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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » I wasn't always like this by Cama seeney (web based ebook reader txt) 📖

Book online «I wasn't always like this by Cama seeney (web based ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Cama seeney

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she actually communicated with people. She began cooking and cleaning, she started to go on patrols.


I thought she was getting better I was wrong. She killed herself. Or so I thought. I was lying in bed dreaming about what my life could have been, dreaming instead of looking after her. It’s all my fault. She was helping other shifters my father had caught, he found out and had her murdered. My father was driven so mad on grief he took it out on me, I thought it was all me. It wasn’t, he was just guilty he murdered her. I always thought my farther didn’t know me, guess I am a traitor after all.’ Tears dripped down my face, I hated this world it’s so broken and cruel. I laid with my head parallel to Carters chest listening to his breathing, wondering what I could do to help Leo, to help Millie, to help my Em and Ed. To help the shifters who took me in, I felt like every second I was here I was putting everyone in danger.


‘You aren’t the one murdering your own kind, you didn’t murder humans none of this is your fault, what you’ve just explained is a very sad and tragic story but you no longer live in that story any more, you have Leo. You have your friend to look after. What did you used to dream about?’ His voice was a comforting rumble under my ear, a nice calming sound. He was so warm and comfy to lie on. ‘I dream of dancing. Like every time I pick up a guitar or play on the piano I just visualise how I could dance. Not some of that crap half dance they call twerking but like real dancing, sometimes I dream of running or ice-skating it depends on the song I guess. What do you dream about?’ I asked smiling a little. ‘Well I love playing my guitar but can’t say I’ve ever mentally ice-skated whilst playing. I think I’m doing it wrong.’ He told me laughing.


I shoved his stomach, ‘No fare man I told you that in confidence, you have to tell me now.’ I made my eyes wide and pouted my lip. ‘Stop pulling puppy faces at me you’re a wolf. And you’re not going to be able to hold your eyes open for long you’ll get something in them.’ I led there staring at him for like two full minutes before he caved in. ‘Fine I’ll tell you.’ He told me grinning as I swiped at my eyes. ‘I dream of home. I never knew my parents, I grew up in foster care. I didn’t know I was a shifter until I had a run in with Caleb. He was beating on some small kid so I put him in his face I got so angry, Liam dragged me into the forest seconds before I shifted. It was scary close to like world’s biggest secret blown.’ He said laughing, he had a nice laugh it was merry yet the first time I had heard it, and I felt like I wouldn’t forget it anytime soon.


 ‘Have you had any close calls?’ He asked me smiling a real smile. ‘Course plenty, gym locker, playground some kid pulled my hair, mother shouting at me, my father’s beati…Erm beatboxing he’s so bad.’ I lied, It was such a weak I lie. He waited until I said it. ‘I nearly changed a dozen times when he began beating me but I got used to it I guess.’ I said instead, he nodded his appreciation ‘Didn’t anyone realise what he was doing?’ He asked curious. ‘Probably most of them were in on it. But yes, his betas. Em and Ed If I didn’t pick up after five minutes of going home he would come around. He would check how close he was to passing out, once he hit a certain beer point he was fine but before or after was rocky territory. Normally he was alright but there was off days where he would beat me sometimes he got people to watch. Punishment he said, liars deserve it. I was his daughter I must know discipline. Lucas would carry me to his house after the five minutes of calling – by then I could barely walk. Em I mean Rosalie was really good with healing though it was her gift.’ I said smiling lightly at the thought of my extra parents. ‘Ed? Em?’ He asked with a small smile. ‘Extra mom and Extra dad’ I said with a small giggle. ‘You should laugh more’ He whispered barely above a breath.

Chapter 13

‘Where’s Doc my head hurts?’ I whisper-giggled. ‘Back at the house sweetie come on, it’s this way but were playing a game so you need to be quiet.’ He put his finger to his lips and smiled his crooked little single fanged smile. It was cute I smiled back.


Where are we?


We’re going home.


Are you my mate, because this doesn’t smell like home? Home is full of pain. I don’t want to go home.


No my home, your home too now, Leo your little baby is there.


Who is the farther? Are you the daddy of my puppy?


Hes a dragon not a puppy Mon Cher


Are you French, French accents are stupid.


Phaha yep you’ve told me that before.


There only stupid because there stupidly romantic.




