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Book online «Char Resurrected by Char Steel (novels to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Char Steel

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enough for him to turn his head and watch me. I yawned and stretched my arms above my head.

As he got up from the tree I jumped up with the speed of a hacker and murmured the words for a encasing ice spell.

The ice flew towards him and spread over his retreating figure. It completely encased him and froze him still.

The Queen was gonna be mad as hell I thought. I got up and started running away from the area and back towards what I assumed to be the city.

I ran and ran until I finally doubled over and caught my breath. My lungs heaving I leaned against a tree and waited until my breathing leveled out before stepping forward.


I found myself upside down. What the hell?

I twisted around as my breath leveled out once again only to find a wooden club rushing towards my head. A blur against the darkness and then I was out again.

-----4 hours later----

I opened my eyes to a wonderful morning as the sun started coming up over the horizon. The sunlight was spreading through the leaf's of the trees and over the unnecessarily far away ground.

I groaned and got up as I leaned my weight against a tree branch. I looked around at the small 5x5 wooden tree house that I was in.

Getting up I discovered that someone had chained my leg to the tree. I groaned again but not pain as I tried tugging on it but it wouldn't budge.

I furrowed my eyebrows as the chain creaked but did not give in.

" Need some help there?" A voice countered from my right.

I whirled around and glared at the darkness. After all you can't blame me as I was not feeling very hospitable at the moment.

" Who are you? You better tell me before you regret it!" I said as I grabbed a knife from my boot.

" Whoa calm your socks. You sound like your going to tear me apart." The male voice said.

I strained against the chain as I tried to locate the voice.

" Well you can't blame a girl for defending herself after being knocked out and tied up." I said as a flash of blond hair appeared in the darkness.

" Sorry about that. I tried not to handle you too hard." Another flash of gold against the blackness.

" You tried not to handle me too hard? You knocked me out!" I screeched disbelievingly.

" Sorry again but you can't blame me after all your the first person that I came across in the past few months."

 I rolled my eyes and snorted. " Well even after living out here for a few months your still supposed to be social and not knock out the first person you see."

" Well figuring out that your alive after getting killed by a evil sword is kinda traumatic." He said and snorted back.

I stopped tugging on the chain and froze. Surely this guy wasn't Ronan? But it made sense since that sword had killed my friends and I have found them all except Ronan.

" So..." I began cautiously " what's your name?"

" Name's John the Conquer your's?" He said in a casual and proud tone.

I sighed a breath of relief and grinned. Figured that only Ronan would try and come up with a stupid name to trick me.

" Ronan it's me Char." I said and waited a pause before Ronan's excited voice broke out.

" Char?! Oh my god. Do you realize how long I have been searching for you?" He said and came into the light.

" No I don't know how long you have been searching for me but I am guessing it was a few months."

He walked to me bending down and started taking the chain off my ankle. " Yeah about three months! I thought you were dead and lost along with the other guys."

I rolled my eyes and stepped back to get a good look at him. " Not really dea- "

I stopped short as I got a good look at him.

Instead of his usual look.

He was a MESS. I groaned in disbelief at his dirty golden hair that had grown to his shoulders. There was twigs and even other hair that I did not want to know where it came from stuck in his usually golden hair.

He had on a ragged pair of shorts and a once white shirt. No shoes.

His face was also covered and smeared with mud,dirt, and whatever that black stuff was.

He noticed me looking and squinted his eyes. " What?"

" Well um... erm. You kinda have like a LOT of dirt on you."

" Yeah I know it comes with the bad ass look I generate."

I rolled my eyes. " Yeah welll I think that this is too much dirt.

He shrugged his shoulder and leaped off the tree house in an ungentlemanly like manner.

I glared and leaped of the tree house in an ladylike manner following him through the trees and came upon a small creek.

He stared into the creek for a moment of silence before shrieking.

" What the hell! Why did no one tell me that I looked like this?!"

" Well uh-" I started but was cut off.

" I look terrible Char! I can't catch any girls in this condition!"

" Yeah well-" I started again but was rudely cut off again by the girl chaser.

" Savitar looks better than me now! I can't have that!" He whined.

I glared and tried not to do what my evil imagination was imagining right now.

" I need to get styled and primed before he sees me! Imagine what would happen if everyone knew that he was better than me!"

I scowled not really thinking that anyone would really care. He rambled and whined on and on and on and on until I felt ready to give him a makeover myself.

Instead of tearing him to pieces and burying him in the woods where no one would find him I just picked up a tree branch and conked him on the head.

His whining stopped and his eyes rolled into the back of his head before falling limply to the forest floor.

I smirked and leaned down securing my arms around his middle before pulling him up and over my shoulder.

OH GOD. HE WAS HEAVY. My smirk disappeared as I shifted his body that way all his weight went to the front instead of my already poor and aching back.

I almost toppled over as he slid wayyy down my front his hands touching the ground.

I shifted him back and managed to stumble and slide towards the road that I suspected was around here.

About an hour later of dragging, pulling, and shoving his body up and down hills I finally managed to reach the road.

There however was not one car in sight.

I sighed and looked at the blazing sun overhead.

I dumped his body on the ground and looked around at the empty, deserted, hot, and blazing-

WAIT A MINUTE. Wait one little tiny minute.

Was that what I thought it was?

I squinted and almost jumped in joy as I spotted Roda's beautiful shiny car laying on it's side.

I finally got enough sense to levitate Ronan's body up and ran over to the car.

I dropped him again and picked up the car flipping it over. I know how it sounds but you can't blame a supernatural for not having superpowers.

I checked under the hood and noticed a 'certain engine' missing.

I stood for a minute until I realized that 'someone' had removed the 'certain engine' in case I tried to escape.

I snarled and moved off in search of the engine. An hour later I finally found the engine stuck way up a huge tall slim tree.

I managed to crawl up it before lugging it down and dragging it over to the car. I sat it down and leaned back as a realization hit me.

I had no idea how to air a tire let alone how to install a whole engine.

I sighed heavily and banged my head against the car.

I stopped banging my head and instead of doing absolutely nothing I instead tried to figure out how to study the engine.

Finally 30 minutes later of levitating parts and losing a couple that I'm sure weren't important I managed to install the engine.

I grabbed Ronan and stuffed him through the window and into the passenger seat before going into the driver's seat and inserting the key.

I prayed before counting to 10 and turned the key.

A moment of silence passed. Suddenly the engine kicked and started to life as I internally whooped and backed the car out before driving it back onto the road.

About 30 minutes later I reached New York. I grinned at passing people that gave me bewildered looks.

I stopped at my first stop and parked in the parking space before lugging Ronan inside the salon and dumping him into the chair.

I looked at the frowning young hair stylist. " I need him trimmed and cleaned up."

She raised an eyebrow at me. " He's unconscious."

" Yeah how about I pay you a hundred and you do it." I said pulling out a hundred.

" No." She folded her arms across her chest.

" Okay. How about I pay you a thousand and you still trim him up and get him a complete makeover."

Her face scrunched up but she couldn't say no. " Fine. I'll be done in a hour. You will need to get me some clothes though."

I nodded and pulled out a thousand and gave it to her before I left and drove to a clothing store to get his clothes.

More people at the store gave me weird looks but didn't comment.

I got him a black shirt and some jeans.

I drove back and gave it to the girl  who I learned was named Jenny. She actually was excited at the thought of giving Ronan a makeover. Not that I could blame her as he was good looking.

Finally she was done. Ronan in the meantime had slowly started waking up. She wheeled him in as he stood up and blinked.

" What's going on?"

I grinned at his question as he looked hotter than he did back in the forest or even before he died.

" Hello? Anyone gonna tell me what happened after you knocked me out?" He protested after a moment of silence.

Jenny glared at me for being the one to knock him out but then she smiled after all she got the chance to go wild on him.

" Well you look great now that I cleaned you up or... actually it was Jenny who cleaned you up." I added the last part as Jenny glared in my direction.

" Huh?" He said with a confused expression before turning and walking to the mirror.

We waited as he saw himself fully.

" Wow." He whispered. " I am amazing at attracting girls."

My grin fell as the sarcastic guy was back. I growled and snatched his arm before leading him out the front door.

" Call me!" Jenny yelled after us.

Ronan blew her a kiss right before the door swung shut. I bet if I looked back she would be swooning.

I looked back through the glass and sure enough she was swooning.

I redoubled my pace before anymore girls fell in love with the fire prince.

Finally after dragging the reluctant prince to the car and stuffing him into to we set on our merry way to my house where for sure some frantic people were.

I drove into the garage and levitated Ronan out the car and through the front door before entering it myself and slamming it shut.

A yammering of voices rose up from the living room as I made my grand entrance. I put up a hand and silenced them also managing to slam Ronan against the ceiling. Oops.

I put a grumbling Ronan back on his feet as everyone finally quieted down.

I scanned the face and recognized a lot of people. Thank god the living room was big for all the people that were there for me. There was all manner of creatures there. Listed in the following.

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