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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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train you to be an enchantress. You havegreat potential and psychic abilities.”

“You want me to be a sorceresslike Seetva?” she gasped.

He flinched. “No, certainlynot. If you become like Seetva, I’ll personally strangle you. Iwant you to learn to use the powers you inherently possess.”

“I have no power. I’m merelya channel for a higher power to flow through.” The pain wasbeginning to ease as the drug took effect and she closed her eyes,groggy with fatigue.

Almost asleep she heard him say,“I know it won’t be easy to change your mind about being anenchantress. I wonder if I really want to change you. You’re somuch what you believe and I don’t want to destroy the part of youthat makes you radiate with an inner glow. It sets you apart fromothers. You’re so alive, full of energy and spirit.” The door tothe room closed as he left the room.

A jumble of thoughts tumbledthrough Toemeka’s mind. She saw Cadmus in a way she never hadbefore. He was a violent man who followed a dark path; yet, there wasgoodness in him as there is in all beings.

She felt tired and drained fromher encounter with him. She shuddered, realizing how much worse itcould have been. It was awhile before she was calm enough to sleep.

Toemeka awoke in confusion whenAmaretta whispered her name.

“What is it?” she askedgroggily.

“We’re leaving.”


“You can’t stay here. I’mafraid Cadmus will kill you in a fit of rage.”

“How can we escape?”

“Gideon has agreed to help usin exchange for your jewelry.” Amaretta opened a drawer and startedputting jewelry into a velvet bag. “We have to hurry. Gideon willbe here at any moment.”

Toemeka suppressed a groan ofpain as she got out of bed. “I need to get dressed.”

“There’s no time. Put on thiscoat.” Amaretta helped her put a floor-length coat over her tornnightgown. “Pull the hood down over your face so no one willrecognize you.”

The door opened and a heavy-setman walked in. “We’ve got to go. Do you have the jewelry?”

“Yes.” Amaretta handed himthe bag.

Toemeka stared at him uneasily.He had the essence of a ruthless killer. How could Amaretta think hecared about her and trust him to help them escape? Amaretta put herarm around Toemeka and helped her walk out of the room. Toemekagasped when she saw the guard posted outside her door slumped overwith his throat slit. There was no turning back now.

Her bare feet made no sound asthey crept through the hall and down a back stairway. The stairwellwas dim and Gideon led the way with a flashlight. Toemeka feltAmaretta’s anxiety. Her own heart pounded rapidly and her sideached. She barely had enough strength to keep going. They finallyreached an exterior door. Two men waited outside. Toemeka’s stomachtightened in horror when she saw the bloody bodies of two more guardssprawled on the ground.

Gideon led Toemeka and Amarettato an air car. They quickly got inside and the women sat in the backwith one of the thugs. As they approached the compound gate, thewomen were told to crouch down on the floorboards and a blanket wasthrown over them.

They passed through without beingstopped and sped through the dark night. Toemeka sat back uneasily onthe seat, not trusting Gideon to let them go. Outside the window, shesaw a dome covered the city and surrounding area. Beyond it the landwas barren and uninhabitable. To escape Cadmus, she’d have to steala spacecraft.

Gideon stopped the aircar atRaider’s Tavern. One of the men yanked Toemeka out of the vehicleand pulled her into the bar. Amaretta followed them inside. The mantook Toemeka over to Gideon, who had opened the velvet bag and wasinspecting the jewelry. Toemeka scanned the crowded bar, recognizingthe distinctive smell of angel mist, a hallucinogen drug.

“The jewelry is only part ofthe price for your freedom,” Gideon said.

Toemeka shuddered when hislustful eyes latched onto hers.

“I’ve always wanted to enjoyone of Cadmus’ women.” He walked over and ripped off her coat.She glanced around for a means of escape. Several men gathered aroundher. A few of them smirked at Gideon’s remark.

“Gideon, please. You promisedto help us,” Amaretta said. She tried to break through the circleof men surrounding Toemeka.

“Keep the slave girl out ofthis,” he said to one of his men. His eyes stayed fastened onToemeka as he roughly pulled her toward him.

“My husband will pay a largereward for my safe return.”

Gideon smiled nastily. “PerhapsI’ll ransom you, if you survive the night.”



Cadmus burst through the door andhis commanding presence filled the bar. “Gideon, let go of thewoman.” His voice carried across the barroom with force.

The circle of men broke apart asGideon released Tomeka and pulled out his blaster. Cadmus sent a boltof energy from his hand and it hit Gideon with explosive impact.Clasping his heart, Gideon collapsed lifelessly to the floor.

Cadmus killed the other two menin the same manner. The barroom vibrated with dark energy. His eyesswept the bar. “Is there anyone else who opposes me?” The tensionin the room was tangible and no one moved. Cadmus crossed over toToemeka and lifted her into his arms. He spotted Amaretta huddledbehind a table. “Slave, get the bag of jewelry and come with us.”Cadmus carried Toemeka out of the bar without a backward glance.

Back at his compound, Cadmusbrought Toemeka to her room. “Do you understand now how futile itis to try to escape?” he asked, speaking to her for the first time.“I’m all that protects you from the criminals who live here.Those men would have raped, then murdered you.”

“How did you find me?”

“I tracked you downpsychically.” His expression grew hard. “Your actions haveresulted in several of my guards losing their lives. Who betrayed meand helped you escape?”


“Gideon didn’t act on hisown. Tell me or I’ll beat it out of you.”

“There was no one else.”

Cadmus unfastened his belt andslid it out. “I won’t show you any mercy this time. You’lllearn to obey me.”

Toemeka tensed, dreading the biteof the belt on her already torn and bruised body.

“I was the one who helpedToemeka escape,” Amaretta whispered.

Cadmus swung around and stared ather. “You? You’re just a slave.”

“I bribed Gideon with Toemeka’sjewelry.”

“It was my fault!” Toemekaexclaimed. “I

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