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Book online «The Triumph of Nancy Reagan Karen Tumulty (motivational novels .TXT) 📖». Author Karen Tumulty

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Roosevelt biography by, 407

Morris, Edmund, as RR’s official biographer:

controversial approach of, 409

in first meeting with Reagans, 407–8

NR’s regrets about, 409, 570

NR’s role in selection of, 408–9

Morris, Sylvia Jukes, 407

Moscow, 1988 summit in, 460–62, 501

Motion Picture Production Code, 97

movie industry:

Communist scare in, 75, 91, 107, 434

publicity machine of, seeHollywood publicity machine

Movie Life, 72

Movie Stars Parade, 72

Ms., 251

Mulroney, Brian, 577

Murillo, Rosario Maria, 326

Murphy, George, 136, 138

Muskie, Edmund, 467, 487

Myerberg, Michael, 64

My Father at 100: A Memoir (Ron Reagan), 535

My Turn: The Memoirs of Nancy Reagan, 17, 307, 508–9, 519–20

Nancy (N. Reagan), 229

Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorized Biography (Kelley), 522–24

sympathy for NR generated by, 523–24

Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Foundation, 403

Nashua Telegraph, 215

National Cancer Institute, 425

National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 330

National Committee of Physicians for Wendell W. Willkie for President, 41

National Conference of Christians and Jews, 45

National Enquirer, 430

National Federation of Republican Women, 195

National Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Association, 261–62

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), 411, 419

National Institute on Drug Abuse, 323, 329, 330

National Institutes of Health (NIH), RR’s budget cuts to, 412

National League of Families of American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action, 168

National Republican Conference of Mayors, 189

National Security Council (NSC), 385, 433, 468, 483

in Iran-contra scandal, 467

Natural, The (film), 378

Nazimova, Alla, 61, 590

Edie’s friendship with, 11–12

lesbian relationships of, 12

as NR’s godmother, 46

NBC News, 484

NBC Nightly News, 237

Nelson, Jack, 253

Nessen, Ron, 194

Neustadt, Richard, on NR’s political astuteness, 297

New England Journal of Medicine, 411

New Hampshire primary (1980), 214–20, 221

Newsweek, 158, 255, 309, 352

New York, N.Y., 63

New York, 225, 231

New York, SS, 20

New York Daily News, 246, 256

New Yorker, 94

New York Post, 353

New York Times, 74, 91, 95, 183, 188, 191, 194, 196, 208, 294, 325, 334, 357, 380, 404, 419, 426, 442, 455, 469, 473, 487, 493, 496, 518, 522, 523–24, 533

AIDS crisis underreported by, 412

on RR’s presidential prospects, 171

Next Voice You Hear, The (film), 74, 96–97


cocaine industry in, 326

Sandinista-contra conflict in, 434, 468, 501

Nixon, Pat, 261

Nixon, Richard M., 98, 171, 383, 516, 518, 522

funeral of, 541–42

in 1968 presidential campaign and election, 174

resignation of, 182, 184

on RR’s relationship with Washington establishment, 241

in Watergate scandal, 170, 182, 183, 186

Nobel Peace Prize, 433, 462

Nofziger, Lyn, 148, 158, 171, 189, 190, 191, 376, 378, 504

and assassination attempt, 272, 280–81

on Battaglia’s firing, 157

in 1980 presidential campaign, 206, 208, 221, 227

NR’s conflict with, 156–57, 158–59, 208

NR’s glamorous lifestyle as concern of, 250

Reagan Foundation purge attacked by, 525

as RR’s California communications director, 156

on RR’s loss to Ford, 199

as RR’s PAC head, 204

Sears disliked by, 207

Noonan, Peggy, 82, 521, 574

on NR’s power in RR’s administration, 396

Norquist, Grover, 567

North, Oliver L.:

congressional testimony of, 501

in Iran-contra scandal, 468, 473, 478, 501

NR’s assessment of, 468–69

NR’s role in blocking Senate ambitions of, 527–29

Northwestern University, Patti at, 179–80

Northwestern University Medical School, 33

Notre Dame University, 503

Novak, William, as NR’s My Turn coauthor, 508–9

Oakland Tribune, 144, 164

Obama, Barack, on RR’s legacy, 565

Office of Presidential Personnel, 308

O’Leary, Dennis, 281

Olson, Dale, 416–17

O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 248, 306

One of These Nights (album), 181–82

On the Outside Looking In (M. Reagan), 366–67, 368

Opfer, George:

and assassination attempt, 269–70, 271, 273–74

NR’s relationship with, 268, 514

opioid crisis, 321

Orlando, Tony, 196

Orr, Robin, 243

Ortega, Daniel, 326

Osborne, Kathy, 470, 483, 490

on NR as RR’s protector, 155–56

Pacific Palisades, Calif.:

