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Book online «The One Who Watches by Jillian Cline (the rosie project txt) 📖». Author Jillian Cline

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first time the raven came into my dream." I looked deep into his eyes trying to see if he would believe me. I saw nothing that gave him away to the emotion. "I believe you." He said taking me aback. I blinked. "You believe me?" I asked still not understanding what he was saying. "Yes I believe you. I was wrong yesterday. And you are willing to be my friend again, friends are sub post to be able to trust each other right? Well I want to be a good friend and not hurt you anymore." I looked down and mumbled, "You didn't hurt me." "J, he saw what you wrote and he heard the song you were listening to when you fell asleep." Kayla said. I lifted my eyes to my notebook that was on my bed, open to the page I had written on yesterday. "I didn't mean to read it. I sat on it accidentally and when I went to pick it up the words just caught my eye. I'm sorry, but you are really good."
"If I was good, then why am I here and not writing and having my books published? I'm pathetic. I mean nothing." The room got quite. "You don't mean nothing, J. You want to know why?" Kayla said softly. Parker picked up my notebook and started to page through it. My eyes never left the book. "Why?" I said. "Because you are my sister, you are the one who keeps me grounded at the hardest times. You are my other half of my soul and without you, I would have no idea what to do. Do you hear me? Without you my life would not be worth living for. I am this way because of you. You made me who I am." When a sister tells you something like that, that means she cares and the friend ship is to hard to brake. I closed my eyes to hold back the tears when Parker said, "J, you mean a lot to people even when it's just a small group. You have a big heart and you let it show. That will bring you down. You care to much of what people think and you only care about the only bad things, not the good things. J, you shaped this world just by your smile. You give hope by just saying hi. I want to see the girl I was deeply in tune with when I was young. I can see that still in you, so I don't want to hear you say you are worthless. You are not. Your just one girl whose mind isn't clear right now, but it will clear."
I always thought words could never get the best of me, but this meant everything to me. It's what I needed to hear. "Hey J, do you mind if I take you book so I can read the rest." I nodded and opened my eyes. Parker was looking at the clock and said, "Okay I got to go. I will tell your teachers you are going to be late because you had family problems." He smiled at me. "See you soon." Then he was gone. "Okay well we better get ready. We will figure out your tattoo out later. And J?" I looked at her when I was peeling of my shirt. "Yes?" I asked. Her eyes were sad and filled with love. "I meant what I said. I love you." I too smiled at her. "I love you too."

Kayla knocked on our first teacher’s door. The teacher looked at us and smiled. "Nice to see you girls. I hope your family problems are solved and you can join my class. I am Mr. Clark, but you can call me Mr. C. Your seats are in the back by the window." He smiled at Kayla and I saw her blush. She walked in and I fallowed her quietly. We sat down and class began for us.
"Okay class, who knows one of Edgar Allan Poe's books or poems?" Mr. C asked the class. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I shivered but raised my hand. "Yes, Jessie." I flinch at my real name. "It's J.C. or J. No one calls me by my real name anymore." He smile twitched. "What an odd name to call a girl. I'm sorry I will get it right next time." He bent down and wrote something on paper. When he was done he looked back at me his smile gone now. "Ok J.C. what do you know about Edgar Allan Poe?" His voice was cold and I smiled now. "Sir, do you want me to tell you about his life or what books or poems I know." His eyes flashed but it was so quick I must have imagined it. "Okay. Edgar Allan Poe was famous for his crimes and his wicked mind. The ones I know most is 'The Raven' But I like 'The Tell-Tale Heart' since it was the first story I read that was from him." His smile was back. "And what is 'The Tell-Tale Heart'" I raised my eyebrows and glanced at my sister who was looking at me with fascination. "It's about a guy who lived with and old man who had and eye that was film covered. The man hated that eye but he was drawn to it. Every night he would slowly peak through the door to see only darkness then slowly unlatch the old lantern till one beam of light would fall on the vulture’s eye since that is what he called it. But the eye, he found, was always closed. He did this for seven nights then on the eighth day when he went to unlatch the lantern it made a noise and the old man had awoken. Hours past and the man still didn't move. Neither did the old man. Then he ever so slowly opened the lantern letting in that one ray of light that fell on the vulture’s eyes. This time it was open. Anger aroused in the man as he saw the eye. With a cry and anger the man pulled the mattress out from under the old man to where he was on the ground then smothered him with the mattress. The man dragged the corps to the bath tub and cut him up, and put his remains under the floor boards. The cops soon came from a call next door and searched the place. He finally beckoned the cops to sit and he sat on top of the floor boards that covered the old man’s corps. It was not long until he heard the thumping. It got louder and louder until he gone even madder than before. He through the chair aside and shouted, 'It is him. Tear up the boards and that is where you will find him.' something like that."
