I wasn't always like this by Cama seeney (web based ebook reader txt) 📖

- Author: Cama seeney
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Carter jumped onto of the cage making the whole thing shake, he quickly jumped down landing directly in front of me. I lightly spread my feet a little further apart and turned my whole body letting my right arm fly out as I did, it nearly hit his face before he jumped away.
I jumped forward into a roll and landed in front of him hooking my leg around the back of his leg. He picked my whole body up, his mistake. I thought as I shifted into a wolf, I snapped my jaws millimetres from his throat and shifted back to human. ‘Dead’ I whispered as he dropped me to the floor. We walked back and bowed before commencing again.
This time I kicked, reaching around his shoulder height. He grabbed my leg and yanked me forward, I quickly used the momentum to punch his unprotected face. He growled and grabbed my arm with his free hand. This too I used to my advantage, I grabbed his upper shoulder shirt and pulled my body up, kicking him as I did so. He quickly let go and I fell to the ground – In heap I quickly straitened. This time he tried to hit me but I side stepped and threw two punches of my own. He punched through my guard and caught my chin unguarded.
I growled back angry now. ‘Who said this was a good idea?’ Jesse asked sounding a little worried.
An hour later I sat with Doc outside of the cage now, Jesse and Millie were messing around but he clearly had the upper hand. My Beta wolf needed training but she was mine.
‘What’s new doc? ‘I asked grinning flashing my bloody lip.
‘Sprained wrist’ He replied eyeing it slowly.
‘OH that’s a new one’ I replied happily.
‘Possible trapped nerve in the stomach’ He said after he got me to lie down and press the muscles in my stomach, I couldn’t hold my legs up for very long. My legs and stomach visibly shook with the effort.
‘Naa that’s another old one’ I replied, nothing new poked and prodded. He looked at me for a long time scanning my body before landing at my feet.’Erm pretty sure you’ve pulled the main ligament in your foot.’ I grinned at him. ‘Ooh your good – had the doctor check it out about a week ago’
‘What did he say?’ he asked curiously.
‘No to do anything strenuous for six weeks’ he shot me a dark look. ‘What at least I still wear the brace’ He shot me another look. ‘Okay sometimes.’ He shook his head at me ‘Can’t you like break a bone or something that would make my life way easier.’ He told me tutting. ‘Now that would be boring plus a break would fix’s its self almost immediately after shifting forms. Sprains and stuff are just not all that important, the body conserves its energy for some real fixing. This baby stuff is all for you’ I told him proudly, wiggling my toes.
I grabbed the bottle of honey and squeezed more into my mouth. ‘Mmmm’ I moaned drinking the rest of the bottle I even tried to stick my tong in the bears head but it didn’t fit. I pouted at the bottle and stuck my finger in it. Slowly gathering the reminder of the precious yumminess. I sighed and put the bottle down, I could already feel the itchy annoyingness of a heal. I shifted twice - bones growing, breaking and shrinking twice. It was painful but I no longer minded. I led there panting for a little while before sitting up painfully.
You’re so weak you will never find a mate. They will always reject you. The little voice in the back whispered. It was kind of right, how would I ever find another mate? Sol was supposed to be the other half of me, am I expected to believe that my soul is split in to like four different pieces. My wolf, my ugh sol and my new mate. What about myself with every walking day there seems to be less and less of me? Sol was supposed to complete me, he was nothing like me.
But I know now that I can live with that. When Gabe took away all the sadness and pain I was still a person. A slightly insane slap happy person but I know now that I can live with it. I no longer have to be alive just for Leo or my mum. I can be a live for me too.
The energy built up with me. I seemed to vibrate with it. The forest called to be so sweetly. I felt at that very moment that the forest was the only thing that loved me unconditionally. The moon called my name with every single exhale. I could almost feel the wind caress my aching bones. I could almost hear the trees dancing in the moonlight. I rolled my neck feeling the joints crack and pop. I knew no matter how far I run the moon would forever follow me. And that was okay, I craved the moons love. The moons attention, I don’t need a mate. I need freedom.
I threw back my head and howled with glee, I looked over at Millie we both wanted out of this room. We would. And soon. I stalked slowly over to the other side of the room, prowling for the exit. I could feel my farther out there, I could feel sol in here. I needed them both gone. Now. I sprinted from the room, running and running until I could smell the wind.
I could hear the gentle rain as it dropped on to the ground. I could almost see the ground as it dealt with the rains fierce impact. A circle of mud and twigs thrown away from the blow. Again and again, the rain hitting the trees and slowly crawling down their precious – silk soft leaves. I could hear the wild life as they scurried for shelter. The owls ‘wit woo’ and the foxes scuffle after lonely rabbits. Suddenly I was angry, I was supposed to be the one chasing game. I was a wolf after all.
