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Book online «Phönix by Zafrina Jones (ebook pdf reader for pc .txt) 📖». Author Zafrina Jones

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The sun's rays wandered through the dense forest and made the sap green grass and the leaves of the trees shine bright green. The meadow was adorned by a leafy path that led deeper into the forest. The birds flew down from the trees and danced together along the deciduous path that led into the heart of the forest. In the middle of the forest there was a large weeping willow. Its long branches danced with the wind, and like a kind of curtain the tree covered the path that led past the sand path and gave a view of a cliff. The crown of the densely packed weeping willow protected most of the path and here and there obstructed the view of the path leading down the cliff. One could hear the bubbling water at the edge of the cliff and look down the waterfall. The crystal blue water gushed up like crystals. Because of the weather, some fog formed and blocked the edge of the cliff to the sandstone protected large gorge, which was mostly surrounded by the lake. Only a small path made of sandstone led down to the lake at the big willow tree. Crystal water drops flew aside and danced their way along the white foaming water surface when the waterfall hit the water surface.


On the small landscape of sandstone in the middle of the azure lake there was a black-haired young woman. She had tilted her head, closed her eyes and breathed deeply in and out. The drops of water from the waterfall floated to her and made her black hair shimmer a little bluish. She felt a few drops coming towards her as they moved along her face and the young woman, took another deep breath in and out before opening her ice-blue eyes, raising her right hand and wiping the water from her face. She looked at her hand, her snow-white long dress blowing in the wind, and she spoke in a low voice: "My sister is making a mistake. The attack is unnecessary." Suddenly her hand was enveloped in blue wildly blazing fire. She smiled even more, felt no pain, stretched out her burning hand, and the fire slowly began to break away from her hand, floating to the middle of the crystal blue lake and slowly began to form an ice-blue phoenix from it. Its wings were surrounded by ice-blue flames, and the crystal blue feathers slowly began to merge with its wings until the entire bird was on fire. When the phoenix opened its eyes and looked at the black-haired woman, its eyes glowed silver. The young woman swallowed, trembled, retreated a little and raised her hand protectively in front of her. Awe-inspiringly she looked at the magic bird, which did not let her out of its eyes and continued to flutter its wings. Was this being a sign? A sign for her that it was time to build her own alliance? She trembled all over her body, she felt how she was surrounded by warmth and cold, bravely the young woman held the gaze of the bird that continued to flap its wings and looked at her calmly. "Are you my destiny," she asked quietly and stretched out her trembling, raised hand to the phoenix, which tense up, stretching its wings sideways, screaming briefly and flying slowly toward her.


Only when he was very close to the young lady did the bird bow its head and touch the young lady's forehead with its ice-cold beak. An icy cold and heat like fire shot through her body at the same time. She gasped, trembled slightly, as she could feel what power the phoenix apparently sent her. Her throat began to close abruptly and the young woman stumbled and fell onto the sandy ground. The phoenix cried out again with his high voice, looking down at the black-haired woman who twitched here and there, her eyes closed tightly and her head turned back and forth as if she felt pain. Her breathing quickened, she clung to the sand. An icy force was pulling at her soul, it felt as if someone was pulling her down into the dark cold, the underworld. Slowly a squiggly light blue sign began to form on her forehead, the sign of the gods. A silver squiggled oval circle. Seconds later she stopped twitching, just lay still and the bird that had been watching the young woman cried out once more, looked up into the sky and dissolved into blue starlight shimmering flames. The few still burning feathers of the bird floated to the young woman on the ground, danced along her two hands, and in the palms of her hands a small phoenix with outstretched wings burned into the light blue flames. Pain shot through her body and the lady gasped in shock, screaming and closing her eyes again. Her heart seemed to burst into a thousand pieces, her hand felt wounded. All her strength had left her, as if it had been sucked out of her. With great effort she tried to calm her breathing and tried to take advantage of the calm, listening to the rushing waterfall and breathing fast as if she had run for her life.


"Zorena!", the young dazed woman could hear a familiar male voice. She could hear hurried steps that came closer and closer. Again she could hear her name and she felt two strong hands around her body and who was drawing her to him. Strong hands held her tight and gently stroked her cheek. Zorena lay her head on the chest of the person, exhausted, she could hear the fast panicky heartbeat of the man and sighed: "What in the name of the gods happened, Zorena!?", she could hear his desperate and worried voice. Weakly she opened her slightly watery eyes, and recognized a black-haired man who was a little older than her. He wore a black coat embroidered with silver buttons, had kneeled down next to Zorena and pulled the lady in his lap. His ice-blue eyes looked at her with concern. She raised her hand, smiled happily and gently stroked the young man's cheek while she whispered, "The Phoenix was born, Lucian. Our alliance was accepted by the gods." Weakened, she looked at the young man named Lucian with a smile for a while, bent her hand weakened and leaned against the young man's chest again until she finally lost consciousness.


