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Book online «Redcliff by Zafrina Jones (novel24 .txt) 📖». Author Zafrina Jones

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A young girl ran in panic through the fog-covered streets. Cars drove along the road, the headlights gave some light and allowed a view of many people walking along the sidewalk with their colorful umbrellas to avoid getting wet from the rain. The young woman pressed a brown parcel to her chest and kept looking behind her in panic. Her black hair was soaked from the rain as was her clothing, which consisted of jeans and a striped shirt. She ran along the sidewalk as fast as she could, passers-by avoided her, began to call her names because she ran past them so wildly. When she looked behind her again, she could see two masked men dressed in black. One wore a clown mask and the other a grey scarf that covered his entire face. Both wore black hats and black coats. They glided through the people like ghosts. The young woman's ice-blue eyes widened as she watched this and she did not notice how she collided with an old man. They both fell to the ground and the old man cursed and began to call her names, but the young woman quickly pulled herself up again without paying attention to the old man. Her own life was much more important to her than an old geezer who could not even see her pursuers. "You stupid brat," cried the overthrown gentleman and wanted to grab the girl by the leg, but the young woman grabbed the parcel as quickly as she could, dodged the old man's hand that was trying to grab her and ran on towards the bridge. Lightning could be seen through the thick fog and the young woman trembled with fear. Lightning, thunderstorms, not a good sign. From these her attackers drew strength. If the storm continued and the weather became more crazy this would be her death sentence. As she looked up at the sky, the young lady stumbled over her own feet and fell onto the wet ground. Her arms and legs hurt from the impact, the soaked brown package slipped a little along the bridge. "Now it's completely soaking wet, Saius," the gentleman cursed with the clown mask and crossed his arms. Saius cursed and looked down at the young lady who grabbed the parcel and pressed herself against the hangers of the bridge. One step closer and she would fall into the thundering black river. "Don't do anything stupid, girl! Give us the parcel," cried Saius angrily and pulled a knife from his pocket. The young woman flinched as the gentleman named Saius approached her. Her breath quickened and she looked around in panic. She could not really avoid it, the thick hangers of the bridge were in the way. Just as the man was about to stab the girl dropped backwards. She smiled and looked at the shocked faces of her pursuers. Passers-by who had been watching the girl screamed out, ran to the bridge and looked down and watched the young woman fall into the black river. Others shrugged their cell phones and called police and rescue. "You are a real fool", the man in the clown mask shouted and knocked the knife out of Saius' hand. He cursed, looked angrily at his partner and ignored the screaming people running through him. "How was I supposed to know that this idiot would jump off the bridge, Jess?!", Saius complained and rubbed his hand painfully. The knife clanked to the ground and Saius puffed annoyed as he walked through a passer-by to pick up his knife. Jess shook his head, looked at the hangers of the bridge where the young woman had recently been standing and puffed loudly. "I hope Jack doesn't tear our heads off. We have brought shame to the Order. Better said YOU!", Jess shouted, ignoring the panicked voices and the quiet muffled sirens of the police that slowly came closer.


The moon shone brightly down on a large black villa. Two women dressed in black walked through the corridors of a large black villa. "Do you think the Lord is going to go crazy?" asked the blonde-haired woman, frightened, and looked at the brown-haired woman who was straightening her red rimless glasses and shaking her head. "No, I know my bro, Nina. He would certainly keep himself under control," she said in a soft voice and made a braid out of her long brown hair. The boss of her order and Roxanne were best friends, you could even say that they saw each other as siblings. The blonde-haired woman followed her friend hesitantly on, walking through the magnificently decorated corridor. Golden ornaments, paintings as well as crystal chandeliers decorated the corridor which was additionally decorated with a long white Persian carpet. "Roxanne, he will surely go for your throat when you bring him the message from Jess and Saius. "Nina spoke thoughtfully and took a quick step to Roxanne, who was waiting outside the silver lift doors, her hands on her hips and knocking impatiently on the carpet with her black high heels. She was wearing a black top and black pants. Her arms were adorned with silver bracelets, all of which she had received as a gift from her bro, and her neck was adorned with a silver chain with a sea blue crescent moon. "You are very impatient, Roxanne," Nina said amusedly and giggled briefly, but fell silent as soon as the brown-haired one turned to her and looked at her sinisterly with her nut-brown eyes. "I'm sorry," Nina whispered and scratched behind her ear, before Roxanne could say anything at all, the blade of the lift could be heard, the doors opened and gave access to the golden lift. "Come on," Roxanne spoke annoyed and stepped into the elevator. She pushed to the fifth floor and crossed her arms. Nina, lost in thought, immediately jumped into the elevator and brushed back a strand of her blonde hair. Nervous at her boss's reaction, she tapped her index fingers together. She had only recently joined the Redcliff Order and had learned many new things. Redcliff was one of Five Magical Orders, an organization that was especially concerned with black magic. Especially her order was a thorn in her side, because people did not believe in magic. Five Orders, Five Magics. Determined to protect this society but their order had turned away from the circle.  Why she had not yet been told Since then, the orders have been at war, a competition that the humans have never seen. "I'm scared," Nina murmured, nervously rubbing her hands. Roxanne shrugged at the words and looked at Nina in surprise, who looked down. Fear was written all over her face and the brown-haired one sighed. She could understand that the little one was afraid. Anyone dealing with her bro for the first time would be afraid for a while. He was quite impatient, hated to wait and could easily get angry, sometimes even throwing things around. Anything he could grab hold of. It was always a fight with their leader, but thank God his older brother, who was also his second deputy, always managed to appease him. "Don't worry, nothing will happen," said Roxanne and smiled as the lift stopped and the doors opened.


