I wasn't always like this by Cama seeney (web based ebook reader txt) 📖

- Author: Cama seeney
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Jumping up on the bed, no longer comfortable lying down. I noticed I was wearing small, black boxer shorts and a tight tank top Oh dear...
'Leo my little lion. Stay in your room sweetie.' I shouted over the noise. Well just so you know being broken into is noisy. Tiptoeing over to my door I quickly unlocked it and jumped back as three large men strolled in unannounced. I saw Leo's gold head nod once before he disappeared and I could hear him moving heavy furniture in his room. I had taught him well. But his strength was purely his own.
In the last three months he had grown ever more, looking more like a five year old than one nearing two. He easily hit the height of my hip, not hard at five. I was on the short side, he came to everyone's else's thy.
I each one of my hands were the ancient knives that became ever more familiar with each beating of my heart and every gasp of my breath. Each as deadly sharp as the other, twins of destruction. My Ex mate was blocking the doorway, I would be unable to reach Leo till this was over, low blow. Bellow the bra man.
Behind me stood two brain-dead followers, I didn't even bother trying to negotiate or reason with either. Both incapible of simple thought. I would have to do something durastic, but what? 'What do you want sol?' I asked venem filling my tone. 'Oh my dear omaga, nothing to do with you. We've come for the boy.' He snorted and spoke through his nose at me. 'Paa do not speak so highly of yourself and so low of me my dear. You were destined to be mated to me after all.' I stayed poised on the bed, I doubted he would run at me with two knives in my hands. Next door I could hear Lucro up to something, I needed to make more nose maybe he had found a way to get away. 'Who sent you loyal servent, was it my farther? Does thy dearest hunt for me still?' I asked nearly shouting, sol too stupid to realise anything was wrong only snorted and stepped further into the room. 'Some had mistaken you for half human, they did not realise you for just a worthless bitch, they made a mistake and as for your peice of shit farther well he sends me after the boy only.' I laughed, it sounded fake and croaky but it was still a laugh.
'And how are your parents, do they still love me more than you?' I taunted sneering in his face. I deserved better, maybe the gods sent me on this path because we belonged with the dragons. Maybe they are better people, maybe I will not die alone. 'Bitch!' He snarled charging at me, I only dodged and sweeped one of my daggers along his sholder. His cry echoed across the room, was it my state of current afairs that led him here? I've heard that mates will travel half way across the world when there mate is ( ermm, in need?). It is said only the love of a mate can take away the pain and anguish. If he was my so called mate, why in hells name was he so god dammed horrible.
I jumped down from the bed and backed into the corner, something was happening outside but I coudlnt see what. 'What led you here my love?' I asked with fake charm, never taking my eyes off of the window. A flash of gold proved me right, Lucro had gotten out. I prepared to launch myself out of the window when one of his body gaurds caught on, 'Boss, the boys out!' He called looking at the window too. 'Don't just stand there you fools, go get him!' He shouted angrily. 'No you shant touch him.' I sprinted to the window but Sol dragged my hair and yanked me back. I couldn't reach him with my knives so I had to just jerk and buckle my way free.
A howl of pain and a torrent of cusses, proved that Leo wouldn't be captured without a fight. I rolled away form sol and stood in a defensive stance, I needed to get out but I couldn't without dealing with him first. I ran twords him and ended up on the wrong side of his back hand. Spralled across the floor I tried to move but his feet stood on my presious arms. 'GETOFF' I growled out annoyed. I howled and tried to head but him but I knew I was out for the count.
Chapter 6
The cries outside echoed my own. I couldn't tell whos they were but I couldn't help them no more than they could help me. 'HELP ME!' I screamed before Sol shoved his hand into my face. He tied something over my eyes and hands. Then halled me to my feet, just to start his onslaught of punches on my stomach. A hurricane of footsteps led up the stairs, 'Unhanned the girl.' Said a perfectally monotone voice, he wasn't a wolf? Was he, I couldn't smell very much but I wasn't sure.