Lucian swallowed, he looked down in shock for a while at Zorena, who lay fragile, like a small child in his arms. The young man could see the sign of the gods on her forehead: a silver ornate oval circle whose squiggled ends were cut. The young man could not help smiling happily. He happily embraced Zorena, put his forehead to hers and gave her a kiss on it.  Finally the gods had accepted her request. Her prayers to be accepted were finally answered. He slowly rose up with Zorena, whom he had protectively in his arms, looked down on her again and spoke happily, knowing that he would not hear her anyway: "Let's go home and tell the others, honey." With these words, the summoner rose and, with the young woman in his arms, hurried cautiously along the path that led up to the forest path. Still smiling, the black-haired man walked along the forest path. He closed his eyes and thought for a while. Was it really true? Was it not a dream that his wife carried the sign of the gods on her forehead and that her alliance was accepted? He opened his eyes, looked down at Zorena who was still unconscious in his arms and sighed happily. It was really true, the black-haired woman carried the sign of the gods on her forehead. She would lead Phøenix, she would fight the alliance wars and much more. He almost got tears of joy, because they were always driven out of their own territory and were badly abused. They had been called false blood, traitors to the gods, and much more. But these hard times of hatred and fear were over now. In the Alliance War, which took place every week, a duel would be decided by the gods, where the different communities had to prove to each other that they were worthy to call themselves Alliance, to show every guild what they were capable of. Lucian looked around, the leaves of the trees rustling in the wind, the birds cheerfully chirping their song and dancing together in the wind as if they were in love. "Who have we here?" asked an amused foreign voice and Lucian whirled around. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't realize how far he had already gone. He turned around and saw two men. One was wearing bracers on both hands, each with three razor-sharp large blades, the man was wearing a red coat with black buttons and a red hat with feathers. The other, on the other hand, wore a purple-blue staff, and wore a long golden-white robe, which could resemble that of a prince. His blond hair covered one of his ice-blue eyes and the young man smiled. Lucian sighed and bowed his head and said, "Rebeli and Tali. What do you want from me?" Rebeli laughed, walked towards Lucian and spoke gloomily: "What do we want from you, you false blood?! You are in our territory." Lucian looked up and held up the yellow gaze of blood master Rebeli. For a while, they just looked at each other and you could feel the dangerous tension between them. "Call me that again and you will regret it," whispered Lucian gloomily, and behind him a strong wind began to form, making his hair dance. Ice-blue starlight swirled around the summoner, and Tali, realizing that the summoner was serious, quickly turned: "Rebeli, enough! There must be a reason why Lucian has just entered our territory. After all, he's coming out of the forest, and that's where our borders begin," Tali said in a calm voice, looking from Rebeli to Lucian, who averted his gaze from the Blood Master and gazed at Tali with his icy blue eyes. "What happened?" asked Tali worriedly, who looked at the woman who had fainted. Rebeli also looked at Zorena and gritted his teeth in annoyance when he recognized the young woman and retreated. "Don't worry, she's fine," Lucian said and took turns looking from Tali to Rebeli.


"What did you do to her?" Rebeli asked angrily and glowed sinisterly at Lucian. The summoner sighed, Rebeli and Zorena had gotten along well since they were little. They were like best friends. No wonder he reacted that way. Nonetheless, he couldn't stand the Bloodmaster. He had often torn Lucian to shreds in the wilderness for fun, but although they were good friends, Rebeli couldn't stop hunting the young summoner. Lucian took a deep breath, swallowed his anger and spoke sinisterly to Rebeli: "We were accepted and believe me. We will be glad to see you again in the Alliance war, my dear." Rebeli was about to say something, but Tali got there first, held his arm in front of Rebeli and gave him a sign to hold back. "We do not want war. RoyalBlade shouldn't lose any more members," Tali spoke seriously and looked at Rebeli, who looked down and avoided the gaze of his leader. The leader of the alliance RoyalBlade sighed heavily, looked at Lucian and said, "Lucian please, we really don't want war. Maybe we all have to fight through the gods, but enough is enough, we have already lost so many people to Legends. We do not need another war. The Alliance war is enough" sadness ran through the leader's face and the summoner almost felt

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