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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » I wasn't always like this by Cama seeney (web based ebook reader txt) 📖

Book online «I wasn't always like this by Cama seeney (web based ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Cama seeney

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cold bed like thing as he asked me to take off any metal I had on me. That meant my rings and neckless. ‘I’m sorry but I have to check each isn’t some kind of recording devise. I promise you’ll get each one back after I’ve tested them.’ I nodded and led down on the bed. My auburn hair flew into my face as I lay their fidgeting. Not red – brown or blond but a little of all. He ran this metal detector thing all over my body and stopped on my right arm. There it beeped frantically. Once again I freaked out.


I sat up almost screaming – knocking Doc flat on his arse, knocking his head on the floor his glasses fell free of his skinny, freckled – red haired self. I scratched at my arm blood once again spew out. The perfectly white medical bed didn’t stay all that white for long. The pain was unforgettable but I pulled this little chip like object from my arm. I was not as good at hiding my thoughts as I had once thought. I almost fainted looking at the pill shaped object. It was small and clear. My denunciation – I had been publically accused and I had been the only one unknowing. The condemned.


A little while later Aiden ran in with some of the others but I couldn’t force myself to let go of the demeaning object. ‘Hey, what are you doing Caiden.’ He slowly approached me knowing my wolf was so close to the breaking point. I closed my eyes but that made it worse. I looked right at the new comer and growled. He wasn’t Dragon or Wolf no. He was Feline.


I shook my head and stood up slowly handing the chip to Doc. ‘I-I she’s fine now.’ I told him ignoring the question. He accepted that as an answer anyway and approached me slowly, I held out my arm as he inspected the gouges on them. They weren’t all that deep but long and jagged. ‘They won’t need stitching.’ I told him standing and applying my own bandage barely paying attention.


Leo are you okay sweetie?


Yes mommy – me and Jesse are playing in your room with Dustin he said you went on the outside.

Did you have a nice run?


I could see my room from his eyes, they were reading a book but he was paying little attention. I growled at Carter as he took a step into the room – I smelt the air around him move closer. I continued looking around my room – not paying attention to the danger I could be in. Carter kept moving forward until he was right in front of me. I tilted my head to the side growling louder, a warning.


Yes baby it was good fun but mummy’s old family found us again okay. So we need to be extra safe and stay inside I will come and find you soon sweetie.


‘Who is she speaking to Alpha?’ Asked Carter, he was directly in front of me, I took a step forward and snapped my teeth in warning. ‘No do you need me to inform him of you immediate danger?’ I asked finally finished bandaging, it wasn’t all that bad and my wrist had healed completely after eating – let alone shifting. He chuckled it sounded more like he was purring, at cat really? I silently chuckled to myself.


He’s no kitten, careful footing now Cher.


Hey – mind reading!


Hide your thoughts if you don’t want them read. I am not the only one with ‘gifts’ around here.


Oh do spill all-knowing Alpha.


Now where’s the fun in cheating.


The French are stupid.


So are those who make assumptions.


Oh are you not French?


Of course I am, stupid.


You’re mean.


I’m an Alpha there’s a difference.


There is, your just mean.


‘Couldn’t you find a more manly word then mean? Carter back down – all girls smell like that.’ A few smirks were quickly hidden. ‘No, only manly men wouldn’t request to be given manly names.’ I told him laughing, he responded only with an eye role. ‘Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.’ He muttered. ‘Highest form of humour though.’ I retorted quickly.

Chapter 10


Chapter 10

‘Nice distraction now let’s get down to it. We’re not really going to trade bitch tits down there for Barbie doll are we?’ Asked Carter abruptly. ‘It’s up to you Caiden, they are your pack, no?’ He asked. ‘Millie is, but if we let him go he gets away with beating an Alpha in my books that’s unacceptable.’ I told him. ‘Oh so if it was a normal wolf it would be fine....’ Muttered Carter annoyed. ‘Course not, then I’d allow him to ask forgiveness. The wolf who was attacked may inflict the same amount of pain on the attacker or he may choose to leave branded.’ I said, looking Carter in his startling yellow eyes.


They flashed before turning back to a honey brown colour that went with his naturally pale skin, he had a hint of a Scottish accent and chocolate brown hair. The veins stood out on his skin as he clenched and unclenched his hands. A single wooden stretcher (small, the size of a pea) stood out on his left ear. His stubble was a few days old, even I had to admit he was hot – but was a total jack arse.


