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Book online «Twilight World All Over Again by Heather Lawhun (best english books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Lawhun

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at me.
“Ask Seth.” I said smirking. I was in the mood for messing with people and Sparkles wasn’t here. Seth didn’t say anything. I rolled my eyes. I turned to him and said, “Some guys kidnapped me the other day and pretty much beat the crap out of me. They threatened to cause trouble if we didn’t hand over Nessie, which we didn’t, because Sparkles, Bella, and Nessie are gone as you can see, so now they’ve come and took Shay hostage. Now you’re up to date.” I said shrugging.
“So that’s why Jake’s been depressed.” Jacob and I rolled our eyes. “So do you know where Shay is?”
“Sort of, but if we went, then they could kill her before we get the chance to rescue her.” Seth nodded.
“So you’re just going to wait?” He asked getting upset.
“That’s all we can do for now. Charlie is probably investigating that house, so we’ll know something sooner or later.” Esme said comfortingly.
“Wait, she’s in that house next door?”
“We’re not exactly sure, it’s possible, but we’re not sure and don’t go busting down the door. I’m serious, they will kill her.” I said sternly. He sighed.
“Fine.” I rolled my eyes. He’s such a little kid. A day passed and we were all getting anxious and then the next day, we all got tittered of waiting. Emmett, Jasper, Seth, and I were all ready to go and turn that house upside down and search for Shay.
“Wait,” Alice tried to calm us down.
“We’re done waiting Alice.” I said impatiently.
“I just wanted to say that I’ll come with you. I know Esme and Carlisle will be mad at us for going against their decision, but I want Shay back.” Yes, Esme and Carlisle doesn’t want us to go there, but I can’t wait anymore! Alice didn’t like the idea at first, but I guess she changed her mind; like Hermione in Harry Potter. That’s right I made a Harry Potter reference. I love those books. Anyways, I kind of don’t want Alice to come. It’s not that I think she can’t take care of herself, because I know very well that she can, it’s just I don’t want her to get killed. I didn’t mention this earlier, but those chains left a burn mark on my skin. They’ve healed, so you can’t see them anymore. Carlisle didn’t see them either. I didn’t notice them until I took a shower last night. Also I fear for Emmett the most. I know he’s big and strong, literally, but those guys proved to me that they could kill anything in a flash. I don’t know what they are, but they’re dangerous and they could definitely kill us. We all got ready and snuck over to the house. I could hear the usual arguing but then there was another voice; it was someone screaming. Oh my God! I thought my eyes widening.
“Shay.” I whispered almost losing it. Emmett pulled me into a hug. I calmed myself down with some help from Jasper. “Thanks.” He nodded.
“There might be traps, so be careful.” Alice warned. We all nodded and tiptoed around the perimeter of the house. Here, I thought about Naruto; yes, another reference. There could be a trap within a trap. I looked carefully for wires and motion sensors. It doesn’t hurt to be careful. When we got to the house, there wasn’t a sign that showed people were home, so we picked the lock on the front door and let ourselves in. Maybe they left or finally learned to shut up. The screaming was louder in here. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. We followed the screaming and came to a basement door. We snuck in slowly and slowly went down the stairs. Ugly 1 had one of those hot, metal stick thingies and was pressing it against Shay’s skin. I glared into his eyes and he stopped and was frozen on the spot.
“What’s the matter?” Ugly 2 asked. “Hey!” He yelled when Ugly 1 didn’t respond. Jasper got Ugly 2 and ended up killing him. So they weren’t vampires. I noticed as blood dripped from Ugly 2 and onto the floor. They can’t be werewolves either. I thought as I made Ugly 1 break his arm and it didn’t heal itself. Yes, I’m making him suffer. I didn’t get to make him suffer for much longer because Boss Man came down the stairs, so I had Ugly 1 kill himself. The boss man glared at me.
“So I suppose you’re not going to hand her over, yes?” He asked me.
“You got that right.” He sighed.
“You’re so difficult.”
“Thanks.” I said not smiling. Had it been any other situation, I would have. Suddenly, he pounced and knocked me to the ground. He held a hot blade to my throat.
“I warned you half-breed.” He said growling. Then he was knocked off by Emmett. Emmett beat the crap out of him. I helped Jasper with Shay and Alice helped Emmett when he needed it. We got Shay out of her restraints and Jasper carried her on his back and when I looked over to Emmett, the boss man was dead.
“Carlisle isn’t going to like this.” Alice said sighing a little.
“What do we do with them?” I asked looking at the dead bodies.
“We’re gonna burn them.” Emmet said is if it’s the most obvious thing.
“These guys, believe it or not, are human and if Sam and the others catch wind of this, we’re in trouble.” I said looking over at Seth.
