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Book online «THE DRAGON LORDS OF ELEBOR by MIHIGO EMMANUEL (best english novels to read .TXT) 📖». Author MIHIGO EMMANUEL

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a sly smile showing an array of gaps where his front teeth were supposed to be. "The spell only heightens my buyers’ will, more of an insurance missy perhaps you would like to take a look eh." Alexandria merely grabbed Ntende by the arm and pulled him away. “be careful around here" Alexandria said "the only difference in our realms is the magic but everything is just as dangerous maybe even more. Your both acting like children, you need to grow up."

"Hey we haven't exactly been much of a pain considering we got crushed by a meteorite and ended up in another realm or so you say, walked through the most eerie forest I’ve ever seen, talked to an egg not to mention i am not supposed to be alive at all, none of us should, and the only thing keeping us sane is that you said you'd find someone to answer our questions so stop lecturing and get us something to eat!" Ntende's chest rose and fell at irregular intervals and his eyes glared with the fire of a starved lion. Alexandria looked at Ntende with concern "i am sorry" was all she could say. She was so engulfed in her own concerns she forgot Mihigo and Ntende also had feelings. She suddenly thought of their families and remembered how she felt when she first came to earth. She turned to face Mihigo only to find him staring at her with an expression that said ‘do you want to hear my side too.’ "Come on" she said let’s find that blue moon turban, Mihigo’s mouth immediately begun to water and Ntende’s stomach rumbled.

They made their way to the end of the quadrangle and out of the arch into a loading area filled with crates, cranes and trailers but there was something weird going on that Mihigo couldn’t quite put his finger on. A cube like crate fell from above only to stop ten feet from the ground and float over their heads onto a trailer being loaded with similar crates, there was a man standing next to the trailer and when the crate reached his line of vision he spread his hands as if to catch it and made fists, then his face contracted as if he was supporting a heavy load. He moved his hands in a swing motion which the crate followed before he brought his hands carefully downward until the crate touched down onto the trailer. Mihigo looked for wires and slapped himself while Ntende stared on open mouthed, a crooked smile curled onto his lips as though he was half smiling and half ready to burst into song. Mihigo turned to face Alexandria unmistakable anger radiating off his face.

Alexandria swallowed hard, the cheery calm boy who had gone along with what she said was gone, in his place stood a man of immense power he suddenly looked taller and larger. When he spoke goose bumps broke out all over Alexandria and her face lost color "Explain" was all he said but even Ntende turned to look at him almost not recognizing his friend. To her dismay Alexandria let out a small squeak that made Mihigo's features relax as though he was returning from deep thought "I am sorry" he said "I think we should get to this turban, i could devour a stake the size of a crate right now." Alexandria relaxed... a little. Ntende wasn't so convinced he knew his friend, even when they talked of magic Mihigo was always cautious and preferred to fully understand something; he often got angry when Ntende rushed into a topic or tried to say a spell he barely understood. They made their way out of the loading area and onto a bridge three towers long.

It was built of iron and concrete, the concrete mostly made up the road while iron beams supported the bridge tethered to two watch towers in the center of the bridge forming the final support. The water sparkled beneath them reflecting the clear blue sky above. As Ntende stared into the water he caught movement that defied nature, part of the river seemed to flow in the opposite direction he stopped and stared closer he made out a fin and blinked, impossible he thought but as he turned to continue the surface of the water broke and a dolphin like creature sprang up and back down into the water but what followed made Mihigo slap himself hard. With a fish like tail as sparkly as the night sky but as blue as the ocean a woman, no, a girl also sprang from the water her hair platinum blonde falling past her waist as she called out "rocky, not so fast" her voice soft as silk but so cheery, so inventing Ntende put one leg over the railing as he shouted ‘don't leave me!’ Mihigo froze thunder struck as Alexandria laughing hysterically pulled back Ntende while the two creatures disappeared , when Ntende blinked and turned to face Mihigo from a heaving Alexandria, all Mihigo could say was "i am not going to ask" and he turned to continue across the bridge. Ntende had started to ask what had happened but Mihigo cut him off saying if he doesn't eat soon he'll eat his voice box, and since there was only one way to reach it Ntende kept the questions to himself.

