I wasn't always like this by Cama seeney (web based ebook reader txt) 📖

- Author: Cama seeney
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‘Ugh was I slap happy?’ I asked already knowing I was. ‘Well I did slap you!’ she retorted sitting at the end of the bed as Liam sat beside me silently watching. ‘What, you bitch you didn’t!’ I laughed at the thought of it. ‘I fucking did, babe you didn’t tell me half of the stuff he’s done to you! Why did I have to beat it out of you?’ She started to laugh but couldn’t quite manage it. ‘You didn’t beat me’ no one would ever beat me again. ‘Shut up and answer’ she retorted angrily. ‘I am an alpha not a puppy, I don’t need to be treated like one.’ I growled her annoyed. ‘No your my Alpha alright, my best friend first so put your teeth back in and spill.’ She replied softly. ‘Alright, I wanted you to think it was getting better, I mean my mom got a little better right? It wasn’t so bad, you were happier.’ She smiled as tears reached her eyes. ‘You’re and idiot.’ She told me as she reached over to hug me. ‘You the idiot. Beta’ I told her grinning excitedly.
‘What no really!?’ She asked surprise apparent on her face. ‘Well you see Sol’s kind of on holiday and never coming back so yes I need my Beta.’ She squealed and hugged me tighter. ‘Right first step of Beta duty is telling you, you reek and your energy is killing my head go work out already.’ She told me pointing at my slightly bouncy self. ‘Do I smell?’ I asked Liam, who suddenly feigned interest in the window. ‘I knew I pushed you out of bed for a reason.’ I muttered before standing up. ‘Do you have a training room?’ I asked already jumping up and down on the spot. ‘Yhea I’ll take you.’ He stood up too and faked holding his nose, or maybe I did stink. ‘Ohh I’ll go grab you some honey need to ‘drink mii blood?’ She asked in her stupid Dracula impression. ‘Naa honey will do it. If you can’t fight with a bruise..?’ I didn’t finish she was already walking out of the room muttering ‘You can’t fight at all.’
Chapter 14
Liam silently took me around weird corners and obscene staircases. ‘It’s the full moon soon.’ He mentioned casually. ‘I can feel it, it starts tomorrow.’ I agreed eagerly. ‘Really I thought it only lasted a day?’ He turned back to look at me confused. I shook my head, ‘No, the moon will stay high in the sky for three whole days. During that time the day becomes less and less. The night time takes over as do our wolves.’ I replied, my eyes scanning the corridors cream carpets and red walls – white ceiling. Nothing seemed out of place – who cleaned it?
‘Would it be a good idea to attack then?’ He asked me looking thoughtful. ‘It depends, on a full moon I guess we can be compared to a woman lifting a car to save her baby. Did you know the baby on bored sigh isn’t to stop people from rear-ending you but to tell the firefighters to check the back seat first.’ I told him proud of myself for remembering the fact. ‘I understand they’ll be hormonal but is it a good idea?’ He asked.
‘Firstly it depends on the time of day – I would suggest checking we are in human form before attacking they will be drowsy. Perhaps the third day. But you then run the risk of there being more wolves there. But if you attack on the first day they will still have energy and may even attack back, you could end up with hundreds of wolves sitting in your front room I’m afraid.’ I replied honestly. He stood silent for a moment before opening the door. ‘Thankyou for being straight with me Caiden you could have saved many lives here. I will discuss this with the rest of the men before making any more plans.’ He allowed me to pass him without another word. I nodded my thanks.
Jesse and Dustin were already in the ‘workout room’. It wasn’t quite a gym. I mean what gym has a boxing ring manning the middle of the room. Around the outside stood weight machines, treadmills – weights, skipping ropes and a dusty beaten looking punching bag. ‘Dustin, Dustin, Dustin!’ I called out running over to him. ‘Sup?’ He asked pushing his purple blue hair away from his face, it was currently down instead of filled with jell. ‘Fightme, Fightme, fight me please.’ I asked jumping up and down on the spot. He looked at my bouncing state and laughed like I was a maniac.
