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Book online «The Viper's Successor Somsiddha Saha (latest books to read txt) 📖». Author Somsiddha Saha

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the metal of Apophis, which got concealed and classified? And why is he reluctant every time to lure viable information when there’s a moment of oblivion?

“Can you provide the video testaments of my operation? Needed it urgently.” Navan requested the surveillance operator. But instead got a negative response as those are confidential. But, the subverted inculcation of the “BALA” what Lucy described Navan, can that be processed and solidified? Sounds too insurmountable and fictional. He checked for socket connectibles at his femur and projected that to screen.

Theres a convoluted course Navan had stride on, he understood. From suicide bombers to destruction of Adage and now this Samurai, all has diluted as a farrago. From where to start and where to contemplate upon is a matter to ponder. Pretty sure that the carrier didn’t exploded dashing into the office, but the driver inside, like what happened at Italy. Could that be Sleeper cells? Nah. These are not some extremists, but someone is having riddance on them. What would be his fate? Would that be the same if he becomes the CEO of Adage today? Would he suffer the same fate like Fulkan, like his father? Speaking about Fulkan, where is he now? Is he still alive or diabolically murdered by the Samurai they confronted? He was in a dilemma that this Samurai is the carrier of Viper’s stratagem or not. There’s no such threats in the past 3 years , and the Samurai unravelled himself verily on Foresthill bridge that day. Is he trying to follow the path of Viper, or he has some other plans. Till now no one knows the real identity of Viper. Before the mission in Cambodia, Colonel Tricas Alkin just wanted the force to encounter Viper in one chance. But no mission forces or investigative agencies in the world have got any viable source of information about Viper’s whereabouts. No photo identity too, ever ascertained as Viper used to conceal his face with a dark green mask. And what was Hudson talking about? Idium? Navan searched for all relevant reports regarding Idium.

99942 Apophis, an asteroid of diameter 370 meters was in proximity to earth and accelerated leaving a part of it plummeted on Nepal in December 2004. The impact of the strike was not harsh, instead a semi viscous substance was retrieved from it. Scientists had later named it Idium, a black coloured metal with magma like fissures on it. The research was funded and orchestrated by Adage industries. The metal had some supernatural capabilities and was yet to discover. But it was stolen mysteriously from research laboratory and assumed to be done by one of the scientists. A part of it has been endowed to Salar Jung museum of India for exhibition.

Why it’s like all of the activities are interlinked with Adage? The aspersion of the people spawns to obtain undue advantage from the benevolent, since time immortal. Now how to connect the missing links of these industries,Viper and Samurai?

“CLINK, CLINK!” Navan’s phone rang. Distressingly, he picked up the call, sticking his eyes to the hologramed reports.

“I beg your apology Mr.Navan. But I had to do it. Had no other options for vindication and redemption.”

The call, again!

Location: COD Headquarters

Time: 8:24pm

The strain of Dermatoxia has much lessened in the past one year. With the impediment of AD5 vaccines abeyance, dermatology and infectious disease experts are speculating that in next 7-8 months the need for vaccine is incoherent as many residents from Asia Pacific regions suffering from ailment has recovered completely. No medications had caused it and it was mind boggling for the doctors. The body too didn’t generate any anti propulsion to avert this disease to overcome. In other countries the recuperating abilities among common has not been seen as much and Zombie corpses are prevalent in some states. The scientists further warned that the spread of disinformation and conspiracy theories, often by world leaders themselves, is worsening the threat of conflict and the incidental emergency. The plans for economic recovery worldwide, they added, needed a greater emphasis on low-petroleum investment in extirpating Zombies.In aggregate, the G20 countries had committed approximately $240bn to stimulus spending that supports fossil fuel energy, versus $160bn for clean energy. At present, national plans for fossil fuel development and production are anything but encouraging.

Addressing the world’s population density and survivability chances, the US and Russia continued to accelerate their modernisation efforts, while North Korea, China, India, and Pakistan pursued “improved” and larger nuclear forces to confront the atrocities in the near future after surviaval from zombies. It, once again, urged world leaders to eliminate the threat posed by Viper’s successor for good.

“Youre dead meat! You don’t know whom you’ve messed with this time! Navan thumped on the table with his lag and it caused a dent. “My dad’s entire life’s aspiration, his dream you’ve just turned to cinders. Nobody would stop me now from killing you.” He hissed.

“Calm down Mr.Navan. One cannot tweak what’s already written in fate. And believe me I don’t even have any reaction about killing Vipers Henchmen is enough to stop me. Chill, whatever happens is for the betterment of humanity; and you don’t want any decimation of mankind, right I am? Its too late to resort to plan B as my other protocols have failed. ”

“If only I could get an opportunity to put my hands on you at bridge, you couldn’t survive that day. Investigations from 195 countries are operating incisively, for how long will you put disguise in a flippant Samurai armour made of a stolen metal?”

“Its because you are special Mr. Navan, and I can predict that you will be the protector of mankind whenever they will suffer from adversities. God’s exists among us, we are just too blind to see them.” The voice was strangely calm.

“God? Following the trail of Viper, and even after committing numerous crimes still you hold faith in God? Such hypocritical anarchist we are dealing with! You know Karma right? If not God, your sinful actions

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