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Book online «The One Who Watches by Jillian Cline (the rosie project txt) 📖». Author Jillian Cline

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his heart beat. "Why are you so protective of me? I barely know you and you me. So why?" I caressed the shown muscles on his chest, making them quiver. I could feel his heart beat hitch like a drum in a festival to keep dancers bodies moving. "I have seen things, heard thing, felt things, and was a witness to many, many things. I think I have the right to be a little protective of people who I know is on the good side." His pause made me look up at him. He was looking longingly at the dorms.
"How do you know I am good?" I gazed up at him. He turned his attention back to me. His fingers began to move up and down my back. Flames erupted within me, sending my nerves to tingle all over my body, more places than others. He pushed his hands harder in to my back pulling me closer to him. I tried so hard not to gasp at the pleasure wiling through me. "I know no one is all good. If we were pure evil or pure good, the yin yang sign wouldn't exist and the balance of the world would collapse into chaos. So I believe that you have good in you, and hope you can see some in me." My head was spinning now. With his touch and words. He took a step away from me and let go of me. Thank goodness! I don't think I could have stood with him touching me like that. He cleared his throat and began walking to the dorms. When he noticed I wasn't fallowing him he turned to look at me. "Are you coming, or are you just going to stand there in the dark and in the cold?" That got my feet moving. He waited till I caught up with him. We made it to the dorm stairs in one piece. Before I stepped inside I paused and turned back to look at him. He wasn't there. I blinked. What just happened?
Chapter Five

I opened the door to my room. The TV's sound filled my ears. Parker and Kayla filled my sight. And Ravens touch lingered on my skin, and in my thoughts. My sister looked relieved, while Parker looked like I just hit him in the face. "Okay before you say anything, let me just say I was wrong. I went for a run and got lost, almost got hurt and frozen to death. You guys were right. You were so right." Tears were pouring from my eyes now. Parker was there in front of me, holding me while I cried. Somehow his cold heat felt like home to me. I cried into him while he tried to sooth me by petting my head. After a few minutes Kayla joined us. "I'm so glad you are all right. Please, please don't scare us like that." Parker whispered in my ear. That was all I needed to hear. It was then I knew I loved Parker. I mean I knew I loved him before, the fact was there, but I never admitted it to myself.
I pulled back and smiled at them. "Parker I have something for you." I said. I pulled off my thin sweater and saw the panic look on Parkers face. As the sweater fell to the ground I reached to my neck for the necklace that laid there. I pulled it over my head and held it out to him. "Happy Birth Day. Hope you like it." I smiled at him as he took the necklace from my palm. "You remembered my birth day. J I don't know what to say." I blushed, but took a step towards him. I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Just say nothing and take it." When I pulled back I looked at my sister, avoiding Parkers eyes. "can you yell at me later. I'm tired and need to sleep." With my last words I walked into my room ripped off my cloths and clasped on my bed and fell asleep, forgetting to close my window.
I laid in the bed with her, careful not to move the bed to much that she would wake up. Her naked body laid ragged on the worn bed; her hair tosseled over her face and leaving her bare neck open just like the rest of her body. It was times like this that would keep me grounded. Times when I was close to her and feeling the touch of her skin and the smell of must and damp earth on her. I loved the smell of her skin. Every time I would touch her it came off her even stronger than it was before. As I lay beside her it took me longer to relax and just melt into her side. I curled my body around hers, but just like the other times, she didn't even acknowledge me. Her mind was flying in her dreams. Either that or I was just as light as the feathers I ware when I shift into a raven.
I watched her sleeping face behind the curtain of that dark hair of hers. I lifted my hand slowly to her face, and with my index finger, pushed back her tangle of knots to revile the prize behind it. Her lips were blood red; her cheeks were that flawless light pink that flushed with the rest of her body; her eyelashes splayed perfectly on her cheek bones, resting for the night. I ran my finger behind her ear, down her neck, passed her breast, down the curve of her hips, down her thigh, and back up again. She shivered at my touch like always, but still she didn't wake. I frowned. I wanted her to wake and see me, to smile at me and rest in my arms where she would be safe. The rise and fall of her chest slowed the rise and fall of mine. Here she slept dreamlessly and so quietly my own eyes began to close. I rested my head on her shoulder and lightly slid my arm around her hips. She moaned softly as if I had just kissed her. I opened my eyes again to peer up at her. My eyes rested on her blood red lips. I took a deep breath and leaned in closer to her. When my face hovered over her flushed face I decided to wait for when she was awake for me to kiss her, and pulled back with a pang of guilt that rushed threw me.
There was a reason I was here. Well actually two. One: to see her. And two: to give her the new set of tattoos. I sighed at the thought of my job. I pulled away from her just enough for me to hover over her. I lifted my hand over her limp body and watched as the rainbow colors shot out of my fingers and onto her belly forming swirls in a pattern of the wings of a butterfly, and from the tips of the wings, formed the dizzy spirals that wrapped around her breasts, biceps, and her thighs. I watched it glow in the dark of the room, like lights at the bottom of the water with ripples running over the surface. My breath caught in my throat at the sight. The light began to fade and sink into her skin and becoming part of her. When I began to breathe again her body jerked and she moaned louder as if my presence disturbed her, or even worse, hurt her. She said something in her sleep that I couldn't catch. I bent and whispered in her ear, "Nevermore." Her body fell limp again. I got up and out of her bed walking to the window that she had forgotten to shut that was now letting in a breeze and blowing the curtains back to show the sharp crescent in the shadowed sky. I glanced back at J.C. wishing she would just figure out who I was by now. It was her seconded day at this school and she has a lot to come at her, some more than others. I turned back to the window and shifted into the form I know so well and flew out the window.
When I woke up I had no memory of dreams or anything else. But I had this strange feeling that I should know something that happened while I slept. I think the raven visited in my sleep.
I shivered at the thought. I glanced at the clock and groaned. I woke up an hour before I was sub post too. The thing was, I felt fully rested. I closed my eyes when I felt a warm breeze on my back. Its sticky arms and hands wrapped around my legs and waist, while their silky fingers tricked down my bare back and slid around my neck in a loving way. I let out a big sigh and relaxed even further into the bed. Then the breeze was cut off only to dissolving into my flesh and into my blood stream and clearing my head.
Yes, something was here last night. I knew that. Well the wind really knew it, but still.
I took at deep breath as I rolled on my back. My eyes flickered over my small room. The bed was a Queen bed with a comforter with colorful swirls on it while the back ground for it was brown. I had a bunch of pillows that matched the comforter and the sheets. The room was painted a color between dark and light green, giving it an earthy feeling. The floor was wooden with no carpet on it. I had a dark brown desk and dresser. My dresser was by my bed and only held my clock and a lamp that would turn on with a buzzing sound when you would just touch it and the buzzing would stop and the light would fade if you just touched it again. My desk was on the opposite wall than my bed.

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