'Momma!' Leo screamed at me. 'Baby shh, It'll be okay.' Tears dripped down my face, soaking the blind fold. 'Im sorry, so sorry.' I whispered barely listening to the conversation. 'I said unhand her wolf!' Shouted a seriosly compelling voice, he left no room to be indicisive with. I was thrown to the floor where I quickly serached for one of my blades, I didn't want to cut a vein by accident so I held the knife in two, bound hands. 'Ouch! The little shit bit me!' Howled one of the would be attackers/savours/ I really dont know.
Leo ran straight at me and snuggled himself against me, he shivered and clung tight. 'Baby listen, If anything bad happens you need to be ready. I want you to shit now. And when you do, I need you to be my eyes. Can you do that for me baby?' I whispered into his golden locks. 'Yes mommy.' He agreed enthusistically. He shifted almost imediatly and settled his scaly self on my sholders and back, hiding his face in my unbound hair. 'Lucro listen, If the wolves try again I need you to fly out the window. I about three days, if you keep flying every day break you will find yourself with the dragons within the week. They will watch over you.' I whispered hoping no one paid attention to us, hoping he could get away.
'Get him out of here!' Shouted the same man as before, I hoped he didn't mean Leo. I clung tightly to him hoping he wouldn't be wrenched from my arms. Luckily for me I heard Sol leaving the room, moaning all the way. Slowly one of our would be resucers aproached us, I held up my knife but was useless. I couldnt see or smell anything, and there was too many people in the room as it was. I switched my head left to right trying to find the heartbeat closest to ours but Leo's suddenly skyrocketed. 'Leo whats wrong?' I asked fear masking my voice. He suddenly flew from my arms and I lunged screaming after him.
I was grabbed mid motionand held still by a massicure of arms. 'Hey, hey shh. Someone get her blindfold off! Quickly before she Impales someone.' Muttered a slightly more humours and less comanding version of the same voice. The blind fold was quickly taken from my arms and there Leo was, cuddling the world most muscular warrior. I dropped the knife 'D-dont hurt him, I'll do anything. I-im Alpha Caiden, please dont harm him.' I begged dropping on the floor before the man who held leo.
'Erm, do you think she knows were dragons?' Asked one of the smaller warriors. 'Rex put him leo down.' The one in comand asked gently he aproached me slowly and lifted one of my knives andn cut me free of my bounds. I stood relucantly 'I-i thought you'd look diffrent.' I muttered to myself. 'What have yellow eyes or something? Well you dont have fur chicka.' Muttered the small one. I tilted my head to the side, 'I do, I have teeth too want to see them?' I asked grinning. He shook his head chuckling. 'Well you seem aweful nice, be a shame to have to kill you.' Muttered another guy this one had black hair and tattoos covering his hands and face. I hissed and gathered up both knives, ready to fight again.
Suddenly my stomach exploaded in pain again and I fell to the floor in agony. Leo made a run for me but I hissed at the Alpha er comader, 'Get him away from me' I panted in pain. 'Whats wrong with her?' Asked the very vocal little guy. 'Shes a rejected are you not?' Asked the leader. I shook my head and gritted my teeth. 'I.Rejected. Sol. I. Will. Not. Be. Abused. By. Two. Alphas.' Concern filled the leaders kind blue eyes, he gentally lifted me in his arms. 'Sorry Chika.' He whispered before he palced a pill on my toung. I shook my head, tears leaving my eyes in two slow susesions of salt rivers. I felt like with each single tear more pain racked my poor body, I found myself swoling just to rid myself from the pain. I looked at Leo sadly. 'You can't know where were about to go.' I looked at him confused but soon there after sleep found me.
Chapter 7I woke, yet I was already on my feet. My wolf instincts was controlling me, howling for her lost son. Her evil Alpha and idiotic mate. Her cries made the tears steam ever more so, her cries were deafening. 'Shh, it's okay. They will bring Leo back. We just need to stay focused, I can feel it this is coming to an end.' When you live your life behind locked doors it’s hard to find that someone else is the one locking you away.
I couldn't control her, rage was now the poison wracking her body, I didn't even feel like we belonged anymore. She charged our body at the door, I felt my bones creak and jolt. She was clumsy in human form. Again and again she beat our body
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