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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Read books online » Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (read more books .TXT) 📖

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gun laws are different and access to weapons is variegated. Also, two persons may have mutually exclusive emotional state and antecedents of past violence. Etc. The simple idea is – a representation of some element of Information through a metaphor is not singular and objective for all. Communication is a complex mechanism and the Media they channel through – consciousness and cultures have their powerful roles in shading and altering the final meaning, the metaphor creates.

It is this primary hypothesis, which needs to be kept in mind when we seek to unravel and decipher the infinite causalities, which affect us in unfathomable and immense ways. The fact remains that the processes, which present themselves as causalities that affect us are themselves so complex and infinite that it is beyond human faculties of brain states to fathom them all and factor them in. Secondly, there are barriers and constraints of human body-mind plexus, which makes the task of deciphering and knowing the causal-processes further more difficult. Language happens to be a major constraint, which we seldom accept. We also seldom accept the limitations of our own consciousness and cognition in unraveling and understanding the holism of Reality. We all are, as we said, the Geniuses of Parts and yet, refuse to admit the structures of our own personal as well as collective stupidities and hypocrisies.

Now, it is one thing to say and admit that human languages are restrictive, not as good and useful a media of communication of Reality and altogether different proposition to say, the languages we speak today are probably one of the worst ‘entropic’ elements in human evolution; especially that of human consciousness. May be, many of you probably can accept the constraints of linguistic expression but it sounds too big and unimaginably definitive to accept the later proposition that emergence of language sort of vitiated and emaciated human consciousness. And therefore, humanity may probably look for an alternative and novel means of expression of intents. We are working on this hypothesis itself here.

This hypothesis is important because the very deliberation of this hypothesis shall touch upon many related and contextual aspects of our consciousness, our body-brain design and how we humans have evolved in unimaginably long time-scale. This in turn shall open up a vista – a dimension of awareness and acceptance about our lives, our wellness, our life-living purposes, the challenges we face and, the probable ways out of our perpetual troubles.

This progression is in sync and symmetry with old wisdom as well as contemporary science, which say, you break a situation into parts; try to look at core issues at ‘cellular’ level and then integrate it with all successive ‘parts’ to weave a perspective of holism. This is what we are attempting to do – breaking the core issue of how Reality is unraveled and deciphered at cellular levels and then, align all related, contextual and corresponding ‘parts’ to arrive at the holism of the larger idea of deciphering and understanding the causalities, which the Reality unleashes, affecting our lives, wellness and purposes. This ‘progression’ must be kept at the back of the mind as we journey into more deliberations and more details in the coming spaces of this eBook.

As we earlier talked about honesty, we probably should delve a bit more on this reality of honesty, from a point of view, which shall help us. Earlier too, we deliberated on how honesty, in its entirety and holism, is not purely about intent and determination. It also has a large component of mechanism and processes about its content. I simply cannot be genuinely and perfectly honest, even if I intend and decide to be honest. My honesty is majorly linked with how much I am aware of and how I go about the well structured process to ensure the content of my possible honesty. This must be detailed here to understand.

There is a colossal scale of magnitude and time, of which an individual life – you and I, are just like a miniscule dust particle. The universe happened around 14 billion years back and our own Earth happened around 4 billion years back. The cosmos is so vast that it is simply beyond human mind to fathom it. Its understanding is largely metaphoric. However, when we live our lives, in our daily life-living routine, we seldom feel the need to keep such details in mind. We simply take almost everything as granted and focus only on our own troubles and wellness in a very localized milieu. But, everything around us, we take for granted have evolved through long processes, spanning millions and billions of years. The infinite elements of Reality around us have massive magnitude of details of Information, which we seldom even think of. However, they exist and they are very much part of Reality, of which we as an individual, are a part. Naturally, we, as individual, with almost negligible knowledge about the larger and deeper Information of Reality and its processes, are only a grain of this Reality. Therefore, our truth, our honesty, our reality itself can only be extremely small part and portion of the larger truth, honesty and reality. This humility must always precede all honesty.

For example, from the stage of inception at cellular level to a full grown infant in nine months in the womb, millions of small and big processes go on to form a human baby. Even if a very small wrong happens with any of these unimaginably complex and variegated process, life shall not happen in the womb. We all are born this way but we never ever contemplate this fact. It is so automatic, spontaneous and widespread that we never ever think what a huge miracle of nature a child’s birth is. It is smooth and spontaneous because it has evolved over millions of years. The processes may be huge and complex but they largely remain smooth and spontaneous because the processes have evolved not in centuries or millenniums but in billions of years.

