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Book online «Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter by Heather Ray (interesting books to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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you knew this or not, but Tommy's been really depressed since the Pan-Globals."

Kim looked down at her feet. "I'm really sorry about that," she whispered, "I never wanted to hurt him."

"I know," said Kat wistfully, "When you wrote that letter, he was utterly destroyed for weeks. There was nothing I could do but be there for him. Eventually, he got over it. Not because he stopped loving you, but because he's the leader of the Power Rangers, and he had to be strong, for our sakes. Kim, Tommy's never stopped loving you."

Kim stared at Katherine in utter shock. "Why are you telling me all this, Kat? I mean, I thought that you and Tommy were, you know--"

"I'll admit it, I love Tommy. I really do. When he's in pain, I feel it. When he's happy, I feel it. Now, I'd love it for Tommy to be happy with me, but that's not the case. His heart belongs to you, Kim. I know it, Jason knows it, the others know it, and I'm sure you can tell. Just by the way he looks at you."

Kimberly remained quiet, watching Tommy as he plucked a single pink rose from a bush. He examined the rose carefully, and then slowly, and painfully, he began to pluck the petals from the flower, one at a time. Kim's eyes began to well with tears.

"I really hate what I did to him," she admitted quietly, "and I regret dumping him more than anything else I've ever done. It was stupid. It was beyond stupid. But, its too late now. I'm going to be here for the rest of my life, and we can't be together. Its just not meant to be."

"Maybe you should talk to him, Kimberly. I know I can't console him. Only you can. He's been like this since he snapped out of Syren's spell, probably because he knew you were in danger. Now that the fight's over, he's lost you forever. But, just knowing that you still love him may make the pain lessen."

"How did you know --"

"Kim, you're not very good at hiding your feelings," said Kat with a small laugh, "I mean, everyone knows you still care about him deeply. The only problem is, Tommy is just so dense! He's too absorbed in self doubt to realize that you care. You need to be blunt with that one, because he'll never see the subtle signs you're throwing at him."

Kimberly smiled and gave Katherine a warm hug. "You know, Kat," she said quietly as they parted, "You really are something special. Thanks, for being-- such a good friend."

Kat smiled and watched as Kim strolled through the garden towards Tommy. Kat sighed and walked back to the ballroom. She saw Renee by the gate, a curious expression on her face.

"Why did you do that, Kat?" asked Renee.

"What else could I have done?" asked Kat with a shrug, "Pretend that Tommy loves me? I can't do that. Tommy loves Kimberly, and she loves him. They're both close friends of mine, so it hurts me to see them in pain. I could never live with myself knowing I didn't do everything in my power to alleviate their pain. That's just the way I am."

Renee smiled and shook Katherine's hand. "You know, I think I misjudged you, Kat. When Kim first told me about you, way back when she still dated Tommy, I always felt you were muscling in on her man. I was really way off, Katherine, and I'd like to say I'm sorry."

Kat smiled and hugged Renee. "People seem to have a habit of misjudging me."

"Ya wanna go back inside?" asked Renee, "Anya is performing a ceremonial Venusian dance of happiness. Its really cool."

"Give me a minute," said Kat, walking towards the fountain in front of the palace. Renee waved and went back into the ballroom. Kat sighed and sat down on the edge of the fountain, staring at her reflection. Her eyes were bloodshot, and tears streaked her face.

I did what I had to do,

she assured herself, There was no other option. I had already lost him. No, scratch that, I never really had him. His heart always belonged to Kim, and I was a fool to think that he'd eventually forget about her. They're soul mates, and no matter how much I wish it could've been otherwise, it can't. Tommy will never really, truly love me. Never.

Kat sobbed quietly for a few minutes, and then splashed some fountain water on her face to wash away her tears.

Well, what's done is done,

she mused, standing up, I might as well get back to the party.

With that, Kat jogged back into the palace, and watched with Rocky, Adam, Tanya, and Jason as Anya the Venusian enchantress taught Renee the dance of happiness. She tried her hardest to let the joyous spirit of the occasion lighten her mood, but it had very little effect on the deep feeling of emptiness she had inside.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Kimberly walked quietly through the vast and elegant rose garden behind the palace on Mount Ambrosia. Apparently, the previous Venusian queen, Syren, had really loved roses, and had decorated over an acre of land with bushes of roses of all the colors of nature. In the dim light, the white roses had an almost surreal glow to them, reflecting the light that hits them. The only thing in the garden that glowed brighter than the pure, white roses was Kimberly herself. The silver earrings, hair clasps, tiara, and lace on her dress made her shimmer, and the soft cape that trailed in the wind behind her made her look supernatural. She tried as hard as she could not to interrupt Tommy, who was still plucking petals off a pink rose laboriously. However, Tommy's senses have been trained by diligent karate practice and hundreds of fights against evil, so Kimberly's silent approach did not go unnoticed.

