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our self-importance by converting our Maker, into one that is anthropomorphic and, built temples of worship where we can fill our ears with self-glorification. How well it blanks out the screams of those creatures in our abattoirs. Does this not echo that of the 1940s German Holocaust camps, where orchestras played for the wider world witnesses, so they could not hear the screams from behind the scenes? 

For more delusional activity, let us look closer at Karl Marx. In his rightful haste to unbridle the lower classes of his time, also set the scene for the secular religion of communism and, whose priests of Stalinā€™s era, were to prove every bit as murderous and tyrannical as its theological counterparts. The book ā€˜Wild Swansā€™ by Jung Chang, revealed that China, during Maoā€™s communist cultural revolution, was a social asylum that caused the death of seventy million of its own people. 

Under the secular National Socialist religion of Adolph Hitler, its nation became so entranced by honeyed words, that its national pride and superiority, warped into a mighty machine of destruction.Repeatedly, we are led astray by predatory pied pipers into fanciful wonderland entrapments ā€“ all that misery and destruction borne of our specious beliefs. Do we learn nothing? 

Beliefs have no substance, they are nothing but abstracts. They are thoughts extracted from our mental ether and devoid of any physical substance. They are features of our cerebral make-up, a mental reservoir of our unborn possibilities. There can be no way forward for those who consistently lack maturity in the deployment of these mental formulations into the physical environment. 

Many more tainted areas of our psychology are leading us astray and do so because, they have remained rooted in prehistory. In this way mankind can be likened to a yesteryear born-again actor, with its born-again script, on bad historyā€™s born-again stage in service still, to more born-again killing-fields. 

Let us next consider the elements of war from a clearer perspective. Certainly, we are familiar with historyā€™s architects of war (who always remain at a safe distance). Although, perhaps we did not notice that it is always, ā€˜Mr. and Mrs. Average-Followerā€™ who actually gets the blood on their hands in historyā€™s killing fields. 

Architects of war

Behind status, age and gender

hide some so smugly safe

with hearts that are not tender.

These charnel house purveyors

from sidelines safely prattle

driving others to unwanted battle.

The more we reveal, the more we must interpret and by doing so, discover that there are child-like unworldly aspects in the general make-up of our species that never matured into adulthood, thus to remain the child savant given to tantrums. Whilst one hand creates great wonders, the other reaches out to destroy. 


To further stress the point, we are the only species that can lose its rational grounding over baseless emotional ideas and, do so on a pandemic scale. Whatever happened to our sense of perspective? How did we get into this convoluted entanglement? Once again, we should look a little closer at our past influences, which of course are complex, troubling and innumerable, so let us step further.


The Occupying Forces structure

High on our list of entanglements is that great monotheistic conversion whose cloud still hangs problematically over 21st century mankind. This concerns itself with one of the greatest recorded ā€˜Walter Mitty Worldā€™ escapisms. One in which mankind allowed itself to be led en masse into a theological entrapment. This entrapment, was engineered in 325CE by the Roman Emperor, Constantine; the most powerful ā€˜chieftain-priestā€™ of his time. Constantineā€™s strategy began with the discarding of his peopleā€™s panoply of gods and deities through the imposition of his Romanised version of the Christian faith. During this period he had all Christian gospels destroyed (some 4000), retaining only the four that were useful to his plans; all duplication was ordered to be in Latin that few could read or understand. This was the beginning of the greatest witchdoctor trickery ever foisted upon ingenuous masses. 

The linchpin to Constantineā€™s plans was the Romanising and incorporation of a Jewish messianic figure. This deceit became more achievable because, prior Roman culpability in the execution of this figure had long since been diverted upon the Jews. Constantineā€™s plan was to harness his peopleā€™s passions to that of its very own Messianic figure. By means of such interpolations, Constantine began to generate the most monstrous mind and body entrapment of mankind that had ever been conceived. All avenues of escape were sealed; apostasy carried the death sentence. The doctrine of fearful Purgatory was invented to stiffen allegiance and dissuade suicide; any such attempts carried a fearful death sentence. The evil decree to prevent suicide was designed for one overriding intent. Information is power and people cannot be tortured for information if they are already dead. 

The most lucrative of all information gathering was achieved through a system of local priests. They were so contrived, as to be held in thrall, whilst also providing pseudo salvation for the sinner in the confessional, a process that provided a rich source of feedback intelligence to the bishops. The confession of sins became more formally instituted under Pope Innocent III, following the Petrine system of enlisting popes for primacy over bishops. Constantineā€™s evil legacies then left Europe submerged in a filth-ridden lunatic asylum for well over a thousand years, whilst other theologies were also playing their own entrapment variations in other places.


Stepping back further

As Platoā€™s Cave reminds us, we are comfort zone creatures, covering up or turning our attention away from matters we do not understand or, makes us feel uncomfortable. These negative aspects factor into all human activities. For example, although we rightly throw up our arms in horror at historyā€™s great slaughterers, the most essential checks and balances to prevent their re-emergence are still not in place, or have any hope of ever becoming so. 

 Lest we forget?

Paying homage to our fallen should also stand to remind us how little our kind had achieved in the diminishment of conflict. It is this failure that delivers us more dead to pay homage to ā€“ more to join the never ending list into timeā€™s forgetfulness. 

