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Book online «The One Who Watches by Jillian Cline (the rosie project txt) 📖». Author Jillian Cline

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with our lips. His lips tasted like mint and breakfast. I slid my hand up to enlace my fingers in his hair. He moaned deep in his throat. His kiss took me deep within him, deep in his past. I saw images of me when I was growing up, even when he left me. Most of them were of me sleeping soundlessly. I caught one of me making out with my ex-boyfriend Michel so intensely I thought I was going to burst.
I pulled back, lost of breath. I didn't pull away because of the images I was seeing, but because I sensed my sister was in the room with us. I opened my eyes to Parker's. His eyes were as black as night without stars. Then he blinked and they were back to normal. "I probably shouldn't have done that." He said pulling away from me and whipping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Hi Kayla." Parker said his back still turned to her. Then he turned and lifted his self on the counter his head a bow. I looked at Kayla who was wide eyes and grinning. She wiggled her eyebrows at me then cleared her throat turning to Parker. "Um... sorry to interrupt but I think everyone is getting up now and I think you need to get your class set up." Parker looked up at her and nodded. He jumped off of the counter. He stopped in front of me and said, "I'll see you in class then?" Not trusting my voice I nodded. He smiled at me before turning and walking away. As I watched him walk away only one thought stuck with me. What have I done?
The day was a blur after that. My mind was numb, along with my body. My first class was nothing but learning about Edgar Allan Poe and how he lived. Next week we would start reading some of his books. In theater Erica was drooling over Parker, babying him for attention. More than once they kissed and played with each other it was sickening. As they did that Orange tried to make chit-chat with me. "I cannot believe them. How do they have the nerve to do that in public? Don't get me wrong, he is cute even when he is in his dark mood faze, but that is just disgusting what they do to each other. I mean who would do that to her? That hag?" I took a sip of water when she said that, and spit it when she did. The person who was sitting in front of me turned to glare at me. "Sorry!" I piped up and turned onto Orange. We grinned at each other. "Hey, what kind of music do you like?" Orange asked. I blushed. I was and then I wasn't ashamed of my type of music. "I listen to a certain type of music. Like Alesana, Three Days Grace, Flyleaf, The Used, Fireflight, Owl city, and sometimes Paramore." I blush a even deeper red. Orange brightened. "Oh, I love Paramore. What song do you like?" She asked. I bit my lip as I thought. "I like...Where the Lines Overlap." She tilted her head to the side. "I don't think I heard that song before. Sing it to me." My eyes widened. I know I'm a good singer, but I'm not the one who likes to show it off. "Um, I don't think I should." She batted her eyelashes at me. "Please. I think I might know it but I need to hear it."
I took a deep breath before I sang. "Give me attention I need it now. Too much distance to measure it out, out loud. Tracing patterns across a personal map and making pictures where the lines overlap. No one is as lucky as us were not at the end but oh we already won no one is as lucky as us. Call me over tell me how you got so far never making a single sound. I’m not used to it but I can learn. Nothing to it, I've never been happier. No one is as lucky as us were not at the end but oh we already won no one is as lucky as us. Now I’ve got a feeling if I sang this loud enough you would sing it back to me. No one is as lucky as us were not at the end but oh we already won no one is as lucky as us." Half way through the song I started to warm up to it. I closed my eyes and felt the beat deep within me. I hadn't noticed my voice growing louder in the talking crowed. I shook my head and lifted my arms. My eyes flew open to look at Orange and smile as I sang. I made funny expressions at her, like crossing my eyes and twisting my face where we both laughed. When I was done I was out of breath. "Oh Orange you got that song in my head now." I smiled at her. "Wait, I think I do know that song!" She giggled and clapped her hands together.
"You sing good." Said the boy in front of me. I didn't know the whole class had turned around to stare at me. They all have heard me sing. "Um, thanks?" I offered. I really didn't know what to say. I blushed an even darker red and shrunk back into my seat. Out of nowhere another song popped in my head. Great, I thought, another Alesana song. And it was. In Her Tomb By The Sounding Sea. I bit my lip and casted my eyes down ward. My hand fluttered up to my owl necklace and my fingers played with the charm.
"No really you are good." Said a female voice. I looked up to see Erica standing there, Parker behind her. I nodded at her then turned to Orange. "So you have heard of the song? At first I thought I was the only one who heard of it." Orange glanced at Erica before looking back at me. "Yes I've heard of it, though I can't say about the other bands." I could feel Parkers eyes on me and Erica growing restless at my little game I was playing. "I know you don't. Actually I don't think anyone here knows Alesana, or however you pronouns that name." I half smiled at her. "Sorry, but are you not that new girl? What's your name... PJ.. DJ.. Nitwit?" She smiled at herself at the fake compliment. I leaned back in my seat and looked up at her and smiled at her. "It's J.C.. Sorry but I don't know your name. What was it...temptress, or tramp? I think it's something like that." Her face darkened. "It's neither. The name is Erica. And just to get this straight I'm not a whore." My smile grew and my eyes widened. "Wow. I didn't know you knew the meaning of those words. No offence but you don't seem like the type of girl to understand words but sex. Or at least the opposite sex." My eyes flickered to Parker for a second then back to Erica. "Now you listen," She said leaning close to me so I could take her threat to heart, "he is mine and will stay that way, you get it? He may have loved you once, but now he loves me, so back off." She hissed in my face, spraying spit onto it. I scrunched my face, closed my eyes, and whipped it with the back of my hand. "Gee, say it, don't spray it." I said opening my eyes again. "He's mine." She hissed again. My eyebrows rose. My face twisted in concentration and biting my lip while I was at it. I nodded, my eyes fluttering at her as I said, "So you are saying to stay away from a person who you think is love with you, am I right? Well get this through your thick skull that is full of air," I stood up to where I was the same height as her. I trusted my face into hers and continued saying, "I don't care who goes in your pants as long as I'm not the one. As for your boy toy, he won't last honey. Because it will not be long before he tires with you and goes to the next girl he see's falling head over heels for him. So honey if you want some advice you listen to me. He's not your boyfriend baby, just your cute little sex toy. Now you better be quick before you get to old and break him. Now jump off my chest because I'm not your toy that you control. I'm not your friend, but foe." I backed off her my face cold marble. I was ticked, and when I'm ticked no one’s happy.
I turned my back to her grabbed my things before turning back to her. I lifted my arms and smiled my cold smile her. "You have a nice day." I walked off but as I got a little way I turned back and called, "Hey Parker! You left your belt at my place!" I pulled it out of my back pack and tossed it at him. He caught it and though his face was expressionless I saw amusement in his eyes, but also a warning. I backed off, walking back wards as I looked deep in his eyes. I somehow found the strength to turn and walk out of the room as the bell rang. I'm back! I thought to myself.
Chapter Seven

At lunch my sister and I met up at an abandon table. I was about to tell her what happened when she jumped down my throat. "You told off Erica, Parkers girlfriend? What was it like to be yourself for just a few heart beats?" I barely got to sit down before she shot the questions at me. See, I'm the hard core girl in the family and Kayla is the soft sweet one. I don't know how but one day it seemed that we switch personalities. It's strange but now I back and nothing will stand in my way from being who I am. I looked at Kayla for a few moments and listened at how she heard about my verbal fight with Erica. "After your fight and you walked out people started texting other people and a girl ran up to me saying my twin just told off the popular girl." I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my pizza. "And people are also talking about how you are trying to steal Parker from her." My eyes widened and I choked on my food. When my wind pipe was clear I glared at my

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