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Book online «Musing Of A Would Be Hermit by Sixto Ofnine (dar e dil novel online reading .txt) 📖». Author Sixto Ofnine

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True Value


People don’t like to accept it but everything has a price, even if you consider it priceless.  Someone else would be able to assign a price; it’s just the way it is.




I find their wisdom annoying and not informative, since they talk down to you when they present it.




There are people who need help and those who’ll demand it.  I’d rather help the first.


Wake Up


Their all about the negative and wonder why no one pays them any attention.  How’d about trying the positive approach instead?


Cas I Can


I may disagree with your lifestyle choices but you are in need and I can help you.




You choose to look for the negative in people; any positive aspects don’t interest you in the least.




We were all something once, question is, “So what are we now?”


Reality Is


Your ignorance is really overwhelming any common sense you or anyone around you might have had.




Everything has a purpose and a point, no matter how insane it might be and we have to figure it out.


All Mine


There’s plenty of immaturity to go around for everyone, for no one has a monopoly on it.


Truth Is


Everyone is trying to survive, but you got to put a little effort in if you want to get along or get ahead.




I’m just the provider of information, so how you choose to use it or take action on it is up to you, not me.




I had a thought, then, I lost it, that seems to be the pattern these days, I think?


Look Back


I know that all the problems in your life are always someone else’s fault, but perhaps you should fess up and look in the mirror for the real source of most of your issues.  For it’s true that everyone is wrong and you’re the only one that’s right, right? 


Over The Top


People complain that others don’t understand their situation, which is possible since their not living it and haven’t built it up in their minds.


Move On


I love it when people get fixated on fixing problems that don’t exist.




I don’t want any tragedy or great event to define my life.  I just want to be ordinary and not noticed.


For Certain


I’m only incompetent up to a certain point, after that I then go full bore!




The answer doesn’t change just because you came up with a new way to ask the question.


Truth Is


It’s not that I don’t care to; it’s just that I don’t want to.


And How


We’re all just a Little Crazy, it’s just some of us are more so than others.




I am not a leader and I try not to be a follower.  So I guess that makes me an individual who desires to avoid both situations.




I can get along with most anyone or a least try to.  It’s the assholes and shit heads I avoid.


Sad Truth


The problem with humanity is we only see the differences between us and we act on that instead of seeing what we have in common and build from that.


We Seek


We’re not out here to seek the truth but rather to listen, so please keep that in mind.


If You Think


Their better than no help I guess, but sometimes no help is actually better.


Level Out


Their so pumped up about their lack of importance that they seek out others they believe are less important to rip into, in an attempt to feel they’re actually somehow important.


To Do The Least


They are always working hard not to work, for they would rather work smart than hard, so they say.


Fill In


You’re not stupid by any stretch of the imagination.  You’re just not well educated and need to fill in your gaps in knowledge.  With this you’ll be unstoppable.




Sorry, but I wasn’t prepared to answer such an idiotic question.  I’ll try to be better prepared the next time.




If I find someone unreliable and basically useless, I move on and leave them be.


Lowest Common


The refuge of the petty criticizer online is that of small unimportant things that are in the overall successful scheme that they didn’t think of first.  They have a sad need to try and bring it down to their level with stupid criticism.




The situation calls for more action and less contemplation, so get to it.


Down Hill


Once you come to the belief that you’re smarter than everyone else, that’s the beginning of the end.




Something not exciting; nor interesting just happen and I have no one to share it with.


Lack There Of


You may view yourself as one of the smartest in what you do, but you rate as the dumbest when it comes to the basics.




Their approach to work is like that of a little child.  They skip from here to there never really focusing on anything long enough to get it done.


Actually, No


Do you remember when you use to rule, me neither, that’s so sad.


Oh Why?


It’s such a simple thing I’m trying to accomplish; it’s your indifference that’s making it difficult.


Perhaps, Not


You’re not certain you have it.  But… you believe you most likely have it.  Perhaps, you actually have it for sure or not.


A Bit Off


I have standards, just not many, but some.




I was hoping life would let me off the hook, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.




You know what I hate, when one door shuts and the next is locked.  What then?


A Purpose


I’ll keep doing it as long as I’m doing some good by doing so.  Once it ceases to be so, then I’ll move on.


Stupid Desire


I have more than I need, but less than I want.


In The Beholder


Just because you believe or assume that someone in authority has given you the right to act like a dick, doesn’t mean others will recognize that and stand for your abuse.




People will pray hard for things to happen in their lives.  Of course sometimes the answer is no.  But when the answer is yes, it may still not be a good thing.  For you got what you wanted; but in the end it’ll turn out to be a negative, since it was meant to teach you a life lesson.


What’s Wrong


I was reading a book the other day at lunch and I became aware something was amiss, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.  Then it came to me, I didn’t have my glasses on, well duh!


Throughout Time


We’re all like time machines, hurtling through time and space thinking we know the future, but often being surprised by what it really is.




What did I do to deserve you, for if I knew I wouldn’t do it again?


Bad Angle


Word of advice; don’t let your pumpkin pie thaw out at an angle.




Even though you like to follow somebody else’s example does not mean you should do it blindly, but consider what they’re saying and make your own decisions.


Quiet Hand


Your beliefs are not my beliefs, but I don’t see why that should stop us from helping each other in our time of need.


For Sure?


Someday, not today, perhaps tomorrow, but definitely someday, maybe.


Yeah, No 


Your response is slow, confused and unmethodical, so please don’t try to tell us how good you are, we all know better.


Sure Do


My, My, don’t we have an over inflated opinion of our stupidity.




When you’re in a hurry to get nowhere, you usually end up back where you started.




Be proud on how up to date you are on your Ignorance.


Long Term


If a short term benefit negates any long term goals, perhaps it’s a bad idea.




It started out as a Noble idea, unfortunately like many Noble ideas it degenerated into what we have today, which is a total mess.




People can be jealous of the famous because they despise their own lack of celebrity.  Fearing, that while a famous person will be remembered, perhaps even celebrated when they die by thousands of individuals.  They themselves will be lucky to be a footnote in the annuals of history if anyone even notices their passing besides family.


Chicken First


They like to count their chickens before they hatch, problem is they don’t even have any eggs yet.




Just because you plan on doing something stupid, doesn’t mean I should accept it as a foregone conclusion.




They’ll tell you how smart they are, but judging from their actions, not so much.


Truth Is


I don’t want to move on up, I want to move on out.


In Action


Feel free to sit here and wait for the impossible to happen, while I go out and just get on with it.


Thought Thru


There are just two ways to make a decision, first is with careful deliberation, the second way is just cause I can.


What It Is


I could take the route of blaming the world and everyone on it for my problems, but since I’m working in the realm of reality, it mostly falls on me.


All By


I use to be afraid of ending up alone but after some thought, don’t we all?


Their Pissed


Sometimes the right choice is not the popular one, but the necessary one.


Yeah Right?


You an’t sorry for what you did, you are thou just plain sorry.




On one level I know I did it, but on another level I now doubt it and the question is which feeling do I go with?




Consistency is the key to leadership, ego driven leadership on a whim is not.


Be Yourself


You need to understand your vision of yourself and not let someone else project a different unrealistic one onto you.




I’m happy that you’re so vengeful, for that is such a positive use of your time.


Slow To A Fault


They have 10 minutes’ worth of work, yet they’ll take 3 hours completing it and think they have everyone fooled that they work hard.  I’ve seen glaciers move faster.


Problem Is


It takes all types to make the world go around.  However, it only takes one type of crazy to make the world go down.


That’s Why


The main difference between you

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