‘Calm down full moons tomorrow not today!’ Millie shouted to me across the room. She threw me the honey – it was in a little bare bottle. It was so cute I didn’t want to squeeze it to get all the honey out. I pulled a sad face before popping off the lid and squeezing some of the bottles yumminess into my mouth. I swallowed greedily, loving the thick smooth texture of the liquid on my tong. It worked almost half as well as packs blood did. I felt sorry for lone wolves. ‘Thankyou baby bare!’ I called kissing the bares head. I threw the bottle back at Millie but she wasn’t paying attention she was in deep conversation with Gabe. Just as she laughed at something he said the bottle hit her in the side of the head. I laughed and then ran over apologising a million time a minuet. She just laughed and rubbed her head ‘Jeez woman what have you taken today it looks like fun – I want some.’ She told me as I embraced her for the third time that second.
‘Jeez get off me and get in the ring already!’ She called grinning at me. I sprinted over to the cage and jumped a couple feet in the air, landing squarely on the cages outter shell. I climbed it easily until I reached the top. Where I quickly jumped down with a loud bang. ‘What is with her?’ I heard Jesse ask Liam. ‘Alphas blood is much stronger than an average wolfs, there like a really old blood line. They feel the pull before many others. It’s a major down fall for most. Though she seems to only be a little hyper right now – I personally don’t want to be anywhere near her during the full moon. The Alphas that I’ve met only go crazy the night before the full moon not a full day. She has good blood – we ought to be cautious.’ Suddenly I didn’t want to know about how fascinating my blood was, I just wanted to get rid of some energy and quickly.
I jumped up and down bending my neck left and right. Shaking out my arms as I did so. I put my right leg in front of me and leaned until my arms were straight ahead of me. I then did the same to the left side. I placed my leg on the cage around hip length and easily touched my toes with either had. I repeated the process with my other leg. I then walked a few steps away from the cage and lifted my right knee up, I twisted my upper body away from the leg and heard my spine click. I quickly did this with my left knee before stretching my arms.
Across my chest and behind my back. Dustin threw me some grappling gloves whilst he wore only a wrap around his hands. I threw the fingerless gloves down knowing I didn’t need them. During the three months I was I had trained to fight every day. I took classes, I even bought my own punching bag. For the first month training was all I did. Between feeding, bathing and putting Leo to sleep. By the second month I enrolled us in self-defence classes. He looked around three instead of just under one. I had found a place that had classes – running at the same time – for parents and their children. It was filled mostly with single parents and the room next door with their children.
It was a nice place. We stayed there for a couple of weeks before I got jumpy. After that we only stayed in a town a week at a time. A few days if we could manage it. That’s how we lived for three months, it was hard and scary as hell but we made it. And now standing before Dustin I had never felt more prepared. I hadn't just taken karate or Tae quoin doe but Mixed martial arts, kick boxing and any other class I could get my hands on. I often went to three or four classes a day. Mostly Leo went with me, sometimes I found him a 'playfarm' or something nearby that he could attend for an hour. I knew he was safe, we were for ever in each others heads. I miss that.
Chapter 15I approached Dustin looking squarely into his surprisingly bright eyes. He stood there without a box guard or any kind of protection. As neither did I. I took a step forward, standing tall and holding a loose guard up. I took another step forward, quickly looking down at my arms one across my face – the first fist level with my ear but not touching me at all. For starters I knew I didn’t want my arm to fling back with the force of a blow and hit me in the face. The other arm was much lower and the fist directed in the opposite direction. ‘Sure you don’t want a mouth guard?’ He asked also taking a step forward.
‘Shut up or I’ll make you wish you wore one.’ I growled out. My wolf wanted this fight as much as I did. She knew he was a dragon, a friendly one. But she still really wanted to fight. I was seconds from releasing all my pent up energy. ‘Are you sure this is a good idea? Can she control herself?’ Liam asked Millie sounding uncertain. Just when Carter strolled into the room, he wore a black sleeveless top and dark blue navy shorts. ‘She’s fine she just wants to release energy.
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