I walked in a wobbly straight line until we reached a bunch of white grass. ‘Right climb on’ the strange man whispered. ‘On what?’ I asked confused I turned and looked for a tree but there was none. ‘Carter.’ The strange man whispered angrily. I was man handled from behind for the nice man from in the cage? No it was a cave I think. Though I’ve been in many cages, maybe daddy put us in a cage again. I felt the man move and shift into something new. I felt his sides, he felt scaly instead of fury. His scales a midnight black blended so well into the night air. I led down on his back, already warm from his scaly side. He was massive even bigger than dad’s wolf, which was very big. We flew swiftly though the night air, the breeze flew through my hair, tangling and untangling it easily. I let my arms fly out either side, I felt really dizzy and more memory hit me fast like a train. Someone told me to hold on but it was already too late I was falling.

I opened my eyes and we were inside now, what happened to the night air. ‘Hahaha did they have to clean up my blood in the end? I remember the lashes. Thirty of em... They hurt. Millie why did he whip me.’ My head felt heavy, as I rolled my head around the pillow I looked at those crowded around me.


‘What’s wrong with her?’ Millie cried out to the stranger, this time there was many of them surrounding me. A pair of grey eyed twins who smiled softly. A guy with a blue Mohawk and a guy who looked like his big brother – his hair was short and black – longer on top. He sat smoking at the end of my bed. They both had their noses and lips pierced. A matching tattoo of a birds flying on their necks. Other than that there was two guys with brown hair, one with a single canine and the other with golden eyes.


‘Carter messed with her emotions she reliving everything slowly.’


‘Do you think they like my blood Millie is that why they hitting me? Why? Millie why?’ My back and arms burned with the pain of the lashes, where was the blood where was it? I shouted hysterically. Millie bent forward and slapped me hard across the face. ‘Calm the fuck down!’ She half shouted gabbing my hand a kneeling by my side. ‘Millie I feel it, each and every one. I can count them, they burn. I can feel the blood as it drips down my back. I remember when I brought the silver knife why did you stop me Millie?’


‘Remember we promised to find you your mate; I read recently about second mates. Some people are destined to have more than one mate, I bet the moon goddess was wrong. I know she has a mate for you.’ She whispered. ‘I can’t Millie, no more they all hurt.’ I whispered back tears leaking down my face. ‘No one’s whipping you anymore that was months ago.’ She looked right into my eyes seeing someone crazy, someone deluded. ‘No, I can’t love anyone else. I hurts too much, there’s no more room. My heart doesn’t work. It’s telling me no more.’ I couldn’t feel them anymore somehow that was worse, at least before I could expect what was next I didn’t know now. The crooked one knelt by my pillow, he was still higher than me. ‘I want all of you out now please. OUT!’ He shouted when no one moved. I didn’t flinch I could almost see it before it happened.


‘I want you to move your toes and your fingers. You feel the pain in your side that’s real. Nothing else, trust nothing but only that you can see.’ He whispered pushing my hair from my face. 'They've stopped now, why do I still hurt? Did you drop me?' I asked with a little giggle. I could hardly move, but I tensed my fists and feet seeing if they were real. 'No, you kinda fell but well it wasn’t too far down. A tree broke your fall.' He said with a little smile. 'Where will you sleep?' I asked a little confused, I moved up in the bed and patted beside me. He rapped me in his arms and I fell asleep there.




'Liam? Why are we here?' Oh he was asleep.




Sleeping shh!




Yhea? - He yawned mentally, which was weird to watch.


Why are you in a dinosaur onesie?


Oh I think It’s one I wore as a kid. Oh that’s cool!


No its not, still why are we here?


Ahh you had the kiss of death off of Carter. He's kind of an empath. Only thing is he hasn’t figured out the whole back fire thing yet?


Right wait we kissed? You sure it wasn't my wolf she kissed Aiden yesterday.


Nope that was all you.




Well I bet his face was a picture.




Well I'm pretty sure he’s gay.


Oh really that’s cool


Oh shit this is hard, please don’t tell anyone. This whole Secrets in your mind thing is tough. I’ve never met another telepath before.


Really all of our Alphas are Telepaths


I've never met an Alpha before.


Its okay, I guess I’ve got some tricks to teach you – not just yet though this is too much fun. Oh. Oh Millie’s coming - wake up now.


I am awake?


Then why are you still in your dinosaur onesie?


‘Ahh’ Liam muttered half asleep. ‘I had the weirdest dream...’ He muttered to no one in particular. He rolled over and tried to use my shoulder as a pillow before I flicked his ear. ‘Pillows don’t move. Go away.’ He muttered still half asleep. ‘Okay’ I pushed him off of my shoulder and he fell on the floor. ‘Ow. Okay maybe

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