I wasn't always like this by Cama seeney (web based ebook reader txt) 📖

- Author: Cama seeney
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She stood before me, sparingly clothed yet she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her golden skin was un-scarred or scathed, it shone like the metal gold its self. She seemed to be old and young at the same time. Her long silver hair fell to her ankles easily, she swayed with unmaintainable confidence. Yet she knew she would die. When she saw me she visibly relaxed. 'Young wolf you must help me. I have been calling for your soul all day. My son is no ordinary dragon. I am an elder, I will die tonight but my son mussent. Protect him please. There is nothing left for me, I hear your farther at night, I know he is no good for you. Please help us, help him, help yourself. Keep him as your own, raise him right. Their will come a time where he will need his own kind. I hope you make the right decision. I am Aurora it means sunrise, please chose his name for me dear child.'
Her voice echoed in my head, it was as smooth as the streams water. I knew little Latin but from what I did know I knew the name Leo meant lion man but that was too masculine, maybe it could be a nick name for when he was a troublesome toddler. I looked at the child and his poor mother; His silver eyes followed me every movement. His eyes were filled with love and reflected light. Lucero, filled with light. I knew within seconds that's what I would call him. As I looked into his innocent face I knew I could not leave him here. I will be back later I promise. 'Audio, video, disce' I Whisper in my mind to her. She smiled as I left to prepare.
I quickly threw clothes in a bag for myself and jumped on the banister, I pushed up the lid that covered the attic and pulled myself inside to find some of my brothers baby clothes my mother had kept. Their was quite a lot but I only grabbed what was necessary. I saw my brothers old favourite bare, he was called musik. I had no idea why he called him that but I grabbed him regardless. Musik was a dog teddy that my brother refused to leave behind until he was five.
My farther was rich but I did not have a penny to my name, my mother had forced me to get a job when I was ten because I needed to learn how to protect and keep my pack afloat and well fed she had told me. I had been working on a farm ever since, I would miss it there but I have earned enough money to be comfortable for a short while. I packed food, mostly non-perishables but I don't know what he would eat. She said he was a baby but he looked around a year old. I hoped what I caught as I ran would be enough for him.
Chapter 4
I've always been known as the quiet one. Or the lizard thing that changes to match its environment, the er chameleon but I never thought I would have to become invisible in my own home.. Odd really. I never thought I'd have the erm balls to go and break not one but like five of the pack rules. To what? Run to the dragons, Nice Caiden. The only thing I would really miss is mill. I sighed, closing my eyes and breathing unsteady, I remembered the girl who had been the only reason I had survived this hell hole. Em and Ed... Who knew only peoples kindness will be enough to save a life? That is why I have to save his life.
Hey may not be blood of my own, but he has a pure heart and soul. I crept down both flights of stairs, it had been hours since I had last seen him. Dinner had been silent, Lucian hadn't picked up any fear in my voice but for some reason I knew he knew what I was going to do. Before he hung up he had said ' Good luck and live well sweetie for forever you will be chased' Before I could even think of something to say he had hung up. Tears had fallen down my face but I just went to bed, to tired and wired to sleep or do something about it. When I had stood up and began my vigorous journey down the stairs I had heard the song 1 2 step by Cira being to play in my head.
'We about to get it on. Let me see your 1 2 step. I love it when you 1 2 step.'
I had to suppress a humourless laugh and continue my doomed mission .The thunder and rain covered my almost silent footsteps. Wolves haven't super hearing like everyone suspects, and changing into a wolf isn't a painless nor completely painful process. Bones tickle madly as they grow and nails hurt as they grow and shrink, and you most certainly do not just go human-wolf. It's not that simple, I mean think of the process. You can like grow your teeth or nails almost accidentally.
Well anyway, my point of explaining all this was because I was so nervous my own nails began to grow. My teeth making my speech a little difficult and slurred, not by much you learn to live with it. I didn't see the point in dying my hair and changing my looks because I'd always smell the same, my pack would always be able to find me. But I still wanted to be different, I was different. But maybe I could confuse people and get my self a few precious seconds it would make it easier to get away.
Thoughts would keep me occupied but I needed to focus. I entered the dingy, silver filled room, the smell made me want to run and whimper but I knew I couldn't. I wouldn't! I remembered finding my mother down here, after my brothers death. I was so angry and scared, it was the first time she had tried to kill herself. I had ran from her then, and she had died. I would not do so again, never again would I run from a situation. I would stand and fight.
I took one step after the other, the creaking steps scaring me a little more each time. My heart beating a little more. Just that little bit faster. One step one beat. Another step and two beats. A third step and I was finally in the basement. Standing before the one person I would save. The one person I would stand for.
IF your hated for no reason I think its about time to give that son of a bitch a reason. And there would never be a reason as big as mine. I would never be able to return here, lose the little family and friends I had. But was that truly so bad, here I had no life. Here I was truly dead.
I sighed, puffing cold air from my frozen lungs. One step after another I walked into the room. Darkness quickly engulfed me, two sets of golden eye's followed my every movement. Fear seemed to roll off of me in waves, the whole room seemed to echo and reflect it! Aurora and Lucero stood side by side, his beauty was only a fraction of hers but he carried a diffrent kind of beauty. Something that only came from the pure. 'Follow the suns rise each morning. The sun god will lead you to my people. Goodluck dear child.'
His delcate hands reached for my own, and without a questioning glance i knelt before him taking his soft hands in my own. He gentally laid his teeth on my throat and I laid mine on his. We both bit until blood filled our mouths, this is how the surraget mothers brand there babies as there own. This was it. This was the begining!
I carried him on my front and the bag on my back, he gripped to me and did not let go, three days we ran without a break. Three days he stayed awake eating only rabbit I picked up. They had chased us half way across the countrie before we fell asleep in a public dumpster, we had made it to another town. One far away, they did not follow us here. We kept travling in the morning, folowing the sun for three months before I was stuck down with illness.
Chapter 5
I get it, girls get periods, right. This was nothing like that. I swear something was searing my middle, prying and burning it all in one manouver. Everything became too overwhelming, too painful to even think about moving.
I led, stuck, transfixed in my very own - temporary - bed. Whining and fucking pining for something. Someone to take away the pain. But here I was stuck and oh yea tran-fucking-fixed in my own bed. Unable to even see my son for fear of harming his delicate soul. My heart beating for his name.
I howled, breathing his soft caress of a name, with such pain and longing I nearly broke. but it had been me who had locked my door from him. Females, such as myself, do not get normal periods. Hells no, that would be too freaking easy, we bled every three months after finding our mates off course. I had never faced this before and with emotions flying wild I didn't want to hurt my Lucero - or as I call him Leo.
And this was the moment all hell chose to break loose.
Three months on the run.
I spent alone.
Fending for me and Leo.
He stood before me.
The man who was supposed to be my mate. Be there when I turned 18, when I had my first period. The single man the gods had chosen for me. Yet he stood with my farther. Ignored me my entire life. His Alphas child. As she was beaten by the day.
And chose his first touch of me was to be with a fist.
He had beaten me.
My mate;
Laid his hands upon me,
in hate.
Don't blame me for being a little upset. It had taken them this long to find us, my and my little Leo. (He became more and more Lion like as he grew older. Prowling grumpily,
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