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Book online «The One Who Watches by Jillian Cline (the rosie project txt) 📖». Author Jillian Cline

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Chapter Two

The school was awesome! It was like an inside castle. It was old fashioned everywhere you turn with only a hint of the 20 first century. After the tour of the school we were led outside at the back of the school to reveal a breath taking building that sort of reminded me of the white house. That is how I can explain it except for the fact that it gleamed in a magical way with the vines roping around the pillars and how the marble gleamed happily in the fading light. "What is in there?" Kayla asked Parker. He grinned over his shoulder at the tone of Kayla’s voice. "In there you will find your rooms." I and Kayla gapped at each other in shock. "Our rooms are in there?" I asked what I and Kayla both were thinking. "Yes. Why are you so shocked? It's just a house with lots of rooms that we put guys on one side of the house and the girls on the other." Kayla's grin was so bright it almost blinded me and I almost heard her thoughts. "Kayla!" I shrieked at her filthy mind and smacked her arm so heard I felt it on my arm. You know that twin thing that twins have we have so we are able to do that. "Ow!" We moaned at the same time than ran straight into Parker. Kayla and me stumbled back a little at the force and noted that Parker didn't even flinch. "So if you fallow me and stop lollygagging we can go to your room." He turned back around and walked through the door. My sister and I walked in after him while rubbing our arms we gasped.
It was a place out of a Greek mythology book. Grapes were in bowls and their vines wrapped around everything just like the ones outside. The pillars were images of naked gods and goddesses holding up the ceiling. That was all we could see because Parker was walking faster now and we tried to catch up. As we walked the halls the girls that past us gave Parker a loving look and gave us hard evil looks. a girl shrieked when she saw Parker, ran to him, rapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply. His own arms slid around her and a loving way and pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss. My heart sank and my smile faded. I looked down at the ground. How was I sub post to feel? I took slow calming breaths and closed my eyes feeling my sister's hand slide in mine and squeeze it. I squeezed back then let go. Though I was hurting I felt a little better and smiled. No matter what I was feeling, I could always count on my sister. The two pulled away both breathing heavy. "If you two wouldn't mind would someone point to our rooms?" Kayla asked, sounding so much like me when I have an attitude. "Kayla, when did you turn into me?" I asked now sounding like her. "Oh come on I have know you most of my life I think we both rubbed off on each other, don't you think." I shook my head and replied, "You have a point, but let them be. You are not me, remember?" She blinked then shook her head. "Sorry, J. Your right I do remember. I'm not in love." My eyes widened at her sly smile. I felt my face flushed, then that was gone when my anger flamed.
I know it showed from the way Kayla cringed and took a step back away from like I was a monster. My own evil smile played on my lips. I raised my chin at her. Just to let you know I would never hurt my sister, never. Unless my anger got the best of me. "J?" Parker said bringing me back to earth. I took a deep breath ran my fingers through my hair. I flinched at how hot my skin felt. Pulling my hair to the side over my shoulder I looked at the ground feeling the wait over eyes on me. "Right. We were going to our rooms." I gestured behind him without looking at him. I began walking but Parker blocked my way. "J, calm down. Look at me, J. Please." My jaw clenched. "Parker just let the girl be. Why don't you come to my dorm? I want to show you something. The girls will find their way." I slowly looked at Parker in the eyes. I could only imagine what emotion played on my face.
The tears were forming and taking shape now. Thank god for my sister. She took me by my shoulders firmly and said to Parker, "Go. She needs time to cool off. Go. We will find our way. Just point us in the direction and we will go there. I know you don't wasn’t miss playing doctor or whatever you do." Kayla said to Parker. He looked so deep in my eyes I felt frozen. "Kayla, I'm fine. I'm just tired, that’s all. I guess we all have our own problems." I smiled and bowed at parker. "Good by my old friend. May our paths cross again." Then me and Kayla were gone.
"I do not love him, Kayla! It took everything in me not to rip you to shreds." I cried to her once we were in our room. The room was bright but dark. There was a small round pool in the middle of the floor; a flat screen on one wall; and a couch behind the pool and across from the TV. We had gotten over it by now and I was now crying in my sisters arms. "J, I know that is what you tell yourself, but you got to face the truth. You two were best friends when you were young so when he left some part of you thought it would be a fairy tale. J, let’s face it you love him, I can feel that, but you have to let go. Just let go sis." She strokes my hair with a steady hand. "It's not that easy. Why does this have to hurt so much? Why does it feel like he ripped out my heart and froze it with his cold touch then when frozen shattered it so the pieces flow and hide." I sobbed. "Shhh." She soothed.
After that I took a shower, changed, made my bed and curled under the sheets with my notebook on my lap, pen in hand. I wrote with such grace and mindlessly I was mesmerized and didn't notice the tear drops had fallen on to the paper.
'My heart still beats, still pumps the blood that make me live thrum within me. When handed to you, does it not still beat? When I gave it to you, do you have my soul as well? Tell me lies, I tell you truth. Tell me I don't have a heart, your right because you took it when given and smashed it on the ground. My blood rests on your hands now; now what will thee do?'
I fell asleep to skyscraper by Demi Lovato on repeat.

Chapter Three

I was drowning in the water that was pulling me farther down into the blackness that waits me. I spun trying to find the surface while my lungs screamed for me to breath. When the edge of my vision was turning black I saw a black figure swoop down into the water and at me. I thought it was going to save me but when I saw the figure was a raven I opened my mouth to scream, only to breathe in water. It filled my lungs making me lash and turn. The raven’s claws dug into my flesh grabbing my spine and breaking it. It happened so quick I didn't feel pain.
I shot up in my bed screaming coming face to face with Parker and Kayla. There was a hot burning feeling on my back running up and down my spine. "J, what's wrong?" Asked my sister. The pain subsided to a warm numbing pain, and then it was gone. "I had a dream that I was in the water drowning then a raven came out of nowhere. I freaked and inhaled water turned in the water then the raven ripped my spine in half." I said more to myself than to anyone else. "Now my back is numb. Very numb." I looked out the window trying not to look at Parker. I hurt in t many ways. I laid back down and sighed. "J, would you let me see you back?" Parker asked making me flinch and his voice. I rolled over so he can check if anything happen to it. I felt his fingers brush my skin and e pulled up my shirt to look at my back then heard my sister gasp. "Well, that is interesting." Parker said while running a finger up and down my spine. As always his skin was cold. No one could figure why but it was, and right now his cold flesh was taking the heat in my back away. "What is it?" I asked. "J, when did you get a tattoo smacked on your spine? Moms going to kill you when she finds out." "Kayla what are you talking about? I didn't get a tattoo." I pushed myself up to where my back was bending into a u shape.
"Then how do you explain this." Parker said while getting up and helping me get up, too, then taking me to my body mirror then pulled up my shirt for me to see. There, on my back where my spine should be, was a tattoo of fallen feathers in a pattern out traced with the color neon blue, orange, pink, purple, green, and blood red. Parker’s finger traced my back in a loving way. My eyes found Kayla's. "Kayla, I never got a tattoo. I have never seen this mark until now." I was telling the truth and she knew that. "Then where did it come from?" Parker asked pulling apart from me now to look at me.
"Parker remember when I said things have been going weird since you left? Well this in one of those things. It wouldn't be the

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