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Book online «The Experiment by Cassidy Shay (i can read with my eyes shut .txt) 📖». Author Cassidy Shay

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to like this, Meagan,” she says. I look at her, panic spreading through my body. What happened?

“I’m only not freaking out because this is your issue to deal with, not mine.”
As she finishes her sentence, I see Sarah behind her. Max is also with her, and two Vipero are behind them. “Go sit on the bed. Both of you,” says the taller of the Vipero. Then he looks at Julie. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave. We need to discuss a few things with Meagan and these two… uh… children.” Sarah winces at being called a child, and Max just looks at the ground.
Julie gathers Aron into her arms and leaves, but first she gives me a quick, “good-luck” hug. When the door shuts, the taller Vipero looks at me.
“You’ve become sort of a mother to Sarah, which is why we’re coming to you and Mathew for this. We’ve already called him to come in as soon as possible, so we have to wait for him to get here. But we’re just going to tell you guys what happened, and let you guys deal with the punishment.”
We don’t have to wait too long for Mathew and Belle to arrive. Belle immediately runs to Sarah.
Mathew and I look to the Vipero for information. “Um, I don’t know any way to say this, so I’ll just give you the facts straight. We found these two in a utility closet, uh… and they were uh… well, they were only half dressed.” In any other situation, I would have laughed at his stuttering, at the red shade that’s covering his skin. Instead, I look over at them, and notice for the first time that their clothes are pretty messy, like they were put on in a hurry. Sarah’s hair is a mess. “We don’t know if they were just starting to undress or if they were getting dressed, but it’s an issue either way. We don’t need any new babies right now. Well, not for your group, anyway.” He talks to us for another minute longer, and then they leave. Mathew and I turn to Sarah and Max.
“Explain,” Mathew says, looking right at Max. “Please explain to me what you were thinking about doing with my cousin.”
Max just hangs his head, doesn’t say anything. Mathew takes a couple steps towards him, puts his face right next to Max’s. “You look at me when I’m talking to you.”
Max brings his face up, looks Mathew right in the eye. “I’m sorry, Mathew. I really am. I just… we’ve been together for three years not. I try my best to treat her like I’d want someone treating my sister or daughter or cousin, but… three years is a long time to hold out on certain things.”
Mathew looks like he’s about to strangle Max, so I put my hand on his shoulder. “Mathew, go sit down for a minute. I don’t need anyone getting hurt right now.” He goes, and I look at the pair.
“Sarah, I’m disappointed in you. Do you realize what could have happened? Do you have any idea?” I look at Max. “Do you any idea what kind of responsibilities come with these types of things?”
“Yes, we know. We know where babies come from, Meagan,” snaps Sarah. “But I don’t see what I need to worry about. I have the birth control chemical in my system. I can’t get pregnant. So it’s all good.”
“It’s not all good,” says Mathew, calm now. “Meagan has the chemical in her system. She’s immune. So is Julie. So how do you know that you aren’t immune?”
Sarah looks like she’s prepared to answer all of our questions, as if she’s thought everything through so that it makes sense in her head.
“But Julie and Meagan both got pregnant on their first times. So, if that’s any kind of pattern, I’m fine. I’m not immune.”
“How do you know that you’re… Oh, dear.” The meaning of her statement hits me like a train. “How many times… How long has this been going on?”
“Meagan, it’s been three years. It’s been a while.” Max has gone back to looking at the ground, his face and ears red.
“It doesn’t matter how long you guys have been together, young lady,” I say. “The fact is, you’re too young for this kind of thing. And three years really isn’t that long.”
“It’s not? How long had you known Mathew before you guys hopped into bed?” Because of the tone she’s using and the look on her face, I want to smack her. A look at Mathew’s face reveals that he feels the same way.
“That was different. If we didn’t get pregnant, then the Academy could have exterminated us.”
“Oh, I see,” she says, her voice thick with sarcasm. “So that’s it then? You haven’t done anything with him since Belle was conceived?”
“That’s none of your business!” I yell.
“Then why is it your business how often I do anything with Max?” I can tell by her body language that she thinks she can get away without any punishment. Boy, is she wrong.

