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Book online «That Girl's Bad News by Aysha K (inspirational books for women txt) 📖». Author Aysha K

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bedside; 14:59.

‘’What! ’’ I realize that Derek should have been at school; I turn and face him with a quizzical face. ‘’Why are you here? Shouldn’t you bee in school?’’ He grins sheepishly and rubs hick neck.

‘’Well… ’’ He prolongs.

‘’Spill ‘’I demand.

‘’IskippedschoolandIjustcamehomenow’’ then he was gone. Quickly realizing what he said but making no move to take any action just I just went back to bed.


Poke,                                                                                                                                                                    Poke,                                                                                                                                                                    Poke                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pok-

‘’What the hell! ’’ I rub my eyes to find a grinning Eleanor.

‘’About twime you woke up’’ She says sternly trying to act all mature.

I chuckle. ‘’Why whatever is the problem, your highness?’’ I ask in a British accent.

She huffs in defeat. ‘’Mommy asked me to tell you to get ready for dinner’’ She leaps off me and runs out of my room. I still have to get used to her calling my aunt ‘mommy’.

I glance at the clock; 6:30. Wow I fell asleep for the whole day!

I head into my walk-in closet and pick out grey sweatpants, while crop-top and black converse, I put my hair into a high bun.

‘’Hey’’ I say to everybody whilst taking my seat. Looking over to who’s sitting opposite me I see Kayden smirking. I mentally curse.

‘’Evie honey are you feeling alright?’’ my aunt asks.

I rub my eyes a little and stifle a yawn. ‘’Yeah I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?’’

‘’You look a little pale, that’s all’’

All throughout dinner Kayden tried to get my attention- hell he even kicked my knee for gods’ sake! So I kicked him back, hard. We all ate dinner and talked about our day. I helped my aunt clean up before heading towards the living room; where my uncle is. I spotted him sitting in the armchair reading a newspaper and Derek, Daniel, Andrew and Kayden playing on the X-box. I take a seat in front of my uncle and clear my throat grabbing his attention.

‘’Hey Evie’’ He smile.

‘’Hey uncle can I talk to you for a minute?’’ I stop there causing him to raise his eyes as if to say ‘carry on’  “In private’’ this causes everybody to stop what they are doing and look at me.

‘’Sure’’ He gets up and heads towards his study with me following.

Before I exit I look back and catch Daniel’s eyes, telling me clearly that I’m going to have to tell him what’s wrong, I give him a weak smile before leaving.

I close the study room door and face my uncle, I give him the same smile I gave Daniel ‘’Spill’’.

‘’Shecalledmeyesturdayandsaidthatshewascoming’’ I rush out.

‘’Evelyn what on earth did you just say?’’ Confusion masking his face.

Taking a deep breath. ‘’My mother called me yesterday and told me that she’s in town’’ I growl out the word mother.

I divert my eyes away from him looking everywhere but where he is, hmm the clock looks very interesting.

‘’Did she say anything else?’’

‘’No’’ I lie

He doesn’t look very convinced but lets it pass. ‘’Well she won’t be getting what she want but you will have to train harder’’ He says whilst grabbing his phone. I leave his study and turn right; towards the training room.

I get ready the archery room before grabbing my bow and arrow.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, sudden movement from my left causing me to quickly turn and release the arrow. This carries on until I have one arrow left with three targets in front of me. They all charge towards me, bad move I close my eyes and angle it slightly before releasing it. I shot them all.

I hear clapping from behind me causing me to jump slightly and scowl before turning around. Facing somebody that has become very familiar to me….

Chapter 6

''What do you want?'' I exit the archery room and head towards the daggers and pick one up before assessing my target.

''Just wondering what's wrong with you, that's all'' He shrugs his shoulder and grabs a dagger as well. I raise an eye brow at him.

''Really?'' I asks sarcastically ''It looks like you were some-what stalking me'' I roll my eyes at him, grab a few more daggers and walk away.

I hear him scoff behind me before walking in line with me. ''Don't get your hopes up'' I can see a smirk embedding onto his lips from the corner of my eyes.

''Wasn't going to and besides I have better things to hope for'' I face my targets, completely ignoring him, and pick up one of my daggers. One of the targets move at full speed and I throw my dagger at it; killing it straight away, technically I'm not killing it if it doesn't breath but you get the point.

I hear Kayden start beside me. We continue like this in silence and it only breaks when Kayden swears because he completely missed a target, luckily I had one dagger left and I quickly threw it; right where it's heart would have been - if it had a heart that is.

''Damn girl didn't know you could do that'' He wolf-whistles ''But I could have done it myself and way better''

I snort ''Yeah right, does missing one when it was only three metres away and an easy to get, count?'' I asks sarcastically.