"Hello, Kim," he said quietly, not turning around. Kim stopped her approach and just looked at him.

"How'd you know it was me?" she asked.

"From the sound of your approach," Tommy explained, "The only three people I could think of that would come looking for me are you, Katherine, and Jason. Jason is a skilled marital artist, so he'd be far more quiet. Katherine may be a graceful dancer, but she's not sneaky. I would've heard her coming a mile away. You, on the other hand, are right between the two. And, you were coming really slowly, as if you weren't really sure if you wanted to."

"I... I was wondering if you'd... like to talk," Kim stammered, clasping her hands nervously.

"About what?" he asked, still not looking at her.

"Um, about what's been going on recently. I... uh... I'm really glad you and the guys came to my coronation."

"Of course we did," said Tommy, turning to her. He stood there for a few moments, gazing at her in awe. In the pale moonlight, with the silver and pink gown, she looked like an angel to him. "Uh, we're your friends, no matter what."

Kim smiled at him, even though she felt horrible inside. She had no idea how to instigate a conversation about there relationship, and she knew that Tommy wasn't the kind of person to do it for her.

"Tommy," she said quietly, "come for a walk with me?"

Tommy looked at her questioningly. Kim wracked her brain for a good reason.

"I'm really bored with these festivities, and I really just wanna get away for a few minutes. Besides, I haven't had much time to explore Venus Island. What d'ya say?"

Tommy shrugged. "Sure. Lead the way, Your Highness."

Kim paled at the title, and turned away from him, walking through the garden to the main gate of Ambrosia. Tommy followed her, snapping his helmet back on his head. Through his visor, he stared at Kimberly from behind, as if hypnotized by her sparkling dress and majestic form. His eyes watered slightly, and a sad smile crossed his face. Kimberly was crying outright, but not uttering a sound, for fear her voice would give out. She tried her best not to shudder or start sobbing, because she didn't want Tommy to see her in tears. I'm stronger than this!

she thought, I have to keep composure here! Crying won't do me the least bit of good.

Soon, the silent couple was at the shore. Kimberly was surprised how quickly the long hike down the mountain passed, and she stopped at the shoreline, staring out at the sea. The gentle waves licked at her sandalled feet, and her head was tilted upwards to gaze at the stars. Tommy stood about two yards behind her, not uttering a sound. Kimberly almost began to wonder whether he was still behind her.

"Tommy," she whispered, "I'm sorry."

Her declaration was followed by nearly a full minute of uncomfortable silence.

"For what?" he answered finally.

"For being a fool. For breaking your heart. For breaking my heart."

"You mean the letter," said Tommy in a voice barely above a whisper, "Its okay. I mean, I can handle it. If you've found someone else, I'm happy for you. He's probably better for you than I could ever be. I'm just sorry I failed you. I wasn't good enough for you."

Kim spun around, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her eyes flashed with anger, and she stepped out of the water right up to Tommy.

"Are you crazy?" she shrieked, "I'm the jerk here! You never did anything but love me, and I just couldn't see it! You'd do anything for me, and I just didn't believe it!"

"What?" asked Tommy. Kim sighed.

"Look, I guess I'm a little paranoid when it comes to relationships. I mean, I've never really been in love before, and it was really a shock to my system. I don't think I realized how much you meant to me until I left Angel Grove. It really hurt not having you with me, to talk to every day, to hold me when I'm down, to lift me up when I fall. It scared me."

"But, if you loved me, why --?" Tommy stammered.

"Because long distance relationships never work. Whoever said 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'

was severely mistaken. There are dozens of stories of relationships breaking up when the couple is separated. Renee broke up with her boyfriend when she moved to Florida from New Jersey, because he was cheating on her. My mother and father got divorced a year after my dad got that promotion, and was always on business trips."

"Oh, I get it," said Tommy darkly, "You just don't trust me! Is that it? You thought as soon as you boarded the plane, I'd be sneaking around behind your back! Am I right?!"

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