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Book online «The One Who Watches by Jillian Cline (the rosie project txt) 📖». Author Jillian Cline

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say goodbye!
Sing a touching lullaby and we'll watch the angels cry."

I sang the song softly, a smile spreading on my face. I do have a wicked mind. You can tell by the songs I listen to. I laughed a little. Then I began singing Kiss me Kill me by Alesana. I didn't know lasagna could sing. I sighed and opened my eyes. The steam was still there, still playing. I grabbed my towel and walked out of the bathroom. I stood there as a sudden cold wave hit me. I shivered. My eyes fallowed to the kitchen where Parker had stopped cooking to stare at me. I inclined my head. "It smells good. What are you making?" He looked surprised and he looked over his shoulder like he forgot what he was making. "Um, I'm making toast, eggs, hash browns, and pancakes." He looked back at me, his eyes never leaving mine. I clutched my towel tighter to me, but I walked towards him. "Well so far it doesn't smell burnt so you are a better cook than me." I smiled at him. He didn't respond, which kind of made me uncomfortable. When I came to a stop in front of him I felt the coldness pour off of him. I cocked my head to the side at him. "Are you okay?" He blinked like he was coming out of a trance. He cleared his throat and said, "Yeah I'm fine. It just looks like I got my wish." He licked his lips hungrily. My necklace sparkled on his neck like it belonged. I reached out to touch it. He body tensed when my fingers brushed the warm crystal. "It's warm." I stated. He swallowed and nodded. I picked it up off his chest to hold it in my palm. It was now frozen cold. "It has power, you know that right? It holds all the elements and has different temperature than the owner’s body heat. I wore this all the time never taking it off till now and it has always been cold, just like you."I bit my lip, placing the crystal back on his chest where it turned warm as soon as it touched him.
I sucked in a breath. "Well I better get dressed. And you better get that done so you can eat, Birth Day boy." I left the room with his eyes upon my back.
By the time I was dressed breakfast was done. I breathed in the smells of the food as I walked in the kitchen. Today I wore my favorite outfit. I had black sweats that were tucked neatly into my knee high boots; my army shirt went to my hips and hung a little on me; my hair was tied into a braid that started to the top and ended at the end. Kayla always said I looked like a freak that came back from the army. I liked the idea, so I wore it more often. Parker wore his black shirt and jeans; his hair in a sloppy mess, but it looked good on him. With his pale skin you think he was a God of the dead. Forcing myself to breathe I walked into the room and sat at the table. My plate of food was already sitting there being patient and still warm. "J, we need to talk." Said Parker. I looked up at him while shoveling food into my mouth. "'Bout what?" I asked after I swallowed. "About why you are here." He finished.
Chapter Six

I was standing now, my back to Parker. My hands were pressed on the counter holding my weight as I thought. Was he serious? "So you're telling me that I'm here because there was a series of murders on the campus and you think Kayla's wicked dead mother came to visit? And we're here to help you solve them?" I asked. I turned to him so I could see him when he answered. My head was spinning now.
He stood up and walked towards me to where we were face to face. I took a step back. My palms met the edge of the counter, my back tensing at the pressure I was putting on it. "There are secrets that should have been kept, but are now leaking. This world is not what you think it is. There are creatures that are lurking in every shadowed corner." He took another step towards me. Crap! I was now pinned against the counter. "I was scared for you yesterday because only teen aged girls are getting murdered in the woods. I can protect you but you got to trust me first. And promise that you will not breath a word about what I'm about to tell you. That is if you believe me." My pulse was pumping hard under my flesh. I didn't like the feeling of it. I began to wiggle underneath him. "I promise." I choked. His eyes bore into mine as he spoke. "We have gifts beyond the glass that we see. My gift can protect you from harm and other things, like say a broken heart?" He offered. I chuckled. "If that is your gift then, what stopped you from hurting me a few days ago? And not to mention years before I saw you again. Answer me, Parker, can your gift protect me from you?" I stopped wiggling underneath him and stood still. His face darkened and I felt a twig of fear in my gut, but that was gone as soon a it came. "You're right. I did hurt you in the past, but doesn't that mean I get a second chance? Come on J, let me in. I want to help you and in return you to help me. But I can't do that if you do not believe and let me in." He placed his hands on my waist and his face softened. "Please, just listen to me." I sighed, but nodded for him to continue to speak. "My gift has many bends and turns, twist and knots, and it involves you.
"I know you don't understand, and I don't know how to explain this to you, but it all started when Kayla came into our lives." He took a shaky breathe before continuing. "Your parents adopted Kayla because she was an orphan, and they were friends with her mother. Have you ever wondered how you two are twins but are from different mothers? Kayla was born first from her mother’s womb, then her baby brother. Kayla has a gift of photographic memory, and ever since birth has seen everything and remembered it. She may not understand it than but she will now. Anyways since she was born first she saw her baby brother die in his mother’s arms. Her mother had a stronger bond on her son and when she saw him dead she killed herself, not knowing his soul had already moved into another body." He stopped and stared at me. My brain was trying to process what he was saying. Though I had a feeling about which body Kayla's brother's soul went into I still had to ask. "Whose body did he go into?" My voice shaking as I spoke. He ran his finger through my hair. "I think you know already, you just have to put the pieces together." He whispered. I was shaking now. "I-If Kayla has a photographic memory, how come she doesn’t remember what happened the night she was born?" I asked him. He pressed his body closer to mine, the counter biting into my back. His fingers made my body tingle all over. "She remembers but it is buried in a deep part of her mind." I was getting dizzy, but one thing struck me like lightning, though it nagged at me I stayed quiet. I needed answers to my questions. "Then what happened?" I asked.
"Well that's the mystery isn't it?" He grinned at me. My breath caught in my throat. "I'm guessing that after Kayla's mother found out that her child wasn't there, so she roamed in search for her child never resting until she found him, or it." He said. His hand caressed my face, leaving a trail of coldness upon it. "So you think she is after…" My voice faltered. But I didn't need to finish the sentence, he understood. He nodded and slid his hand behind my head. "How do you know all of this?" I gasped, no longer trying to hide the effect he had on me, and trying to keep the question in any longer. He leaned in till our faces were inches away from each other. His eyes flickered to my lips then back to my eyes as if he was questioning if he could kiss me. Without warning Raven popped into my head and I knew I had to tell him. But should I tell him now or wait till later? Knowing he would get mad that I didn't tell him sooner I decided now would be a good time to tell him.
"Parker, I have to tell you something." It probably was the shaking of my voice and the lack of breath that he didn't take me seriously. He shook his head. "Please don't tell me you want stop. I know you want me to kiss you as much as I do." He sounded like I did, out of breath and full of need. He nudge his nose with mine. My eyelids getting heavy as our breaths mingled. Through my half closed eyelids I looked at him. "But Parker..." Again I couldn't finish and I hated the pleading sound in my voice. His fingers knotted in my hair while his other hand slid past my hips to my thigh lifting it so it was around his waist. He hoisted me up onto the counter, never breaking apart with me. "But nothing. Just close your eyes." He said. I shook my head slightly. "You have no idea how bad you’re affecting me right now." I moaned.
His smile was back. "I have every idea about how I'm affecting you. It's you that doesn't know how much you're affecting me." He moaned back. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and the other on the inside of my thigh. Just kiss me, I thought. As if reading my mind he leaned in, closing the breath of air that we had left and pressed his lips to mine. A blast of push and pull of heat and cold erupted between us, sending both of all our nerves bursting like fireworks. I lifted my hand to his face, cupping it in my hand. With the other I placed on his shoulder. His arms wrapped around me pulling me closer to him. Our heads moved along

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