''That wasn't my fault, you saw how that thing moved, I swear I think those things really are alive'' He defends.

''Yeah right keep saying that'' I laugh walking away from him to retrieve mine and his daggers.

''Its true!'' I put the daggers away and head towards the door.

''Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night Kayden'' Before I can take a step out of the door I'm called back.

''Wait Evelyn'' I turn my head only to find contact with a hard, firm wall, wait walls shouldn't be muscly and strong. ''Like what you see, sweet cheeks?'' I didn't have to look up to know that he was smirking. I take a step back but my back hits the door, I mentally curse myself.

''What do you want now?'' I ask impatiently and look into his eyes, bad ideas; they looked so deep - like you could get lost in them forever, his ears held some unreadable emotions, I quickly avert my eyes away from his. 

''You never really told me why you were angry about that phone call yesterday'' He takes a step forward and puts both of his arms up so that I'm caged between him ad the door.

''What- d-do you me-mean?'' I ask, faking innocence.

''You know exactly what I mean, so tell me''

''Why are you so eager to know what's on my mind'' I scowl at him and put my hands on his chest so that I could push him away but he wouldn't budge. ''Urgh what are you made of, rocks?'' I asks, annoyed. I don't notice that my hands are on his hard but firm chest until I feel his heart beat slowly, its like he's taking deep breaths on purpose, I snatch my hands away a drop then to my sides.

''It's not a crime to want to know something, Evelyn'' My name rolls off his tongue like it was made for him to say, I involuntary shiver slightly. ''Do I make you nervous Evelyn? He asks as and takes a step forward. How did talking about what happened yesterday come to this?

''N-no'' I stutter quietly.

He chuckles. ''Not even if I do this?'' His head dips slightly so that its only inches away from mine, my breath hitches a little. ''Your heart beat says otherwise'' His breath fans my lips causing my lips to open a little. His face comes closer ''You sure that I don't make you nervous Evelyn?'' He whispers into my ears.

''Y-yes?'' I questioned. What is happening to m? What is he doing to me?

He chuckles, I could feel his chest move ''Evelyn tell me the truth, what happened yesterday?'' He says, with hurt and concern lacing his words.

''N-nothing'' I curse myself, stupid hormones, yeah its just my hormones causing me to feel like this.

'Keep saying that to yourself, you know you want him' inner me says

No I don't.

'Don't deny it, you've liked him before maybe the feelings are still there'

Yeah but that was before he stepped on girls hearts like they were nothing to him

''You don't seem so sure'' I am pulled out of my thoughts. ''Why's that?'' He asks

I take a deep breath and push his chest, he stumbles back a little not expecting me to do that, I clear my throat. ''Kayden mind your own God damn business and stay the fuck away from me'' I snarl, I flinch slightly when hurt passes through his eyes, I wish that I could take it away - I really do but these unwanted feeling arising need to be kept locked away, I can't hurt anymore people. ''You don't need to know everything that goes on'' With that I opened the door a left him there and walked towards my room and collapsing onto my bed.

Chapter 7

I stayed in my room until my aunt knocked on my door asking me if I'm alright.

''Yes aunt I'm alright''

''Fine but if you don't feel very well then tell me'' She said before leaving my room.

 i huff out loud.

I hate it when they do that, its like I can't handle myself and I'm going to do something stupid! I think to myself.

'At least they care about you' a voice in my head said

'Who are you' Being stupid little me I had to ask

'I'm you, idiot' I replied

'Huh? I must be going crazy'

'Going??' It says incredulously 'Evelyn I think you already are'

'Yeah I think your right' I said automatically 'Wait what?!'

'Anyway you'll soon find out who I am and what you are very soon but be patient and don't give into temptation' It warned before shutting up.

What. The. Heck. Just. Happened??


''Aunt Sarah, Uncle Ezra I think I've gone mental!" I exclaim, shutting the kitchen door behind me.

''What do you mean?'' My Uncle asks, amused. I scowl at him.

''Its not funny Uncle Ezra, I'm serious'' I sit down and it finally dawns that everybody; except Derek and Eleanor, are downstairs eating breakfast without me, including Kayden!

''Fine, but really what do you mean?'' He says.

''What I mean is that there is this annoying voice in my head that won't shut up and is driving crazy, HELP ME!'' I rush out but couldn't help but ending it with a loud, 'HELP ME'.

The amused look on my Uncle's face leaves replaced with a very serious and very scary looking face. I look around and find everybody looking at me.

''What!'' I ask, throwing my hands into the air.

''Evelyn what do you mean and voice in your head

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