Zorena before running after Nemesy.



Firewolf laughed, Raiu had just told him a joke in the common room and didn't notice how all the other alliance members looked at him with raised eyebrows. Nervously, Firewolf scratched his head and smiled. "What are you staring at?" he asked smiling and Raiu shook his head embarrassingly. "This can't be true," Raiu, who was a conjurer, spoke softly and ran over his brown hair. But a little later, Raiu also began to laugh. Firewolf looked at his buddy and immediately started laughing out loud again. He leaned on Raiu's shoulder and wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes. "Have it soon," said a serious male voice and Firewolf looked up. He took a deep breath, laughed one last time, then looked at the person. The person was sitting in a comfortable armchair. He wore a white blue coat, had short white hair, and looked at Firewolf seriously. The Blood Master sighed again and grinned before he said, "What is it, Myx? Otherwise you are never so serious." The white-haired one rolled his eyes, got up from his chair and walked towards Firewolf. The Blood Master grinned even more as Myx stopped in front of him, put his hand on Firewolf's shoulder and calmly said, "Better keep your hands off the alcohol. The Bloodmaster flinched, just looking at the summoner, and laughed out loud again a little later, fell backwards and Raiu had to catch Firewolf to keep him from hitting the ground. "Oh Gods help. I'm sorry, Myx, I guess he had a few too many drinks," Raiu said apologetically, and Myx nodded. He couldn't help smiling. They were all so young, full of energy and completely oblivious to the danger outside. "Is now really the best time to drink?" Myx asked seriously, raising his eyebrow slightly. Raiu swallowed, he wanted to answer, but didn't get around to it because Myx beat him to it. "Our Vice Leader was badly injured and you're drinking to each other," Myx said disappointedly, turning away from the two men. There was silence in the room and the summoner looked around. All members of the alliance looked at him with eyes wide open. Myx shrugged his shoulders, smiled slightly and said, "Oops, sorry slipped out. Firewolf hiccupped up again with Kenzo's help and cried out in shock: "Where is Zorena! Again Myx looked at the drunk. His look was full of worry and fear, he was really worried. "In the hospital room, as far as I know. The reason why she was wounded so badly nobody knows yet. So stop boozing and secure our borders," Myx said seriously and looked around. No one moved, everyone just looked at him in shock as if he was a being from another world. "What are you waiting for," cried the strongest summoner, annoyed and as if in one fell swoop, everyone in the common room flinched and ran past him out of the room except for Firewolf and Raiu. The leader's companion sighed. Only when everyone was out of the room except for Firewolf and Raiu did Myx catch his breath and look at the two fighters again. "How could this happen," Raiu asked anxiously, and Myx replied, "I don't know. But I'm sure she will come to soon. But until then, we have to be careful. You know that Zorena is very strong besides Mizu, Azaria, you, Sin, Hades and me. So something doesn't have to fit together." Firewolf hiccupped and Raiu slowly nodded in agreement. "Myx!", a woman's voice shouted and the three men looked up at the open door of the common room. "There you are. Me and Layto have been looking for you everywhere," she said and a little later Layto appeared behind Nemesy. He entered the common room with Nemesy and together they went to Myx. "We need to talk," Layto said pleadingly, brushing a strand of his hair to the side. Myx nodded, sat down on one of the comfortable chairs and Raiu and Firewolf sat down on the red bench next to Myx's chair. Nemesy looked at Layto, who nodded, and Myx, who had supported his head in his right hand, asked with interest, "What is this all about?


Nemesy swallowed nervously, looked down and bit her lips. Myx was a good friend of Suzuki. She was a little afraid of his reaction. She raised her head and looked at Myx who was also looking at her. His look was friendly as always, why was she so afraid? Myx wouldn't hurt her just because she shared her worries with him. So she took a deep breath, looked at Layto who scratched his head, then looked at Myx again and said, "Suzuki is a traitor. Raiu, who had just taken a glass of water and was about to drink it, spat out the water in shock, dropped the glass and looked shocked from Nemesy to Myx, who looked thoughtfully at Nemesy with his golden eyes. Eagerly Raiu waited for Myx to say something, but he didn't say a single word. "Sorry. ", Nemesy said softly and looked down, trembling slightly and she could hear Lucian's deep voice: "I know it may seem shocking, but Myx is. He is responsible for why Zorena was hurt so badly." Nemesy looked up, Myx cold golden eyes seemed to pierce Lucian and the leader's companion asked seriously: "Do you have proof?". He looked from Nemesy to Lucian and both shook their heads in denial. Myx would certainly not believe Layto if he told him about his fight with Suzuki. "Then best leave the matter alone," Myx spoke thoughtfully and Nemesy shrugged in shock. She looked up in horror, feeling the anger boiling up inside her. "You can't ask us to do that," Nemesy cried angrily and stood up. A fire was burning in her green eyes, Myx also rose, looked at Nemesy and hissed angrily: "Stop it, can't you see how you are acting right now? Let it rest before panic breaks out throughout the Alliance." He passed Nemesy, who puffed angrily. There was nothing she could do, stopping him would be idiotic. He was partly right, too, but was it really wise to keep silent now instead of united against Suzuki? "You're a coward," Nemesy shouted after Myx and the companion stopped at the door. Nemesy trembled with rage. Oh no. She would certainly not shut up now. "You heard me right," Nemesy called and Myx tilted his head to the right and spoke smiling: "I avoid panic compared to you. You forget that not everyone will be on your side immediately if you arrive without proof," he explained and left the common room. The warrior cursed, tears came to her eyes, how on earth should they find proof. Why didn't her friends trust her right away? Firewolf stood up, he

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