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ill-used you?”

“I’m not the kind of woman hedesires. He keeps his women for himself and doesn’t share them withhis men. He rarely sleeps alone. It’s fortunate for you that he hasother mistresses and is giving you time to heal. He is a passionateman.”

Toemeka’s stomach churned atthe thought of living as Cadmus’ mistress. “Amaretta, I can’tstay here. I have to return to my husband and child. I refuse to beCadmus’ woman. Worse, I fear Cadmus is trying to draw Michio hereto kill him. Please help me. I can’t escape without help.”

Amaretta’s eyes widened withfear and she shook her head. “There’s no way to escape. Thecompound is heavily guarded and beyond it are dangerous criminals.It’s safer for you to stay here. Commander Rochambeau treats youwell.”

“He’s abducted me from myhome, fractured several of my ribs and is trying to turn me into asorceress. That’s not treating me well. Please help me.”

“I would if I thought you had achance of escaping, but you don’t.”

“Just help me get out of thecompound and I’ll find a way to leave Devil’s Eye on my own.”

“I can’t. It’s toodangerous.”

The door opened and Cadmusentered. Toemeka worried he might’ve overheard some of theirconversation. Amaretta scurried to the corner and squatted down.

Cadmus approached, carrying asmall box in his hand. “Why are you still in bed? I thought youwere getting stronger.”

“What is there to get out ofbed for?” she asked.

“I’ve brought you somethingto cheer you up.”

“I don’t want anything fromyou!”

“You’re in a dark mood.”

“Why wouldn’t I be? You’vekept me shut up in this room like a caged animal!”

“You’re not well enough toleave your room.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “Open yourgift.”

“You can’t win me withpresents. Just leave me alone!”

He took the lid off the box andlifted out a jeweled china bird. “I had this made for you.”

“I don’t want it.” Sheturned away from him.

“I didn’t say you could turnaway from me!”

She glared at him. “If I don’twant to look at your ugly face, I won’t!”

He grabbed her wrist and put thebird in her hand. “Look at it!”

“No!” Toemeka threw it on thefloor and it smashed into pieces. She stared at it in horror,realizing she’d gone too far.

“No one gets away withdestroying my gifts,” he said in a deadly tone of voice. Heunfastened his belt and pulled it out of the belt loops.

Toemeka’s eyes were riveted onthe belt as it dawned on her that he was planning to whip her withit. Her stomach twisted into a knot.

“It’s time you learned yourplace.” Cadmus grabbed the back of her nightgown and ripped itopen.

Sitting with her back erect, sheclutched the front of it to cover her breasts. “Go ahead, beat me —you’re a monster!”

He raised the belt into the air.He seemed hesitant and she wondered if he was reluctant to actuallyhit her, but she refused to beg for mercy. The belt came swingingdown and slammed into her upper back and bare shoulders. The leatherstung against her tender skin and intensified the pain in herfractured ribs. She bit her lip, willing herself not to beg formercy. The belt lashed her a second time. When it hit a third time,she cried out in pain.

Amaretta grabbed Cadmus’ arm.“She’s too weak to be beaten. Let me take her place. She didn’tmean to break your gift. She’s distraught and misses her baby.”

“That doesn’t excuse herbehavior. However, I don’t wish to damage my latest possession.Perhaps she is too weak to be beaten. Apologize to me, Toemeka. I’llforgive you this once if you change your ways and in the future showappreciation for my gifts.”

Toemeka trembled, feeling numb.None of what was happening seemed real. She faced him, hatred ragingthrough her.

“I’m sorry I lost my temperand broke the bird.” She narrowed her eyes. “But I’m not sorryI refused your gift. I don’t want anything from you.”

Cadmus’ eyes widened, amazed ather bold reply. “Remove her nightgown, Amaretta, so I can whip herproperly.”

With a shaky hand, Amarettatugged at the shoulder of Toemeka’s nightgown. “Let go so I canremove it.”

Toemeka shook her head,mortified, clutching the nightgown tighter over her breasts. Her backscreamed in pain, her broken ribs throbbed and her head ached. Shetried to keep sitting, but didn’t have the strength and crumpledonto the bed. She buried her face in the pillow, feeling humiliatedby her weakness.

“Leave us,” Cadmus said toAmaretta.

Amaretta gave Toemeka an agonizedglance, then hurried from the room.

Toemeka flinched as she feltCadmus pull her ripped nightgown away from her side.

“I’m just looking at yourside,” he said. “You have a wicked-looking bruise where your ribswere broken.” He readjusted the back of her nightgown and coveredher with blankets.

She turned her head sidewise onthe pillow and looked at him warily, wondering if he’d changed hismind about beating her.

“I hope you’ve learned yourlesson not to defy me. Since I don’t wish to permanently scar yourlush skin, I’ll withhold any more lashes for now. You don’t lookwell. You’d better take a pain pill.” He seemed genuinelyconcerned about her as he handed her a pill. “If you hadn’tcollapsed, I might’ve beaten you to death. I’m not used to beingopposed. Why don’t you cower before me, like your slave?”

She swallowed the pill, hoping toescape the pain. “You haven’t destroyed my spirit. Perhaps youwill eventually and then I’ll have that same defeated,expressionless look Amaretta wears.”

“Who is Amaretta?”

“The slave girl who tends tome. I told you before she has a name. When you see no light in myeyes, you’ll know you’ve won. You didn’t even leave Amarettaher name. Will you take mine as well?”

He shook his head, lookingtroubled. “I don’t wish to destroy you. I like your vitality andthere’s a glow about you that draws me near.”

“Then why do you psychicallyattack me? Just now I felt you trying to invade my mind. Haven’t Ithe right to my own thoughts?”

“Interesting — you felt metrying to do a mind-scan and blocked it. Seetva wants me to put youunder a spell so you’re a zombie. I refused because you’d be goneand only your body would be left. And although your body isbeautiful, it is not enough by itself. My plans for you aredifferent. I’m going to

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