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delivering their Synthetic micro processing DNAs compressed and orchestrate inside the body by themselves.”

“HAHAHAHAHA! Atoms! Bunch of inconsequential fools! Its better to leave you alive, you naive creature, but NO! You must purge from your sins, by death!” Donning on the Kabuto, the figure carried out his sword.

“NO, NO, believe me! What I did was unintentional! Please have mercy!” Fulkan’s eyes were swelled seeing the electrified sword.

“Subete jihi kara!!!” The figure performed a slash.

A new twist!

Location: COD Headquarters

Time: 5:51pm

Were going through a series of desperate events, this decade. In addition to destruction of two corporate houses, alleged to be of Jade Viper’s clandestine carried out after his demise, the emanation of Dermatoxia vaccine also continued to be deferred indefinitely. CEO of Adage Industries, Mr.Fulkan Kane was captured mid-route of his extraction towards hideout by a mysterious Samurai armour cladded person. He is still missing, arising question about his whereabouts. The Police department is hounding every corners of the world to find out who this is behind the heinous murder and destruction of police and public properties. Question arises, what’s the objective behind this? Will the world suffer the same as like the times of Jade Viper, predominated by this Samurai? How many cataclysmic activites are yet to happen?

Despite any Vipers men present at Auburn on that very day, Adage got shattered and destroyed leaving no footprints of the culprit behind. A hovercarrier bashed into the office at the moment when Foresthill bridge was surviving the slashes of Samurai and blasted letting the edifice standing without support. Adage has fallen with countless, pedestrians, reporters, medics and cars stomped and smashed in action. Who was inside the carrier, could not be identified as it rushed all of a sudden from the traffic, inside the office. Salvage operations has been initiated, and investigation commenced for further clues. Sidius was died on spot, sword was stabbed in his heart. Auburn city had declared lockdown for indefinite period of time as the roads got blocked because of the edifice tripped over the roads in propinquity. Approximate 1109 got wounded and 535 were found dead. The residents of neighbourhood were slicked to safe haven.

Navan and Armun were the sole survivor on foresthill bridge, completely unconscious for two consecutive days. The moment he got the news of his father’s brainchild, that was created to give hope and caress for millions, is no more, he could not control his emotions and rage. Sam had a little panic attack, according to the doctors, and Armun is a bit injured as metal shards pierced his oblique. He was admitted for 4 days from that incident for his weak heart condition. No COD forces survived in action. Hudson from the headquarter, activated the code red that enabled his force’s impunity to shoot at sight the men of Viper. The hunt has started already, and Navan, Armun and Sam reported at COD 4 days later. The Viper Protocol sustains 83% failure till now and unprecedented consequences are pertinent in future.

“Please, good heavens! Don’t try to explain me what the hell happened at Auburn!! We lost Sidius including the forces in operation! Can’t you get the intensity of Viper Protocol!” Hudson was infuriated. “ For 3 years we are investigating about their stratagem and the resultant is a complete disaster? Even our Eagle Eye is failing continuously to locate this Samurai guy?” He threw the mission file, enraged.

“S..Sir, its just that the Samurai appeared out of nowhere and unfurled himself on that very day. I…I was indisposed and Navan and Armun tried their best. Here’s the satellite image of Foresthill bridge that day” Sam muffled.

“Zoom in a bit and stabilize the image.

“The character gussied up a Galvanized armour made of Idium, no bullets or sprockets can penetrate it.” Hudson was introspective.

“Idium? That auto functional metal obtained from meteorite of Apophis? How are you so sure about that?” Sam asked.

“You know about that? The asteroid didn’t struck on earth in December 2004, instead of a brief period of concern.Just a fragmented piece derailed from its track and plummeted on Southern Asia. The metal secured from its core is Ink black in color with yellow fissures and the molecular and atomic particles can be compressed, flexed, and made rigid. It was under research in an unidentified location, later it was stolen by one of the researcher. Derth of evidence is there in this case however a minuscule part of it is still available in India’s Salar Jung museum and without any scepticism, this Armor is made of that Idium only. Later in 2029, many had predicted that Apophis would actually strike on earth or moon but it didn’t occurred.” Hudson replied, zooming the footage.

“So can’t we put an investigation on the burglary of Idium to find to perpetrator to find the guy, Sir?” Sam questioned.

“Its too late and we don’t have any relevant intel on Idium as of now. Mankind has forgotten its existence by now, and the veracity cannot be confirmed. Do one thing, check the video before the convoy is passing, I wanna see from where he appears.”

“Its… itss.. look over here, a media van crosses the convoy over the old Auburn road and took an u turn. It stopped on the other side.” Armun pointed.

“Follow its trail. Mark from where it started.”

“Ohh god, take a look sir, it got camouflaged with the other Skynews Van. Mark the parking, three vans interchanged its positions and left from there, and this third one took the bridge. Its impossible to identify from the lot. I have already confirmed about the missing transportations of Skynews and the number plate of this one by the bridge is not registered in their company. I have analysed back from two days, but it came with the other vans of Skynews.

“Identification of who had accessed the van, the numberplates might be changed that’s why that’s not registered.” Hudson advised.

“Its of no use sir. Its not like that previous 128k binary encrypted code instilled in carrier security. Neural links

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