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Book online «That Girl's Bad News by Aysha K (inspirational books for women txt) 📖». Author Aysha K

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little torn.

''Why not?'' i move towards the window, i know that its pointless tryng to get out because Tamara won't budge.

''I can't tell you'' She says.

''What is everyone hiding?'' I throw my hands in the air.

''Your just going to have to ask Kayden'' I scoff.

''Like he's going to tell me anything?'' I look outside, lately my vision has become a little more sharper. Even in the darkness I can see wolves running in the woods behind my home. WAIT! Since when did we have wolves here? ''Tamara why are there wolves here?'' I look behind me but she isn't there. I walk out of my room and slyly downstairs and out into the back, to where the woods are. I know that I am being crazy and should just go back into my house but I can't, something is telling me to go see what's happening.

'Fool, don't act like the hero' The voice in my head says.

'Shut up' I snarl at it, i hear it whimper and feel a little bad but I don't say anything but walk into the woods with a flashlight in hand.

The moon is the only thing that's in the sky above me. My eyes look for any sign of danger.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here after all  I say to myself when I'm deep into the woods. The tree's show no comfort and just stand there, relishing the moon's light, i hear howls and freeze.

'You think?' Urgh that voice is back, 'Hey I have feeling you know' All of a sudden I hear a growl from my right. I turn my head and supress a scream.

There was two wolves, looking at me in hunger. They start to come closer, their eyes watching my every movement. I take a deep breathe and make the choice to run for my life, bad idea! Seeing my running they accept the indirect challenge and start to run after me. I whizz past trees and end up by a massive lake. Shit i can't swim! I look around for a place that i might be able to hide, but nothing, there is nothing here, just trees. The two wolves catch up to me and start to slowly circle me. Tears fall slowly down my cheeks, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to fucking die!

'No your not' The voice says.

'How can you be so sure?' I ask.

'Because I'm here now' An unknown but aluring voice says drawing me in a little.

'Who are you?'

'Our mate' The voice in my head says.

I can't ask anything else because one of the wolves lunges at me, i scream from the top of my lungs and close my eyes, waiting for the impact to come but nada, nothing. I open my eyes and find a midnight blue wolf on top of the wolf and growling. The other wolf was being circled by two wolves, one grey and the other a dark brown. They lunge at the lone wolf and everything happens soo fast. I scream when i see the brown wolf and grey wolf tear the lone wolf apart, causing the blue wolf to look at me, giving the one under him the advantage and throw him back. Snapping back into reality the blue wolf growls. With one dead, the other lone wolf realises that it's out numbered and submits to the other three but it seems like it had one last idea on its mind, it attempts to come at me again but this time the blue wolf finishs it off before it can even come close to me.

I stand there frozen, all three wolves look at me and take a step towards me. I take a step back, causing me to step into the lake. They don't make any furrther movement to come closer towards me and kneel on the ground and just look at me with familiar looking eyes. I stare at each of them, knowing that they don't plan to hurt me i take a few steps closer to them. Once I'm close, i kneel so that I'm nearly the same height. I don't know where i got the courage to even do that but i did.

''Thank you'' I whisper, for some reason i kissed the blue wolf on the head. ''If you didn't come I might have been eaten by those other wolves'' I hear them whimper. Somewhere along the way I had lost my flashlight, so how I would get home in the dark, I have no idea. I chuckle a little ''I have no idea how I'm going to get home now'' I sniffle. ''First I get shot and now I get ambushed by two wolves, could my day get any better?'' I ask sarcastically. I hear a growl scaring me a little, so i move back but still stay crouched. ''I need to go home now, but thank you for saving me'' I have no idea why I was talking to them but I couldn't find myself to even care.

I get up from my crouching figure, they all get up with my movement and walk ahead of me. Um, seems like they want me to follow them so I do, soon enough I see my home, I turn around to thank them again but they are no longer there, i look around but I can't see them. I hear rustling from my left and my head snaps in that direction. Andrew, Dan, Aimee, Tamara, Kayden and a few others are standing there looking at me.

''Eve, why are you out here?'' Well hell, maybe it was a bad idea after all!


A/N I'm sooo very sorry for the really late update, I tried to make this chapter as long as possible yet interesting, I hope you guys liked it though

Chapter 13

''Um, uh... shouldn't i be asking you guys the same thing?'' I high five myself mentally for my smart comeback. Kayden roles his eyes at me.

''Just get inside'' I stick my tongue at them but oblige.

Why were they out in the forest? I mean. with wolves out there, shouldn't they have stayed inside?