“You’re not my mother.”
“Your mother isn’t here,” says Mathew. “Meagan is as close as you’re going to get to ever having a mother. You better talk to her with respect. She does a lot for you, and she only wants the best for you.”
“Well I didn’t ask her to be my mom. Besides, she’s only a couple years older than me. What does she know that I don’t?”
Max opens his mouth to speak, but I don’t let him. “I know what it’s like to be taken advantage of. I know what it’s like to lose several children before you get a chance to know them. I know what it’s like to carry a child for nine months, and to go through labor. I know what it’s like to be torn from the man that I love, and thrust into bed with someone I don’t know. I know what it’s like to have my heart ripped to pieces, and to fall in love again before I’ve fully healed. I know what it’s like to have a newborn, feeding and changing diapers and nothing else for months. I know a lot more than you think I do, young lady. So you can stop with this attitude before I beat it out of you.”
“You can’t touch me,” she says, slowly, and she stands up, again thinking that I will cave under the pressure of her gaze. Instead, I pull my hand back and the next thing I know, it’s making contact with the side of her face.
Her hand shoots up to the red spot on her cheek, and tears build up in her eyes. When the first one falls, she runs from the room. I look at my hand, incredulous.
“Max, I think you better leave,” says Mathew. “But don’t think that we’re done talking about this.”
“I’m sorry, Mathew. I really am. I never meant for everything to happen the way that it did. I never wanted anyone to get hurt.” He leaves, and Mathew comes and sits next to me.
Seeing that I’m upset, belle crawls into my lap and cuddles up against me. She looks at my face and strokes it with her hand. “It’s okay, Mommy,” she says. I can’t help but smile then, because of how cute she is.
“What are we going to do?” asks Mathew. “I didn’t think we’d have to do anything like this for several more years.” I just shake my head.
I have no answers. “I’m not ready to be a mom to someone her age,” I say. “I was younger than she was when I met Collin. And I only knew him for a couple months. How can I be such a hypocrite? I still think that they’re too young, but I could be more understanding. I know what it’s like to be in her position.” Mathew just nods. “Besides,” I add, “three years is a long time.”
After a while, there’s a knock on the door. Sarah comes in, looking at the ground. “I’m sorry,” she says. “I just… I love him.”
I hand Belle to Mathew and go over to Sarah. “I know you do,” I say. “But you have to control yourself, and you can’t tear your clothes off every time you’re alone with him.” She nods. “Why don’t you guys come over for dinner tonight, and we can talk about all of this. In a calm manner, this time. Okay?” She nods, gives me a hug, and then leaves.
That night, Max arrives before Sarah. “I know I’m early,” he says. “But there’s something that I want to talk to you guys about. It’s important.” He takes a deep breath.
“I already talked to the Warden about this. And since he’s leaving in a couple months, he said that it would be fine for us to do it while he’s here, since the next warden might not allow us to. But I want to know that it’s okay with you guys. If it’s not, then I can wait.” He takes a deep breath. “I want to marry Sarah.”

Chapter 11

I look at Mathew, but he’s just looking at Max. “I talked to the warden, and he said that we could do it as long as I had your permission. And I know that you’re probably a little mad at me right now, but I really do love her. And I’ll do whatever I can to make you believe that I’m ready for this commitment.”
Mathew and I look at each other and nod. “Let’s go take a walk,” says Mathew, clapping his hand on Max’s back. They leave and a couple minutes later, Sarah walks in.
“I just saw Mathew and Max walking around. What are they talking about?” I just tell her that she’ll find out soon enough, and we start making dinner. By the time the boys get back, dinner is on the table and we’re ready to start. We make conversation, casually avoiding the day’s events until after we’ve all eaten.
Finally, everyone’s done eating. I send Belle to go play, and we turn our attention back to Max and Sarah. Mathew is the first to speak. “Meagan and I have talked, and we’ve come to a decision. We don’t want you guys doing… that… anymore. It can get you into too much trouble. You guys can still have your relationship, but you need to tone it down and not do anything that will get you into trouble. Understood?” They both nod. “Alright. Sarah, max has something to say to you.”
Max takes Sarah’s hand and looks into her eyes. “Sarah,” he says, “I love you. We’ve been together for three years, and you have definitely changed my life, in too many ways to count. You make things more exciting, and you’re always so ready to help. I wake up every morning and I can’t wait to see you.”
He takes a deep breath. “I want to

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