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Book online «The Viper's Successor Somsiddha Saha (latest books to read txt) 📖». Author Somsiddha Saha

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which was your clandestine, of course. How you got the news of Jade Vipers antidote for the two boutade?”

Mumbling and gulping for a few time, he stated, “ It all started in 2020. The boutade flourished and the entire world had gone to lockdown and quarantined. By the time scientists and doctors were working on their asses to find out a cure for that contagious virus. Before Oxford Astrozeneca succeeded in making Vector vaccine, before Pfizer Bioentech had successful human trials, Dr. Jayden made it possible. He came out with the antidote in the month of June, but was unable to close any deals or finalise business contracts as his objective was to disseminate vaccine without any corporate or government intervention. Absorbing negations from all corporates for such ideology…”

“Wait didn’t he came to Adage? As far as I know that you and Donnovan Gilman repudiated the agreement.” The shadow interrupted Fulkan in middle.

“I didn’t do anything, believe me. Its all Mr.Donnovans fault!” Fulkan lied blatantly.

“ Go on then, I don’t have all day left to spent time with such odius being.” The shadow was imperious.

“We, later fixed the deal with Mordana to run an errand on their MRA vaccine, post death of Donnovan Gilman. But controlling the protection and securities of every antidotes were not a cakewalk as North Korea, Russia, and Iran were provoking V-Hackers to dupe the technology and chemical components of our vaccines. Russian Government funded Fancy Bear , North Koreas Zinc and Serium had sneaked and initiated DDOS attacks to different companies for purloin. We had received news that Englands National Cyber security Centre had reprimanded how many classified information were stolen , Microsoft too foreboded how the V-hackers targeted 7 vaccine companies of the world. Meanwhile , Adage commenced necessary security protocol, to safeguard the classified informations. We tried to contact dr.Jayden but he was completely disappeared since then, and later I knew why that happened. Adage, by the end of 2020 was a target of Brut force, but could not accomplished. Inspite of success, we were frivolous about the future of Adage, because most of our employees and scientists received Fishing Mail, like North Korea send that to WHO and GAVI too.”

“It was your incapability to run a business house, Fulkan. Just depicting leadership and supervision does not make you and entrepreneur. Improvisation and innovation is inherent.”

“Huh,as if you know being a murderer! By the end of 2022, employees were absconding from our ventures, to keep our business secure, we entered into deals and liaising with Bhavishya Group and EN TRASTE which survived the hoax of false mails in the name of “Higher Biomedical”, apprehended the terrorist organisation by “IBM EX-FORCE.” This terrorist organisation was purpoted to be Jade Viper’s, but no possible information could be sorted.”

“Hmm, as anticipated. So after that you shook hands with Cleocorp, OKAMI and Lucatrion to extend your activities and achieve a power over disseminating cures right?”

“…Umm…yeah that was a year before the Apocalypse. We lost information pertaining to “Cold Chain” even after that. Honeytraps were also inherent to execute the larceny of our information and our employees got themselves shot dead by the hands of Viper, responding to those alluring calls. Men of jade Viper disguised in our companies and started the errand of supplying chemicals and bio-weapons to terrorist organisation and guild of underdeveloped countries, making these 6 companies a channel to network. Our envision was convoluted leaving no triggers to apprehend the culprit.”

“He who sacrifices the few for the interest of millions is not a culprit Fulkan.” The Shadow enraged.

“Ruins cannot be erected again! We were hapless at the end of 2027, but implications of Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency gave us hope for alliance to mitigate the actions of Viper, stopping his errands and vicious murders. We eradicated the malicious parasites from our company, and five others, too. Constant threatening of existence Viper got from all 6 of us and made his actions futile. Then, we got a relevant information from one our sources after 2028 that Viper commenced the workings for cure of Dermatoxia, which by then nearly killed thousands. Apocalypse was not contagious, it was a disease, but we heeded on this vendetta. After thousands of hours spend we failed to reach even making the prototype. We got our hands on a crate of cure burgled by our own officials from Vipers lair.”

“And you are saying that boastfully? Don’t you have any compunction for what you have done? How detestful you people are, you don’t think twice to commit such acts.”

“Why the hell you are against us? Cant you see for the betterment of millions we took this step to clone those serums, instead got negative results at our initial stages?”

“If only you, I mean scientists hold as much intellect as Viper. But tell me how AD5 came into existence?”

“Ill die rather than telling you.” Fulkan spitted blood to the shadow. Within seconds he received a bash on his cheeks. Striking him for two or three times, he stood before Fulkan and the beam of light basked his face.

“You forgot what I just told about your wife and children?” the figure gained prominence in light.

“YOU…YOU…” Fulkan was groaning. He felt his right ear is inactive. “You cant survive by doing this!” His head stooped in front.

“AD5, Fulkan. Youre not an alchemist, rather a hoax! Tell that to me right now !”

“ It…It…It was not easy cloning a serum we had no idea about the composition. With AI augmented synthetic DNA, we created an enclosure contains an atom of the cure. Injected into the body, the body cells automatically coincide with the composition and multiplies in number. After creating sufficient clones inside the body by the Synthetic DNA, it mitigates the virus. Back in 2021, injection of monoclonal antibodies instead of vaccine created a mess, in many regions, making our venture to go in total fiasco. We didn’t want to take any chance to make that happen and so Cleocorp supported us by

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