No, we are wolves
Yes we are.
You got that right.
Millie and our wolves all agreed fiercely, I could feel mine passing in my mind. She wanted out. I howled out of the window and all of my pack howled back, it was starting. I saw the moon in the day’s sky, it lay there tantalizingly. Calling to me. Leo walked over to me slowly, making soft pining noises.
‘Sweetie, hey come back this way.’ Liam called softly walking forwards slowly, one step at a time. My human part walked forward but I could feel my animal side rising quickly. I jumped forward putting my hand on his arm. I looked into his eyes terrified. He nodded before pulling me into my room and locking me there, minutes later Millie was thrown in – growling and hysterical. This was going to be a bad three days.
You okay?
Liam? Yhea I think we’re all good now! Is there some where we can go with a little more… well running room?
It would suck to tear where I sleep up!
Well wasn’t that the sweetest thing you’ve said all day. Maybe in the morning – your weakest then right?
No, we are never weak.
Quit your snarling mother.
Leo, you should be sleeping.
How can I, with you prowling around. I coming in with food, try anything and I’ll bite you.
I laughed humourlessly. Only Leo my little lion would have the Kahooners to come in during the full moon. ‘Hey kid.’ Millie called as Leo walked in with sandwiches. At least they were vegetarian I don’t think I can handle processed meat right now. ‘Hey mum.’ He called sheepishly. I smiled and he quickly jumped into my arms, ‘Hey baby.’ I whispered into his hair, forget the sandwiches. I led down with my son in bed and cuddled him until he was asleep.
Can you get Rex in to take Leo? He likes Rex best.
Fine but Gabe is going to so don’t try anything.
I nodded knowing he couldn’t see me, Rex and Gabe knocked on the door minutes later. ‘Can’t you lend her some of your clothes?’ Gabe growled when he saw Millie, she was still wearing her horribly blood stained clothes from earlier. ‘No point, by the time we finish shifting they’ll be ruined anyway.’ I replied sighing. She shrugged not really taking notice, she was staring at Gabe hungrily. ‘Millicent.’ I growled pulling her away. ‘I don’t want to escape.’ She purred trying to wrap her body around Gabe, I rolled my eyes and pinned her to the floor. ‘Go.’ I whispered pushing some of Millie’s hair from her face. ‘Cold shower. Now!’ I ordered her, for once Gabe didn’t disagree with me.
Gabe took a step towards me looking uncertain. ‘You, you?’ He asked looking more than a little hesitant. I nodded noncommittally. ‘Do you think we can win this war?’ He asked honestly intrigued. ‘Ask me tomorrow when I’m exhausted you’ll soon see.’ I muttered already feeling tired. He nodded ‘Thank you.’ He muttered looking a little embarrassed. I smiled softly to myself climbing back into bed, but sleep wouldn’t take me.
Half my evening was spent doing sit ups, burpees, jump squats and plain old push ups. The rest of it I spent in a tired heap on the floor. Eventually I slept, dreaming of running. I was awoken suddenly by Liam, I smelt him before he even touched me. ‘Gabe overheard the rest of the packs are here in a few days.’ He whispered trying not to wake Millie but not wanting to risk mind linking. ‘Could be false information.’ I told him shrugging painfully.
‘That’s true but they wouldn’t expect us to be listening, right?’ He asked. ‘You’re an unknown species, we can hear for miles around when were in wolf form. We have all the abilities of a wolf and more, we know wolves not dragons. It could be false or true. It depends when and where you heard it.’ I replied tiredly. ‘How so?’ He asked intrigued. ‘If it was close to the house it was most likely false info like how people in wars give out fake information maybe for morel or to scare the enemy. If you heard it before or after a change they are hyped, sluggish. Three parts wolf one part human.’ I replied yawning.
‘What do you suggest?’ He asked, hmm. ‘I suggest more than one attack, eyes on them. On the surrounding area and to try and get reinforcements in.’ I replied honestly. ‘When and where?’ He asked.
‘Well maybe start a ‘natural’ forest fire when their wolves see how many scatter pick as many off as you can.’ I told him the first idea that came into my head. ‘Set up different attacks in different areas they will scatter but remember they can all talk to each other, no breaks or halts in relaying information. They can pass information mentally or by the flick and twist of a tail.’ I replied thinking. ‘Or the scrunch of a nose.’ Millie called from in the bed, she even scrunched her nose to prove a point.
‘What do you suggest Beta?’ He asked looking at Millie, like a warrior not the lowly ranked wolf she was. ‘Don’t bother with the Alpha or betta, go for the head commander or lead warrior they will be the biggest. The Bettas are good wolves, the
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