“Hey, don’t look at me. I’m not going to tell anyone, not after what they did to Shay and you.” I smiled.
“Thanks.” He nodded.
“So what?” Emmett said. I rolled my eyes.
“They’ll smell and those guys will know for sure.” He sighed.
“Okay, what do we do with them then?”
“Take them to Tanya, I’m she’ll know what to do with them.” Alice said smiling.
“Okay, I’ll be back as soon as possible.” Emmett said rolling his eyes. He pulled me into a hug and then he grabbed the bodies and left. Alice and I cleaned up the basement as Jasper and Seth took Shay to the house. As we did we ran across some powder-like stuff, but left it alone. It didn’t have a smell to it. Is that why we couldn’t smell their scent, because they used this stuff to cover their scent? Well whatever the reason I guess we’ll never find out. Near the end of our clean up, I accidently kicked up the powder stuff into the air and I’m not quite sure what happened but it was like it attacked my eyes or something. My eyes were burning like crazy and they were itchy and I just wanted to claw them out of my head. I ended up screaming and Alice tried to get the powder out with water, but it only made it worse. I finally stopped screaming when my voice went hoarse but I was still in pain. Alice got me out of there and we went back to the house. Carlisle was about to jump us until he saw that I was in pain. Emmett came back and started to get frantic about what happened with the powder stuff, so Esme and Alice tried to get him to calm down. After a couple hours of running around like a chicken with its head cut off, Carlisle finally got the pain to stop. The only thing is, when it cleared up, I couldn’t see at all.
“Guy’s I think this powder stuff might have done more than made my eyes itch and burn.” I said looking down at what I assume is my hands, because I couldn’t see anything.
“Why, what’s happening?” Carlisle asked.
“I can’t see anything. All I see is black. I think I may be blind.”
“I’m going to go look for a book or something to see what’s in that powder and see if the blindness is permanent or not.” Alice said. Carlisle sighed.
“Alright but just be careful and don’t think this will get you off the hook you four.” He said sternly.
“Okay.” We said in a defeated tone. Alice was pretty much gone all night. Shay is now recovering, but she’s still knocked out and is now in her room. Jasper is staying with her. Emmett carried me to my room and stayed with me all night. Sparkles, Bella, and Nessie came home around midnight, according to Emmett. I couldn’t sleep as images of Shay being all beaten and her screaming entered my mind. This was going to be a long night.
Chapter 8 nightmares
I might be home, but all my evidence is lost. I keep trying to communicate, but moving my mouth, or even opening my eyes for that matter, is too strenuous. I keep seeing those people attacking me everywhere. Pyper might have had it bad, but I do believe I got it slightly worse. They had another little girl in there with me. They kept asking me over and over where the brat was. I kept telling them I didn’t know who they were talking about. They shoved picture after picture of Renesmee and Abby in my face. Those were the brats they were looking for.
I refused to tell them where they were and so they started burning me. They kept me chained up and had the little girl at gunpoint, threatening to kill her if I didn’t start talking. She kept screaming and screaming until they finally killed her. I know vampires can’t cry, but I can’t think of any other way to put it. I cried for her. She was Abby’s age and now she was dead. Then, they started branding me. There is writing in Greek all over my back, but I don’t know what it says. The only symbol I was familiar with was the moon they placed on my forehead. It is their way of marking me for what I really am: a vampire. Rachel has been calling every day to check on me, trying to make sure I’ll be okay.
She is so grateful to have her baby girl back that she is moving into the cottage in the woods where Becky and Bob once lived. They are now safely behind bars, where they will never get near Abby again. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that there are more of these uglies that will show up in our future. “Jasper” I manage to whisper. He shows up in a flash with a glass of blood.
“What is it, sweetheart?” he asks, concerned.
“Can I talk to my sister?” I ask quietly. I knew her hearing wasn’t as good as the rest of the house. He helps her up the stairs.
“What’s up, sis?” she asks, curiously.
“The dust that’s in your eyes is ground garlic and silver” I rasped. “They dumped it down my throat in large doses, just to see if it worked. It managed to prevent me from talking for days and even now I have problems speaking. However, I am able to talk, and my voice is getting clearer every minute. Maybe your vision will work the same way.” Pyper smiled at me.
“Thanks, Shay. I appreciate any information you can give me. At least we have a little hope, right?” “Yeah” I said, thoughtful. Then I lay back down. My energy isn’t at its best.
Werewolf Issues
I’m glad that Shay is getting better. Carlisle is still upset with us for going against his decision. And Shay was right; my eyesight is surely but slowly getting better. I can see blurs now and the outlines of them. Sparkles, surprising, comes in and visits me every now and then. I guess he felt bad about what happened while he, Bella, and Nessie were gone. I
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