Without hesitation the brown-haired woman entered the wonderful room. Waterfalls, equipped with light blue LED lamps decorated the walls of the room and the bright light of the chandeliers illuminated the large room, which was decorated with a large blue and white carpet. Glass tables as well as splendidly decorated cupboards decorated the room, silver statues and vases adorned the black furniture. At the end of the carpet in front of a magnificent painting in gold and silver was a splendidly decorated chair on which a black-haired young man sat. He had put his head in his hand which was sitting on the back of the chair and he looked angrily at Roxanne and Nina. Nina flinched at the cold look of her boss and tried to hide as well as possible behind Roxanne who shouted "Hay bro" to the young man. Annoyed, Jack turned his gaze to the brown-haired woman, who unimpressed folded her arms and looked around. "Say Jack, where did Justin go?" she asked and looked at Jack who was rubbing his temples and stroking his dark brown hair back. "He's doing something for me, why do you ask?" Jack replied annoyed and crossed his arms. The woman shrugged her shoulders and rubbed her eyes, stepping aside so her boss could also see Nina, who was as white as a sheet and looked frozen. "No reason," Roxanne replied, seemingly trying to figure out how she would choose her words. "There is one tiny little problem," Roxanne tried to be careful and scratched the back of her head. Jack's gaze darkened when he hated something, it was problems affecting his order. "What's that?", Jack's annoyed voice sounded and Nina could watch as her boss formed his hand into a fist. Apparently, he was trying very hard to control himself. "Spit it out already!" he ordered loud and Nina flinched at his tone of voice. She looked like a frightened little sheep that was hiding in a corner, hoping that the danger was over. "The scroll you asked for, well..." Roxanne expressed herself hesitantly and paused. Jack gritted his teeth and quickly Roxanne continued before her boss could say anything: " Hellfire got there first. They got the scroll. " Roxanne tilted her head and Jack flinched. Did he hear right? Hellfire one of the five orders known for the fire games, had his scroll? "Are you kidding me?!" cried Jack, rose and grabbed a thin white vase that stood on a small table. He threw it at Roxanne, who did not notice. Just as Nina was about to react, the vase hit the brown-haired one on the shoulder and broke. She backed off and held the arm she had hit, looked up at Jack and shook her head. The latter looked down and started to tremble, Nina who had been shocked to see the scenario and was unable to move out of shock cried angrily: "Are you crazy? She hasn't done anything to you!" Shocked, Roxanne looked at Nina and hissed angrily, "Shut up, Nina." But the blonde-haired one didn't react but said clearly what was bothering her. "You are sick! You're throwing things at a friend of mine," she shouted angrily, ignoring Roxanne who was getting louder and angrily calling Nina by her name.


"You suck, fresh meat. I'd advise you not to get on my nerves." Jack warned them threateningly and crossed his arms. But Nina did not hold herself back despite Jack's warning. She took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "You know what? If you keep this up, your order will be destroyed! You'll be left standing alone and suffering!" Jack grinned at Nina's words, looked down and shook his head. "Jack, spare her. She doesn't know anything about anything yet," Roxanne asked softly and did not take her eyes off Jack, whose eyes turned red. Their leader squeezed his eyes angrily, snapped his fingers briefly, grinned, opened his eyes and looked at Nina. Nina screamed out, fire surrounded her body, her blonde hair was on fire, her clothes were literally on fire. The girl flinched, stumbled to the ground and writhed in pain. Shocked, Roxanne watched the young lady. Unable to say a word or move until Nina was nothing more than a pile of bones covered in ashes. "You know no one is allowed to oppose me," Jack spoke softly and looked at Roxanne, who was still holding her shoulder. Some blood ran down her shoulder and Jack shrugged as he remembered what he had done. "I'm sorry," he whispered

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