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Book online «That Girl's Bad News by Aysha K (inspirational books for women txt) 📖». Author Aysha K

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won't shut up?'' He asks.

I sigh ''Nothing just leave it, you're all looking at me like I've nuts'' I get up and grab an apple before leaving the kitchen. Before I leave I hear my name being said so I put my ear to the door.

''She's going to find out sooner or later, dad'' Aimee said

''I know that but she has enough on her plate and telling her now will confuse her'' He replies

''Well Evelyn has a right to know and its better if she find out from her family then from a stranger'' My Aunt pipes in.

''Kids just go get ready for whatever your going to do today and let us handle it'' I hear them protest but eventually give up. I quickly move my head from the door and run into my room before they could see me.

I ate the apple and walked into my closet to pick an outfit for the day; black jeans with holes on the knees, white shirt with a navy jumper over it and black combat boots. I left my make-up simple; mascara, eyeliner and red lipstick. I pulled my hair into a tight pony tail and left my fringe out.

I grabbed my phone, purse and car keys and went down stair and into the living room. I found Andrew, Aimee, Kayden, Daniel and Derek in the living room watching TV.

''Hey guys'' I put on a fake smile and act like I didn't hear what they were talking about today.

''Hey Eve, where are you going?'' Andrew asks.

''Just out in a bit'' I reply shrugging my shoulders.

''But where exactly?'' Daniel enquires.

I raise and eyebrow. ''Why you guys with or something?'' I ask sarcastically.

''Well since you insist, sure why not'' He jumps up and pats my shoulder, slightly.

What. The. Hell?

''Come on Eve we're going to be late'' Andrew calls out before getting up.

I sigh, giving up ''You don't even know where we're going yet?'' I point out. I look around at Derek who's still sitting down. ''You coming with, bro?''

''Nah just going to chill at home'' He replies.

''Suite yourself'' I turn to the others and glare at them slightly ''I'll meet you guys at the mall outside where we usually meet, Kay?''

''Sure but I'll come with you'' Aimee says dragging me towards my car.

We both get into my car and instantly Aimee turn on my radio, filling my car with 'Find you' by Zedd.

We both arrived at the mall and found the guys waiting at the food court.

''Wow despite leaving before us, you drive like a grandma'' Kayden comments, I glare at him.

''Despite me not wanting you here you still came'' I spit back, snickering when he doesn't respond.

''Whatever'' He turns away.

''Anyway, you guys do what you want and Eve and I are going to do some shopping for the school ball, C yah'' Aimee drags me off for the second time in one hour.

''OMG that dress would look really nice on you Eve, you should try it on!'' Aimee exclaims pushing a black dress into my arms.

We've been to most of the shops in the mall and Aimee has made me try on so many dresses that I've lost count of.

'Umm Aimee I'm don't think it will'' I tell her trying to push the dress back into her arms.

She laughs ''Don't be silly Eve trust me it will'' She pushed me into the changing and closes the door behind me. ''I'm just round the corner, Kay?'' She says through the door.

''Sure'' I mumble, looking down at the dress.

I strip off my clothes and put on the black dress. I stare at the mirror; the dress hugs my curves in all the right places and it falls elegantly to the floor, the sleeves fall off my shoulder and end at my wrists. (Dress on the side --->)

''Eve are you finished yet or do I have to break down the door'' she calls out.

''I'm finished, hang on'' I reply opening the door and stepping out of the changing room.

''WOW'' Aimee's mouth was wide open.

''Aimee honey you might want to close your mouth or you'll catch flies'' I tease, she glares at me playfully.

''Hush now, you have to buy this Eve'' She says eyeing my dress.

''No I don't feel like going to the ball this year'' I say.

''What do you mean?'' Kayden's voice appears out of nowhere making me jump slightly.

''I mean I'm not going to the ball or do you still not understand what I'm saying?'' I say, slowly.

''Shut up Carter'' He huffs, his breath blows my neck a little and causes me to involuntarily shiver.

'Me likely' The voice in my head says out of nowhere.

'Oh dear god not you again!' I grumble.

'Yes its me, so you better get used to it cause I'm going to be here a lot more once you find out' It replies 'P.S please stop calling me it, just give me a name all right'

'What do you mean 'I'm going to be here a lot more when you find out?' find out what?' I ask, but this time she stays silent and doesn't reply.

''Evelyn you in there?'' Aimee asks bringing me back to reality.

''Yea- what?'' I ask defensively when she looks at me funny.

''What happened to you? It looked like you spaced out or something'' She says.

''Nothing'' I mutter ''You got your wish, I'll buy the dress'' I say wanting her to drop the topic and taking the hint she does but still looks suspicious. I walk back into the changing room and get back dressed into my clothes from earlier.

''Hello still here Y'know'' Kayden says faking to look hurt when I walk out of the changing rooms.

''Yeah what are you doing here Kayden?'' I ask him ''And where are the others?''