I was looking out the window now staring at the darkened clouds, watching the rain pound on the windowpane. Thunder cracked the silence after my story making everyone jump. I looked at my teacher with solemn eyes. "And what was the thumping?" He asked. "The man thought it was the old man’s heart but it was his. His own heart told on him. Hence 'The Tell-Tale Heart'." The bell rang at that note. I gathered my thing and began to walk away when I glanced outside and saw a black feathered raven watching me.
I was so scared I clung to my sister and told her everything. She didn't see it but she knew I was telling the truth. She told me we didn't have the next class together but she will see me at lunch, and then walked into her class which was art. I took a deep breath and glanced around looking to see if the raven had fallowed me into the halls. I saw nothing but kid’s rushing to class. My next class was theater and Parker to a fancy at showing me it so I know where to come to unwind. I don't know why he said that, but this day couldn't get any worse than it already was, could it?
I soon came to the theaters doors without seeing that creepy bird. I pushed open the doors and walked in to see a bunch of people were all ready in their seats chattering happily. Thank god the teacher wasn't there yet. I didn't want to be noticed anymore and I already am. I walked to the left to an empty seat and sat down, pulling out my other notebook and pen and began writing.
‘His eyes are dark, so dark they see through her soul. Darkness closes around him like a cloak of protection, but from what? He searches for his love, the one and only. He watches from afar but seeps into her dreams and marks her just to let her know he is there. And she knows he is there; he knows she knows. He can smell the fear radiate off her like it was her natural sent. Will she know him as him? Will she be able to trust anyone? He knows she knows. It just has to be reviled to her first, since knowledge can be a dangerous weapon.'
"Is anyone sitting here?" a girls voice said. I looked up from my writing to the girl. She had orange hair, orange shirt, orange pants, orange shoes, orange nails, and orange eyes. She smiled at me. "No, no one is sitting there." She nodded and sat down. I looked at her blankly as she smiled and held out her hand to shake. "Hi, my name is Orange. You must be new since you look like you are and I never seen you around here before." I shook her hand and smiled. "Hi, and yes I am new. My name is J.C. but call me J." She tilted her head to the side. "Didn't I just see you in art?" I laughed and shook my head. "No, I don't have art but my twin sister does. You must have seen her." She nodded like she understood. She then soon spotted my notebook. "What are you writing?" I glanced down. "I write poems and stories. This is just one of them." Then it dawned on me. "Where is the teacher?" She was still looking at my notebook and only said, "Probably making out with his girl friend." The doors opened and the room got quite. "Speaking of the devil." Orange said in her normal voice. I looked away from her to the person who had just walked in. It was the girl who I saw kissing Parker. She had walked in like she owned the place. "Now that she is here her boyfriend wouldn't be long." Boyfriend? But isn't she dating- Parker walked in no sooner than his girlfriend. His smile made the girls swoon, but not me. Let’s face it; I have become immune to him outside beauty. It was his inside beauty that made me fall for him. Once he was on stage the room got quite again waiting for him to speak. When he did my heart fluttered. "Today we have a new student. Her name is J.C. J.C. would you come up here so we can see you." His eyes searched the crowd
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