If you’re reading my mind imma bite you.


I wasn’t but now I’m curious.


‘What if we let all the wolves go?’ I asked curious.


‘You what? Really – let the man eater go? Seriously?’ Carter asked sickened.


‘Do you know what we do with man-eaters as you so nicely put it? We chase them as a whole pack and tear them to pieces. It’s a matter of serious security if we find them. If we let them go there will be havoc, we call them omegas or deserters. It is the biggest insult to eat a human because we are human half the time. That’s like killing one of the queen’s swans – there defenceless to a point. If we let them go, they will give chase; theirs three of them I’m guessing ten minutes tops.’ I told them curious as to their answer.


‘And who will go then lass, you?’ He snorted. ‘Are you stupid?’ I asked generally interested. ‘I’m pretty sure they know my scent, but’ I turned around to Gabe well what I thought was him – Rex pointed me in the right direction. ‘Do I have a serious need for glasses or can you literally disappear and reappear? And your scent – I didn’t smell it once I stopped because I smelt Millie.’ I asked. ‘Naw it’s a ‘gift’ of mine. My dragon form is kinda’ like completely see-through, unless I’m tired or hurt then it’s a weird whitish colour – I’m the only one who can fly in the day’ He told me grinning cockily. ‘Ugh he’s not gonna stop boasting for a week!’ Complained Aiden good naturally. ‘Shut up freak.’ Carter growled, I ground out ‘Take your own advice cat’ my growl was surprisingly loud considering I was a right midget wolf.


‘Just who do you think you’re talking too?’ Carter purred dangerously, his eyes flashed yellow and alternated between gold and the dangerously glowing yellow. ‘Will you two just fuck and get it over with!’ Gabe retorted with a wink at me. ‘Ooh is the tension getting to you too’ Rex retorted with a smirk. Liam stared at both of them until he was sure they had shut up and then turned to me ‘If you two do need a moment we can...’ I gave him such a glare that he stopped mid-sentence, grinning (with stupid dimples) to himself he continued. ‘Right then, Gabe you certain of this?’ He asked toning down his cheeky smile, the left canine tooth was pointed whilst the right was not. For some reason I found it really cute. He should take his stupid non shaved face and…


Stop fantasying about me, I’m trying to concentrate.


First Carter now you, what do you take me for? We mate for life. Life that means no more mates for me, don’t tease me Liam.


Seriously that is bullshit, hardly anyone ever finds there mate.


Wolves do. We always do, now I will be alone.


How do you think humans find love?


I think humans cheat, contract sexual diseases – unplanned pregnancies. Humans are messy. Wolves look after their young, we mate for life. What don’t you understand about that?


I think as soon as your Beta is dead you will find yourself a new mate.


I highly doubt I will ever fall in love after this.


I am mentally rolling my eyes at your incompetence.


Great, I’m glad my life is a comedy for you.


Hey, I’m sorry.




Stop arguing with me, you’re wrong.


I have boobs I win.


Erm I have them too.


Yhea but mine are better. Cause like I’m female.


I have pecks. Mine bounce.


Mine are bouncier.


‘I think she needs a room with herself.’ Liam mutter to no one in particular. ‘You are female shit I didn’t realise sorry.’ I mock whispered back. 'You’re so funny' He told me deadpan. 'Phaa I know I need to hide my humour where no one can touch it. Liam can I borrow your pants.' I asked with a little laugh. Erupts of laughter were quickly silenced by Liam’s glare - even carter laughed a little.

Chapter 11

 Left, right and down the corridor.


Liam’s voice was commanding in my minds ears, I had walked into the room and freed them all but Sol. He stood there watching me with a smirk on his face. His arms crossed over his chest. 'Aren’t we going to free master Solomon Ma’am?' One of the scruffier wolves, she was barely covered in clothes and that, that was covering her was blood riddles. I shook my head and tried the key I knew wouldn't work. I rattled the cage and head Carter coming down the stairs - We scattered I knew they would.


We sprinted to the end of the room into a corridor, turning left at the first opportunity. It felt like hours until we turned right. The plush carpet stuck to my feet and annoyed me. Finally I could see the small window, this I didn't have a key for. I ran full speed; jumping straight through the glass I shifted. The glass broke easily, though I did cut my torso.

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