Lost in my thoughts, i bump into someone.

''Shit, sorry'' I look up and find a guy looking down at me. He helps me to my feet.

''Its okay, just be careful nextime'' He says before walking away.

''Cheers'' I carry on walking.

''Hey Eve, wait up'' I ignore him and walk on. ''Eve wait'' Nearly there. I almost got there until he grabbed my arm.

''Dan, i don't have time for this, I'm tired'' I fake a yawn.

''We have to leave in a few minutes, so get ready and come down'' He leaves before i can ask him where we're going.

I walk into my room, looks like I'm going to have to get ready again. Yeah.... Not going to fucking risk it and hurt myself again.

'Your not hurt anymore' The voice in my head says.

''Shut up, I got shot remember'' I say back.

''Look at it now, and you'll see'' Why the hell am i even talking to myself? But there were no longer any marks of me being shot anymore.

''Huh? That's plain wierd'' I mutter before putting on a pair of brown uggs and a long sweater coat on before wrapping a scarf around my neck. What? Its cold out.

I walk out and I find Dan and Tamara waiting for me.

''Where are the others?'' I ask, looking around.

''They left'' Dan says. ''C'mon, we gotta leave'' I glare at him.

''I'm going in my own car'' I say.

''Now's not the time to be stubborn Eve'' He sighs.

''I'm not being stubborn, not where are we going?'' I ask

''Kayden's house'' Great..... we're going back into the woods.

''Fine.. I'll meet you guys there then'' Before they can even say anything, i walk out of the house and get into my car.

Why is everyone hiding things from me?

''Well.... Your hiding things from them'' The voice is back... urgh. ''Shut up, you retard''

''Your calling yourself an retard as well, dumbass'' I say, bloody hell.. I have to stop talking to myself.

I blast music as i drive because i didn't like the eerie silence surronding me. Everyone was there already when I got there. I knock the door and Kayden's mother greets me.

''Eve, honey come in'' She lets me in.

''Hey Mrs. J'' I smile at her. Kayden gets most of his features from his dad but he has his mom's eyes and her hair. ''Why are we all here?'' I ask as she leads me towards a room that i haven't seen before.

''You'll find out soon honey'' She gives me a sad smile and walks into the room. I follow silently behind her.

I stop in my tracks. Its like a throne/court room, literally... on the outside it may seems like a cosy mansion but i have never seen this part of the house. Mr. and Mrs J are sitting at the front facing everyone with Kayden on the seat next to them with a few people, not a lot sitting in front of them Not sure what to do, i just stand there.

''Eve, come here and sit next to Kayden'' I do what Mr. J asks me, but I accidently brush against Kayden and i feel sparks.

''What's going on?'' I ask as i look around.

''Hasn't she been told yet?'' One of them asks.

''Told what?'' I ask.

''No, she hasn't... She'll find out tonight'' Mr. J says.

''She needs to be, how can she be our Luna queen if she has no idea what she is?'' Another person asks.

''Kayden will tell her, when he needs to'' Mrs. J says.

''What are you all talking about? and what's a Luna? The only thing I know about Luna's are that they are like female alpha's for werewolves'' I'm confused, what are they talking about?

''Kayden, take her and tell her'' Mr. J tells him.

I feel Kayden move and pull me up before walking out the room with me trailing behind him.

''Let go, I can walk myself'' He doen't listen. ''Let go'' I wiggle my wrist. i give up, he won't listen. He pulls me into a room, and closes the door.

Its a bedroom, one of which I'm presuming is his.

''You might want to sit down for this'' He says. I do what he tells me.

''What's going on?''

''Why were you in the woods today Evelyn?'' He asks, completly ignoring my question. I huff and cross my arms.

''Why were you in the woods Kayden?'' I narrow my eyes at him.

''Tell me'' He says. I sigh.

''I saw a bunch of wolves, and I felt a need to go into the woods, I'm not sure myself as to why'' I say. He comes and sits next to me.

''Why do you think that is?'' He asks. I turn myself to look at him.

''What do you mean?''

''Why do you think you felt the need to go into the woods?'' He asks.

''I told you, I dont know myself'' I tell him and its true.. I just felt a deep need to go there.

''Do you believe in mates Evelyn?'' He changes the topic. i tilt my head and ponder and what he just said.

''I believe in friendship yeah'' I say in a 'dhur' tone. He rolls his eyes at me.

''I mean soulmates, do you believe in them?''

''Yes'' I say after a minutes ''I know that out

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