There are infinite number of such miracles all around us, which have evolved during billions of years and an average person has no idea and knowledge about. Naturally, when we are not even aware, the ignorance is bound to eclipse our truth, honesty and reality. The veracity, purity and perfection of content of intent shall always be heavily partial and also probably vitiated as ignorance shall fill in the ‘shape and form’ of truth, honesty and reality with imagined and abstract personal elements of belief and perceptions. The Glass of Reality has to be Full and if it has only 10 percent liquor; rest of the 90 percent shall automatically be filled by the water of abstracted reality. This glass of liquor is dishonest, bad and malicious metaphor of honest Reality. This is primary and core trouble of humanity. The human consciousness is a navigation mechanism and process, which generally is in possession of very negligible or miniscule portion of information of truth, honesty and reality. However, firstly, we seldom feel the need of acquiring the true and right Information in our daily life-living. Secondly, even if we need it, we subconsciously; at times even consciously, ‘imagine’ and ‘fudge’ the required missing Information from our current memory of faith and belief systems. That is why; primarily, human consciousness is abstracted, debauched and derailed tool to decipher and express reality. This, however is hugely tough and unsettling to accept. That is probably why, the universe of human stupidity and hypocrisy is never ever accepted with truth, honesty and reality.

It is to be mentioned here with all humility and sincerity that I have already detailed this hypothesis in my previous eBook titled, ‘We Are A Scam’, available for unrestricted download like all other 44 eBooks of mine. Therefore, we are not detailing the issue here as it shall unnecessarily burden the bulk of this eBook. You may kindly refer to this previous eBook for details.

Now, given this hypothesis about human consciousness, it may be an interesting deliberation, whether human languages have the natural reflection of this endemic entropy of consciousness in them and the languages in turn have further abstracted and vitiated the human consciousness as their evolution has been synced. This we are doing in this eBook and all along, also contemplating other scientific facts, which are relevant to the probability of this hypothesis.

The very un-conceited and un-deterministic enterprise is to bring into awareness and considerations all possible aspects and shades of realities, which may broaden our knowledge base. This may help in augmenting the prospect of we relatively being a bit more true, honest and reasonable in our deciphering and expression of reality about everything we talk about here.

We do it, as it comes and not in any planned sequence of importance or linearity. Well, if we could begin with something in the past, our ancient wisdom, it should help us in our current enterprise. More than 3000 years back, in ancient Indian philosophy of Yoga, there is a mention of something, which is probably related with what we are discussing currently. It elaborated four distinct probabilities, which may lead a person to have the cognition (perception) of reality, different from what it may or can be. We first list them and detail them. Later, we shall try to scientifically philosophize about it.

There is a reference of four different probabilities under which a person may accept a reality completely or partially different than what is actually there or is being conveyed to him or her –

First, someone may say something True but a person receives it as Untrue or disbelieves it as true…

Someone said something Untrue but a person accepts it as True and right…

Someone accepted something as True but popular mass belief makes a person accept it as Untrue or the vice-versa…

Someone hears or sees only partly or a slice of the Truth and accepted it as the holism of Truth…

We sure can add a few more situations and ways when we all err on the side of truth in our perception and judgment. The common and persistent thread in all these situations is the fact that they all are based on permutations and combinations of the twin factors – either of the two Media of Consciousness and Language ‘misrepresenting’ the Information. The only purpose of describing it here is to bring home the reality that humanity could decipher and even document a rather common and widespread aspect of human society and cultures, 3000 years back. The Yoga philosophy very clearly elaborated how and why there is a difference between subjective Cognition of a Reality and the objective Reality itself. The early reference of this situation, as early as 3000 years back, only points out to the fact that human consciousness itself has the prime culpability of cognitive misrepresentation of innate Information. The languages this Media of Consciousness creates as Media of expression and communication is always very likely to have the shadows of the same culpability.

This example somehow may facilitate our hypothesis that since very early, humanity had understood the big trouble, which human consciousness had with Information, both inside body-mind and outside in external milieus. Consciousness as emergent and transient Media of Information processing was accepted as having a troubled relationship with innate and entrenched Information. The Yoga philosophy deals with it with great clarity and refers to it as a cyclicality of entropic propensities between Purush (Consciousness) and Prakriti (Milieus) – the two powerful Media. However, our intent is to arrive at the hypothesis that this trouble only augmented and universalized the gradual and continuous depravity of consciousness, as languages-consciousness kept offloading their respective entropies on each other. This only has reached to such a stage in contemporary times, where languages have become a major element of societal and cultural troubles.

Somehow, it may sound like ‘playing up’ with history to suit one’s personal agenda but we sure can check objectively with historical facts we have of our past, whether it can support our hypothesis. The benefit of looking

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