The Medusas

No blame to those who fell in battle

or those that never left a trace.

Blame those who schemed and caused them there,

that fell and fell like Luciferā€“the uttermost from grace.

They imitate Medusa ā€“ causing imagery in stone,

forgotten soldiersā€™ statuary with more anguish to impart,

for it leaves to all of those bereft,

a static illustration ā€“ a Medusa to their heart.


In that same unlearning and forgotten way, our history turns its eyes away from that most loathsome 14th century Muslim decapitator, Tameraine. He had at least 17 million people slaughtered, building a pyramid and hills out of severed human heads ā€“ deeds now passed down to Muslim knife-wielding activities of satanic Islamic State militants. 

Where nothing ever learns, everything repeats.


Holier than thou

Can any of us feel ā€˜holier than thouā€™? We match this terrifying blade to the throat horror, to countless millions of innocent fur and feather creatures in thousands of hide-away abattoirs littering our towns and cities. We should therefore not be surprised when all the evil things we do to other creatures, we then do to our own kind. 



What do you do at work Papa?

Can I see the place where you work Papa

and meet your fur and feathered friends?

Iā€™ve seen them delivered in train loads

to your place where unhappiness ends.


Iā€™ve seen a film I didnā€™t like Papa,

where millions of poor creatures die,

I saw them delivered in train loads.

What is meant by ā€˜Arbeit Macht Frei?ā€™


We have lost direction, wandered away from Nature into the blind alleys of artificialities. The greatest human arrogance arrived firstly, through the supplanting of our Supra Ordinate reality (God), with that of polytheistic deifications and their eventual evolution through to our pseudo anthropomorphic God.



As we sleep-walked our destructive journeys through history, the new secular God of science began its assent. It was then, due to the progressive nature of science that we overran Natureā€™s heresy of numbers, to the extent that we grossly inflated human numbers to overload. This is now referred to as the ā€˜Population Armageddon Equationā€™, a world population growing larger (about the size of the German nation) every day. Put another way ā€“ making exponential leaps forward at inverse proportions to the time scales in which it does so, leaving a question mark over how long before predated resources fail to sustain the numbers.


The great sleep walk

We now need to reveal where the corrupted aspects of mankindā€™s social interactivity had its origin and by doing so, know how it came to entrap all futures within its ā€˜time warpā€™ legacy. 

As I have mentioned in other books, the fall of early man took place along Africaā€™s equatorial belt (zero latitude) where, for the very first time, mankindā€™s conversion to negative social collectivisation (tribalism) took place. 

This first time amassing of people, brought dangerous internal forces into play that put them at risk. It proved to be fertile ground for the emergence of controlling personalities and supportive cohorts. Further empowerment by these personalities, was then achieved by harnessing the passions and fears of its followers. The tools for that process manifested in the form of the first (deified) despotic witchdoctor-priests, tribal chiefs and monarchs. In time, these cunning few were able to position themselves above the herd as occupying forces, entrapping the many. (Psychopath traits being expressed.) 

There is for example, a more modern means by which to understand the nature of the mental entrapment that Early Man fell foul of during its collectivisation and, by which early minds became programmed to the degree, that it would sully the better possibilities of their kind in perpetuity. 

That defining example of such mental programming was to become known in our times as the Jesuitsā€™ indoctrination process. The Jesuits worked on the principle that early minds are most malleable and stated, ā€œGive me the boy until the age of seven and Iā€™ll show you the manā€. Thus, by exactly that same process, early-mankind (Homo sapiens) fell foul of the mind and body entrapments, imposed by its own predatory minority. 

Refractory material

Young minds, by older ones are moulded

to foster or curtail the potential there enfolded.

Eventually, these minds are to their owners ceded

as refractory material that to reshaping stay unheeded. 

Furthermore, a prime need by despotic leadership was the ownership and control of information and direction. For that reason, repression and eradication of early-mankindā€™s divine cerebral guidance augmentation became prioritised. Eventually this eradication process became so widespread and complete that it left an empty space within mankindā€™s spiritual/emotional needs; a space then filled by predatory leadership with ersatz deities. This substitution still left unsatisfied emotional needs within a populace that through time, would be filled by disparate shadowy attachments to pseudo spiritual ways and by which charlatan activity was to become ensconced within our species throughout all times. 

Tribal social patterns were firmly established long before our ancestral diasporas out of Africa, some 70,000 and 40,000 years BCE. Their Occupying Forces structures were then to remain the template for all social concepts throughout all future times. 

Where are we now? Witchdoctor-priests live on in modern theology; tribal tyrants live on as leaders and all wars, old and modern are precisely, old tribal war reiterations ā€“ the same old born-again tribal repeaters re-apparelled to suit their times.


The follower

History reveals the collective follower as the ā€˜milch-cowā€™ in service to its drones, where modern ā€˜democraciesā€™ exemplify the case, through which, the herd follower actually installs its own drones. The reason is that we are still expressing that ancient negative programming that imposed upon us an emotional need for a ā€˜fatherā€™ figure to direct us. This makes an extraordinary statement, revealing unevolved aspects to mankindā€™s perceptual abilities ā€“ also noted through Platoā€™s Cave depiction. 

We should ask ourselves what it was, that instigated the infiltration of controlling malevolence within the genetic make-up of

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