Reagans’ all-electric dream home in, 114–15, 122

Reagans’ Amalfi Drive home in, 107

Reagans’ departure from, 244

Pacific State Hospital, 167

Page, Susan, 314

Palmieri, Doria, seeReagan, Doria Palmieri

Parade, 61, 285, 376

Parent Movement, 322

Parr, Jerry, 269

Parsons, Louella, 74, 88, 92

Parvin, Landon, 17, 262, 318, 498

and NR’s antidrug speeches, 319

NR’s Gridiron spoof written by, 317, 318

NR’s relationship with, 422

and RR’s Alzheimer’s disease, 538

RR’s amfAR speech written by, 422–23, 424–25

RR’s Iran-contra speech written by, 490–91, 493

in Tower’s meeting with RR, 491, 492

Passavant Memorial Hospital, 45, 47

NR admitted to, 97–98

Patrick, Curtis, 140, 154, 535–36

Patton, Sheila, seeTate, Sheila

Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, 54, 57

Pearson, Drew, 158

Pediatric AIDS Foundation:

Elizabeth Glaser as founder of, 430

Reagans on advisory board of, 430–31

Pentecostal Christians:

NR’s involvement with, 441–42

Soviet release of, 441

Penthouse, 368

People, 242, 343, 344

Percy, Charles H., 171

Petersen, Ronald, 535

Petro, Joseph, 290, 292, 537–38

and NR’s concerns about RR’s safety, 345

Philadelphia, Miss., 226–27

Philadelphia Inquirer, 10, 539

Phillips, Howard, 241

Phoenix, Ariz., Davis family winter stays in, 56, 70, 106

Phoenix House, 256

NR’s withdrawal of support for, 519

Pickens, T. Boone, Reagan Library fund-raising by, 566–67

Pitts, ZaSu, NR’s acting career promoted by, 63, 64, 66–67

Playboy, Ron as contributor to, 358

Poindexter, John M., 465, 501, 570

Iran-contra and firing of, 468

as national security adviser, 472–73

as shielding RR from knowledge of contra funding, 501

Porgy and Bess (Gershwin), 35

Portillo, José López, 550

Powell, Colin L., 513, 546

Powers, Stephanie, 98

Presidential Medal of Freedom:

awarded to NR, 559

awarded to RR, 541

President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime (Cannon), 1

President’s Commission on the HIV Epidemic (Watkins Commission), 425–26, 428, 429

“Pretty Nancy” (Didion), 147–48

Prisoner of War (film), 110

Proposition 6 (California), RR’s opposition to, 209–10

Public Broadcasting System, 421

Public Health Service, US, 423

Publishers Weekly, 409

Putzel, Mike, 273

Quayle, Dan, 512, 537–38

Quayle, Marilyn, 538

Quigley, Joan:

background of, 346

Gorbachev’s astrological chart done by, 351

memoir of, 353, 520–21

NR’s payments to, 347, 350

NR’s reliance on, 341–42, 346–54

and RR’s Bitburg cemetery visit, 394

Quincy Method, 30

Quinn, Sally, 241, 520

NR profiled by, 230–31

Radcliffe, Donnie, 325

Rancho del Cielo (Reagan ranch), 169, 292–93, 516, 517, 545, 550

NR’s decision to sell, 551–52

Random House, 508

Morris’s RR biography bought by, 408

Rangoon, Burma, bombing of, 345

Reagan: A Life in Letters (Skinner, ed.), 569

Reagan, Ashley, 362, 363, 367

Reagan, Bess, 248

Reagan, Cameron, 248, 362, 366

Reagan, Christine, birth and death of, 92

Reagan, Colleen Sterns, 179, 248, 363

Reagan, Doria Palmieri, 357, 415

and assassination attempt, 275–76

illness and death of, 573–74

NR’s relationship with, 405

Ron’s relationship and marriage with, 200–201, 241–42

Reagan, In His Own Hand (Skinner, et al.), 569

Reagan, John Edward “Jack,” 86–87

alcoholism of, 80, 81–82

death of, 99–100

Reagan, Maureen, 90, 248

abusive first marriage of, 121

acting career of, 177

and assassination attempt, 281

birth of, 89, 92

cancer and death of, 557

conservatism of, 359

as excluded from gubernatorial campaign, 139–40

frequent White House visits of, 361

on Michael’s public rift with parents, 363

in 1982 Senate campaign, 359–60

in NR’s campaign to oust Regan, 474

NR’s difficult relationship with, 99, 121, 140

NR’s improved relationship with, 361

and parents’ divorce, 94

political involvement of, 359–60

as RNC special consultant, 360–61

RR’s 1976 presidential bid opposed by, 183

in RR’s 1980 presidential campaign, 212

RR’s Alzheimer’s disease and, 545

RR’s political career

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