''Yeah they're waiting for us at the food court so hurry up and pay for your dress so that we can go eat, I'm starving!'' He complains.

''Boys'' I mutter.

''Hey I heard that'' Kayden says, defensively.

''Don't care'' I pay for my dress and walk out of the shop, heading towards the food court with Kayden trailing behind me.

''Hey guys'' I say to them as I walk towards them.


''Aimee where were you?'' I ask

''Ummm the boys wanted to show me something so I went with them, why?'' She asks innocently.

''Well don't leave me with him next time'' I say pointing my finger at Kayden.

''Hey I'm not that bad'' He defends.

''What-'' I start but am replaced with a buzz from my phone, I open it to show I got a message from unknown. I open the text It read but regretted it soon after:

                               ' Oh Evelyn Dear you haven't changed at all, soo strong, soo feisty, too bad cause I'm here and I'll show you what I'm capable of. Be careful Evie sweet because I'm watching and you won't be leaving anytime soon ’       

                                                   - C.S xoxo

''Hey Eve are you okay, who messaged you?'' Andrew asks looking over my shoulder trying to catch a peek at my message.

''Its nothing'' I say stuffing my phone into my pocket. He looks like he isn't convinced but drops it. ''Lets grab something to eat I'm starving'' I say changing the topic. I ignored Kayden when he muttered 'Hypocrite' under his breath.

I don't here what they say because I'm too focused on the text. 'Who was that?'

'How could you not know?' The voice in my head mocks.

'Shut up' I snarl and shut the voice out.

I look around the food court to try and spot who C.S is, nobody looks suspicious.

''You sure you're alright Evelyn? You've been acting funny after you received that text message, who was that anyway?'' Daniel asks.

I smile at him ''Its nothing Daniel, don't worry'' I reassure him.

He was about to reply but was interrupted by my phone ringing.

Without checking caller ID I answered the phone, instantly regretting it because of the voice that replied.

''Oh Evie, Sweet how are you?'' My mother asks through the phone.

''What do you want?'' I growl, yes growl through the phone.

''What makes you think that I want something?'' She asks, fake-sweetly.

I snort. ''When don't you want something?'' I ask sarcastically.

She laughs maliciously through the phone. ''Oh it really is true Evie you haven't changed at all'' She snarls.

I laugh without humor. ''What makes you think I've even changed?''

''You we're never like this with me''

''What? Happy and content or Weak and disgusted?'' I snarl through the phone. Before she could carry on I continue ''By the way I've changed. I'm not that girl any more, if you even think about coming anywhere near the people I love I will oh so make your death painful, more pain then you made me feel, I'm not weak so don't underestimate me MOTHER because you did last time and look where you ended up, oh I don't know because we left you not the other way around. Don't bother calling or texting me again cause trust me you walking on thin ice'' I disconnect the call but not before hearing her say:

'I'm coming and when I do you'll regret what you said, big time

 I put my head in my hand and close my eyes. Taking a deep breath I mutter every swear word that I could think of under my breath.

''Evelyn what happened and were you talking to her?''

OH SHIT! Kill me now!

Chapter 8

''You know exactly what I mean!'' Shit an angry Daniel is not good.

''Dan it's just somebody that mentioned her, nobody else'' I try to reassure him, but it seems like it really is not my day today, hell this whole week!

''Why do I have a feeling that I shouldn't believe you?'' He asks, crossing his arms.

''Really Dan it's nothing to worry about, and I don't really care if you believe me or not its not my problem!'' I snap, Dan might be scary when he's angry but when I'm angry lets just say that its best not to cross paths with me.

''Who are you guys talking about?'' Kayden asks out of nowhere.

''Nobody'' I grit out whilst glaring at my brother. Something or should I say somebody catches my eye, I get up but Dan grabs my hand.

''Where are you going?'' He asks, I pull my hand out of his grasp.

''Home'' I turn to face where I last saw her.

''Wait'' Aimee calls out and I face her, she pulls me away from the others. ''Be careful, I know you were talking to her so don't bother telling me you weren't'' She whispers. ''I know you aren't going home but so tell me where you are really going'' I look at her.

''What do you mean?'' I ask confused.

''Don't play with me Evelyn so just tell me the truth''

''How did you know?'' I ask cautiously

''You had this look on your face and plus you wouldn't stop looking around'' She says like I'm the dumbest person on Earth.

''I'm not lying, I'm just going to go home but I forgot to tell you guys that I'm going to meet up with an old friend'' I say and its true.

She sighs. ''I want you to call me if your in any trouble at all, you promise?'' She holds out her pinkie.

I snort ''Yeah okay'' I join my pinkie with hers.

We walk back to the others and Aimee sits down whilst I just grab my bag ''Where are you going?'' Andrew asks this time.

''Like I said before. Home'' I repeat.

Dan looks at me and I see that some of the anger is still there but most of it has gone. ''We're going to talk

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