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will surely show you your ultimate destination.”

“Mr. Navan, Karma is a self-sustaining paradox, one cannot be so analytical about their doings. Think about it, how you judge your sin metres elevating? Just by assuming that you’ve committed a heinous crime? What’s a crime to common? Now if today a butcher disembowels a goat for one’s meal, does that hold as a crime? Or being ravenous if you kill a deer in dense prairie, does that? By murders or taking lives of someone, crimes cannot be judged. This Red alert initiated by your organisation; it also engages in murder. So? The viciousness lies within our subconscious mind to outflank and outcompete someone in today’s world, by hook or by crook. An average human being is more snarky than a ravenous tiger and his devious attempts are most sinful and abysmal crime.”

“Hear! Hear!” Navan was a bit suspicious and started working on computer, continuing his conversation. “I’m gonna kill you the moment I get your identity, but I still cant comprehend that you are behind this iniquitous acts. Do you have any grievance? Do you want to take vengeance? For what purpose you are doing all this? You must be encountered, no other options, and people wont care what principles you follow for you actions, neither you will be answerable to them.”

“Right wings and left wings have polarized and instigated to perform duplicity since the agendas came lucid. People think just for riddance they take the path of transgression. Apparently, it’s not. Self advocation is also there, otherwise this discrimination, racism and imperialism won’t arise and become condescending. By the way, stop searching for my trails of voice frequency, your clacking of notifications is too exasperating.”

“Over confidence and vaunting can be your cause of defeat, you know that?” Navan didn’t stop his operations. Instead of searching for investigation reports, he was working on Jilly Mckenzie’s biomapping.

“Whatever steps you’re proceeding though that’ll be redundant to conduct my next one. Dissuading me from the destructing Cleocorp and EN TRASTE wont derail me from my mission. Vaccination never stopped and not will, instead I had to resort to other plans. You know where to find me, don’t you, Mr. Navan? I won’t evade this time. This time it’ll be Mano-e-mano. Face to face. Might be my last mission, but for the next 30 years not a single organism will die because of infection and get inflicted by serious disease.”

“You are a malignant disease yourself, scumbag! Gussied up with a Samurai’s armour does not imply protection of nation. You’re an aspersion, without question!”

“You will be needed, Mr. Navan. Perhaps you are not like others at all. You are benevolent, and an honest person performed his duties at the battlefield. Aadik would be so proud of his friend, who didn’t left him till his last breath.”

Adik?” Navan was transfixed in shock. So was he present that day at Cambodia, or have somehow gained his personal intels? “How the hell you know him? Huh? “

“I hold much knowledge about you than you possess. I’m ubiquitous.” The call got disconnected.

Navan was delirious about from where the Samurai got the source of their solidarity on field. Did he know Adik, or taking vengeance about Adik’s death? Or if its so, then why he’s following the Viper’s footsteps? Why he holds the notions of Viper and philosophical about God? He couldn’t catch that why the Samurai pronounced Adik as Aadik.

“CLINK, CLINK!” The phone rang again.

“Check the news sir! My god! This is horrifying!” Sam was shuddering from the other side.

What’s the next move?

Location: COD Headquarters

Time: 8:48pm

Abominable plights are taking place one after another, leaving no trails of miscreants. Albama’s state mayor received a parcel today morning and found Mr. Fulkan Kane’s decapitated head inside. Proceedings about the sender’s identity has started but no concrete details have found regarding the explosion and this, whatsoever. Dissemination of AD5 vaccine is still suffering from oblivion, leaving a light hope on OKAMI about their launches. Mr.Akatomi assured there will be no snag regarding their inauguration and they will have their cure properly orchestrate among the rest of the world. After the cures of Adage were plundered, OKAMI is the last resort irrespective of Dermatoxia strain is lessening. Tokyo’s Metropolitan Police Agency is vehemently carrying out security and protections in entire city and special measures are inculpated to OKAMI, after Alabama suffered such bedlam. On November 2nd ,Tuesday, OKAMI ventures will unveil the distribution of AD5 and its orchestration with Adage’s holding partner Mr. Daryll Finch. Mr. Daryll yesterday had affirmed about the winding up of the company, but because of today’s incident, he had immediately ensconced and meddling of press and media has been incapacitated.

Navan was heedless to the news as he got exposed to some abacking truth after analysing the programming and biomapping. He supressed it all deliberately and intended to reveal when time comes. He assumed where was Lucy all this time. But he didn’t let that expressed by his gesticulations and mannerism and headed towards mission conference.

“The blueprint from Vipers lair clicked correctly, eventually then. 6 industries in 6 different locations of the world. But still not ascertained the real mission of Samurai. From the recordings of the phone call, OKAMI is his final target, keeping Lucatrion, EN TRASTE and Cleocorp untouched. But theres no activity at Lucatrion carried out yet. Surely by ‘other protocol’ its reminiscent to explosions.” Hudson was scrutinizing the recording of the phone call of Navan and Samurai.

but have you seen, sir! How Fulkan was killed mercilessly! How on earth a person can do that?” Sam was again stuttering in astonishment.

Armun was sitting at a distance where the dimmed light basked half of his face. “Post-mortem reports came from Alabama forensic department just an hour ago. Some galvanized edge weapon slashed his Adams apple to pons. Most probably, the corpse head was 3 days old. A righthanded stroke of the Samurai’s sword, there’s no doubt in that.” He said this at a stretch incisively staring at

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