The city wasn't much different from the world they came from it was so similar Ntende dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone to find the cell network active and decided to add it to the furnace of questions. The roads were all lined with trees on both sides as far as the eye could see. The dress code was also similar in many ways; girls and women wore dresses, skirts, jeans and blouses while boys and men wore shirts, t-shirts, shorts and trousers. It wasn't long before they found their way to the blue moon turban a tall glass building that stood out with the image of a huge moon sited perfectly at the edge of an ocean with an assortment of stars and clouds surrounding it. The reflection in the water broken from the obvious flow of the mini waves, melded into the side of building making it look like a giant screen. The image shimmered, with the clouds around the moon carefully caressing and cuddling it while the reflection swayed back and forth with the waves. It seemed so real Mihigo let out a low whistle that ended in a yawn that reminded him why he was there.

The inside of the turban was unlike anything Mihigo and Ntende had ever seen, making the word turban tumble out of place. It was more like a luxurious hotel. The celling was entirely covered in a single painting that fit the entrance hall. The painting was of a golden stair way twisting upward into the unseen sky. As Mihigo searched for where the stair way begun he spotted another painting across the room of an orange blue sky punctuated in gray clouds hanging over a red calm river and part of the two shores separated by it. A small sail boat sat not too far from shore with a fishing line so thin it was barely seen touching the water, only with a keen eye catching the light in the painting not out of the painting could one see it.

 A shriek suddenly tore through Mihigo’s admirations and a woman stormed out of a Conner shuddering and mumbling Ntende smiled to Mihigo and made a winding motion to the side of his head. The woman was soon followed by a man wearing long tattered robes in torn sandals and had more of a bearded than a face; he was about three times a normal man's size. The cow boy hat he wore had a variety of small reptiles Ntende's jaw dropped while Mihigo merely pulled up a chair and sat watching the scene. When the woman was in an open area she spun on her heel and disappeared, which caused Ntende to squeal in excitement and ran to the spot then spun but was still there. When he turned to Mihigo to protest he saw he had his head in his hands like a grieving widow. Before he asked his friend what was wrong the giant man walked up to Alexandria

"My fair maidens please tell me what about I would repel you." Alexandria scanned him head to toe and frowned "Did you see a shaman before coming here?" the man breathed in relief "yes!" he pronounced "well," Alexandria said choosing her words carefully "i don't know what he told you but i am sure this couldn't be what his advice meant." the man raised his hands in protest "you there," he pointed at Ntende "why don't the ladies like me?!" when Alexandria went out of his way to let him pass Mihigo fell backwards in his chair and Ntende took a few steps back before saying "well i am not sure if it’s your cloudy mind or constricting personality." everyone within hearing range burst into laughter and giggles for above the cow boy hat that the man wore a cloud was following him and for a belt he wore a huge snake.

The giant man stood confused for a while then realization dawned on his face or at least what could be seen of it. He chuckled “oh Clara here wouldn't hurt a fly.” he said tapping the giant snake on the head; it flicked out its tongue at his touch. Can i touch it Ntende asked reaching out when Mihigo smacked his hand so hard Alexandria at the counter hastily turned and looked at Mihigo with concern. she returned with two plates of food, one a mound higher than the other, but the moment she placed them down Ntende grabbed the larger helping and immediately began tearing away at it. “I've got it!” declared the man, Mihigo looked at him skeptically “what are you going to do?” he asked “wear a different colored snake.” The man looked at Mihigo with a new level of respect. “Aye, that i shall” he said and he left through the front stooping to get through the door way.


After Mihigo and Ntende ate their way through four helpings of meat without asking what animal it was from, Daisy, a short plump woman excitedly refilled their plates saying it had been long since she fattened up willing customers. When Mihigo and Ntende had filled their stomachs to their hearts content it wasn't long before a tall confused looking man entered the turban, his nose was so long it preceded him through the door. His hair line was receding into a horse shoe; he not only favored one leg but also walked hunchbacked with a slight tremor. Two of his front teeth stuck out when he smiled at Alexandria before making his way to their table, despite the favoring of one of his legs his movement was swift. Ntende gasped when he felt something land lightly onto his lap. It was a large light brown bob cat; he pressed his paws into Ntende's laps cautiously then finally settled into a curled position. He

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