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Book online «The Word of God about the mystery of the man and the woman by Lord Jesus (best life changing books .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Lord Jesus

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The woman brings the man under the slavery for her and for her offspring, so that the man may no longer have freedom. I shed tears of blood for man’s slavery. Kings and servants have been falling down under the slavery of the woman, who turns the man into a devil, and who serves the flesh and the man that has the devil as mother and father; and the man is no longer able to get out of the slavery. Blood flowed from My rib, so that the place on the man’s body may be marked down, the place where the woman was taken from, and who pulled the man out from God. I also cry and bleed today when I see the man caught under the woman’s slavery. Where shall I still find a woman that sanctifies the man; to free the man from slavery? The lust of the woman is a devil that makes the man play as the devil’s lust wants. The law of the woman took the man’s right to freedom. Oh, deep of iniquity! Oh, how shall I free the man to have him and to rejoice over all his labor, and to give him a reward for his labor, as I gave it to My apostles, who I walked on the earth with, when I needed a man near Me? Oh, I can hardly pull the man out from the woman to free him from the slavery and from the lusts and to set him as a holy thing for Me! Oh, I can hardly remove the woman from near the man! It is written into the Scriptures: «I saw a woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus; when I saw her I wondered with a great amazement; and on her forehead a name was written: Babylon the great, the mother of the prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth. And she had in her hand a golden cup, full of abominations and of the impurities of her sexual immoralities. And she has a kingdom over the kings of the earth, as she is dressed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones and with finery that enchants, as she comes from the deep and from the lawlessness, and they, whose names are not written into the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, will wonder seeing the beast that she was and is no more, but she will appear and will be seen». Oh, deep of the lawlessness! The woman dresses with fineries and with purple and scarlet, on her body, on her lips, on her fingers, on her eyes, and keeps her husband as a slave to her abominations; and the one who serves the woman is a man without mind, without sight and without hearing. Oh, how shall I free the man from his woman, who does not bring him any benefit? The man sheds his sweat for his woman and for his offspring, and I cannot rejoice over the man’s labor. Oh, it is no use for the man to get married, but who is the one that can understand this?

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday after Pentecost, on 04-07-1999


The people share My Body and Blood and then go into sinning, to the lust of the body, to the immorality, but it is written in the Scriptures: «It will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in that day then for those who dishonor God, making of My body a member for fornication», after the man takes Me from the hand of the priest, who commits fornication as well. It is written in the Scriptures: «Woe to the one who sins inside his body!» and it is also written: «The adulterous will not inherit the kingdom of God». These do not have God in them, and «He, who defiles God’s temple, God will break him down too», as it is written in the Scriptures. Behold, I speak from the Scriptures and each one is judged according to the book. But I say: let man come out of the ones that he comes from and follow Me, for «first comes what is natural and then comes which is spiritual», as the Scriptures teaches the one who wants to get up and follow Me; as those in the flash were coming in the time of My body to become spiritual; they and their children, to be then holy and spiritual.


Oh, little children, taught from heaven, come with Me in speech and speak into My book with you, what should the man, who wants to follow Me, know? Sons, what does the man who is a member of Christ mean? Speak, sons. Amen.


− The one who receives God as a Master upon him, that one cleanses himself of all sin, and, sanctifying his soul, body and spirit by the law of heavenly holiness, receives the gift of the holiness, the Lord’s Body and Blood, for cleansing and forgiveness. This way he becomes a member of Christ, and the Scriptures says: «Shall I take then the members of Christ and make them members of fornication? May it never be!». He, who is a member of Christ, is not of his own, but rather of Christ, but woe to him who defiles God’s temple, for God will defile him as well. So, let the man search himself and this way should become a member of Christ. Amen.


− Oh, sons, it is a great love in him who becomes a member of Christ, and that one does not forget what he is, and does no longer forget what he asks from Me, when he asks, for I taught the man to pray and the man does not know what his prayer should be like. The Christian has become a gypsy for good and all. He asks like the gypsy who utters the „Our Father” prayer, giving thought to steal and receiving, as you know of him who was prompted to say the „Our Father” prayer thinking of God, but not being able to do it. Oh, he could not do it because he was promised a horse only to think of God in prayer. When he reached half way with the words of prayer, he saw the saddle on the horse and said: „Could you give me the saddle also?” Then he heard this: „I do not give you the horse either because you are not thinking about God, as I taught you to pray.”


Oh, sons, the man, who calls himself a Christian, became a gypsy for good and all, and this is how he prays to the Father. And here is what I tell you: the prayer „Our Father”, shows the love to the Father of the one who prays. The man should please God not himself by prayer. I say this word because I see everywhere on the earth people full of joy, as they say, when they pray to God. They do not know what praying to God is, and do not know what is the way of prayer. Tell these, what the way of prayer to heaven is. Tell them, sons. Amen.


− The prayer has a special road, and that one is the way of humility, the spirit of anguished prayer, for the prayer to God is no longer a joy for the man, and rather is humility for the man, and is repentance for him, and joy for God, if the man remains in the state of repentance when he prays and after he prays. Amen.


− Oh, little children, I speak by My book; I speak with you so that the man may know to speak to God. How were praying to Me, Daniel or Jeremiah, or the young men from the furnace of fire? How was I praying to the Father? I was spending the night in the Mountain of Olives before crucifixion, praying with tears for the man, for he is without humility when praying to My Father; for I came after the fallen man becoming Myself a fallen man, and this should be the humility and not joy for the man.

Here is a word like a sword for those who do not know to come after Me when they want to come: he, who is humble and repented and cleanses himself in order to unite with Christ’s body, should not sin any more. You are not allowed to make of My body a member for fornication in you, oh, you people who want to come after Me and do not know how to come. Oh, you do not know because you do not have teachers that should have mercy upon you. And here I am, a Teacher coming down from heaven to save you from the body of sin and to clothe you in My body and come out to you with a little garment to put on and to be truly members of Christ. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Mother birthday, on 21-09-1999.



Let no Christian, among those that believe and feed on the joy of My coming, word upon earth, wonder at the persecution that is, at the wandering that struggles to lead astray those that love God. During all My preaching of two thousand years ago, the Pharisees, the scribes and the elders who killed Me on the cross, tempted Me with questions to find error in My word and then to catch Me, as they were puffed up because of their knowledge. I was going from place to place and huge multitudes were coming after Me, not in secret as now. I was healing their sufferings to reward their faith and love, but the scribes and the Pharisees, because they had not got My power to also perform My works, were murmuring saying: «Who is This, