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Book online «That Girl's Bad News by Aysha K (inspirational books for women txt) 📖». Author Aysha K

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morning?'' asks Andy (Andrew) causing me to chuckle a little

''No but thanks for reminding me though'' I smirk evilly

''What happened this morning?'' Both Kayden and Maya ask at the same time.

''Well my precious brother and cousin decided that they couldn't wait for me to wake up so they threw a bucket of cold water onto me.

''But we had reasons'' Andy says

''Really I wonder what those reason are'' I say sarcastically

'' Eve you were screaming in your sleep and talking in different languages'' He says slightly confused

I quickly get up ''What?'' I grab my bags and back up a little causing all of them to look at me weirdly, I take a deep breath ''I'm fine'' looking at their unconvinced faces I try again ''Really all I need is a break so I'm gonna go home and get some rest'' I say turning around and walking to my car.

''I can't believe I did that'' I mutter to myself before starting my car and heading towards the one place I feel safe in.

Chapter 3

''Where have you been?'' Exclaimed my aunt.

''Out'' I whisper, tiredly wiping my eyes

''Out where'' after a minutes pause ''forget I even asked, lets just get you warmed up and refreshed'' She says leading me up to my room and bathroom, switching the hot water on before leaving.

''I let out a shaky sigh, 'Surely they can't have gotten that bad'  I question myself. I strip off my clothes and underwear then step under the hot shower letting it wash away my pain 'If only it could really do that'

Out of nowhere I let out a sob, then another and another and fall to the floor hugging my knees 'They were just nightmare, not reality' ' She can't really be here' I reassure myself 'But what if she is and has come beck to finish what she started' asked my inner voice, ''I don't care and eve if she does come back I won't let her hurt any of the people I love'

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself. I stare at myself in the mirror; the once joyful, lively, smiley girl has been replaced but a broke, fragile, breakable girl who keeps a strong composure when in reality she's broken.

I walk into my closet and wear my underwear and pick out something simple and comfortable to wear; grey sweatpants, baggy superman top and blue fluffy slippers before heading down and into the living room.

 I find Aimee, Andrew, Daniel and Kayden sitting on the L- shaped sofa eating pizza and watching a movie. I walk into the kitchen and grab a can of coke before heading back and sitting in-between Aimee and Daniel.

''Hey'' Aimee says, smiling.

''Hey'' returning her smile I look around and frown ''Where's everyone?'' I ask

''Mom and dad have gone out, Derrick's in his room, Eleanor and the twins are in their rooms sleeping'' She replies

''Oh, so anything happen while I was gone?'' I ask

''Not much but dad is annoyed that you skipped'' Andrew replies

I shrug ''I needed a break''

''Where were you anyway?'' Kayden asks out of nowhere

''Out anyway its a secret'' I say, winking.

''Common Eve you always do this and what if something happens?'' Daniel whines

''Nothing will happen and besides I can protect myself'' I say taking a bite out of my pizza

I hear Kayden snort ''You couldn't hurt a fly''

I raise and eyebrow and walk up towards him then look down so we were both eye to eye ''You haven't seen me yet and even if you did you would be scared shitless right now'' I state coldly.

Everybody was taken aback by my cold outburst, they all knew how much I despise Kayden so there isn't much to be surprised about, Daniel awkwardly clears his throat to gain our attention ''Hey there is a par-'' He starts but gets interrupted by my phone.

''Hello'' I said not bothering to check the caller ID

''Am I talking to Evelyn Mercy Carter?'' Asks a very familiar voice sweetly.

''Yes who may I be speaking to?'' I ask, I turn around and find 4 pairs of confused eyes staring at me, I signal that I will tell them later and I'm going to talk in the hall.

''Oh honey you don't remember me?'' She asks, amused

''Um- no and not to sound rude or anything but who are you?'' I ask again.

''Cassandra Sande'' She pauses and drops the amused act ''Your mother''

That causes me to snap ''Why are you calling me? I don't want anything to do with you'' I state coldly.

''Well life's not fair and I'm in town and I'm coming to see you all very soon''

''If you ever, Ever, come near me or my family then I will forget that  I ever knew you or that your my mother'' I threaten, before I hang up I hear a very malicious laugh and two words that sent shiver down my spine

                                                          ''I'm coming'

Chapter 4

I walk back into the kitchen, fuming.

‘’Who wa- Whoa what happened?’’ Aimee asks after seeing my pale face.

‘’Nothing good’’ I reply.

‘’Then why do you look like your about to murder someone right now?’’ She asks ‘Maybe I really am’ I wonder to myself.

I let out a dry laugh ‘’As if’’ I smirk before grabbing my drink and heading towards my room ‘’I’m going to bed, so don’t bother me’’ I inform them before leaving.

‘I’m coming’ I kept on tossing and turning in my sleep. I couldn’t catch a wink of sleep without remembering her parting words.

‘’Urgh’’ I throw off my blanket and leave my room and head towards the kitchen.

I enter the kitchen on to find Kayden sitting on the counter table reading something off his phone, he looks up and puts his phone into his pocket.

‘’What are you doing here?’’ I ask making myself some hot chocolate.

‘’Staying over and I couldn’t sleep’’ He replies, tiredly.

‘’You sure sound tired, want one?’’ I ask indicating to the hot chocolate.

‘’Sure thanks’’

We stay in silence for the next few minutes, the only sound that you could hear were our breathing. I pour the hot chocolate into two cups and hand one to Kayden before sitting down opposite him.

I take a sip before clearing my throat. ‘’Um why couldn’t you sleep?’’

‘’No reason but you didn’t tell me why you’re here either’’ He smirks a little, Damn that looks cute on him- Wait what?

‘’I live here remember and I couldn’t sleep either’’ I reply, mentally cursing myself for being stupid.

‘’Care to share’’ He says taking a sip of his own drink. ‘’Was is related to that call that you had earlier?’’ He asks

I give him a tiny smile. ‘’Yeah’’ I mumble that he wouldn’t be able to hear but he does.

‘’Who was it that called?’’ He asks a little concerned. Whoa who knew that Kayden had a heart.

The light from outside illuminated Kayden’s face showing me a different side to him, he has got golden brown/blonde hair that’s slightly scruffy, piercing blues eyes, his shirt is hugging his muscles and his lips looks so- Shut up Eve!

I realize that I’m checking him out and snap out of it.

‘’nobody’’ I say quietly then again but louder ‘’Nobody’’ causing Kayden to raises an eyebrow.

‘’You don’t sound so sure’’ He leans forward ‘’I wonder why’’ Before I can even process what he had said, he walks over to my side of the counter table and stands in front of me before leaning in slightly. ‘’Who was it Evelyn?’’ He asks, his eyes filled will concern and something eye?

‘’Nobody’’ He leans in a little bit more which causes my heart to race a little, stupid heart, I bet he can hear it.

‘’Really?’’ He asks sarcastically but nevertheless concerned, he leans forward and puts his arms on either side of me, trapping me between him and the counter-table. ‘’Evelyn I’m asking one last time, who was it?’’

‘’My mother’’ I angrily whisper gaining a very confused Kayden.

‘’Then why do you sound so angry?’’ He asks. I open my mouth to say something but close it, what am I thinking? Why am I telling all of this to Kayden? Before I know it I jump up from my seat causing Kayden to fall on the floor but not before pulling me with him.

I hear an awkward cough from my right and open my eyes to find Andrew standing there with his eyebrows raised and eyes filled with amusement. My eyes widen when I realize what he must be thinking; I was on top of Kayden in a you-know position. I scramble to my feet and dust my sweatpants slightly while Kayden got up and did the same.

’’What’s up?’’ Kayden asks, like nothing even happened.

 ‘’Nothing much, just thought that I’d go to the kitchen and grab something to drink but instead I find my cousin lying on top of my best friend, care to explain?’’ He asks glaring playfully at us.

‘’Nothing happened’’ I blurted out.

‘’Really it sure looked like you were very comfortable there’’ I was thankful that it was dark otherwise they would have been able to see the blush that was creeping its was up my neck.

‘’I-uh-gonna-go-urgh-bye!’’ I stutter grabbing my hot chocolate and rushing out of the kitchen but not far enough to hear Andrew and Kayden laughing.

‘’Glad that I could amuse you’’ I mutter before heading into my room.

Chapter 5


I wake up feeling utterly dead! My head feels like it has been stepped on by a giant. ‘’Urgh’’ I stubbed my toe at the edge of my bed. I hear a faint knock at my door. ‘’Who is it?’’ I didn’t hear and answer but instead the door open and close. I sit back onto my bed.

‘’Whoa, you look like hell’’ Derek exclaims. ‘’No wonder you slept for so long’’ He says sarcastically. I take a little glance at the clock on my

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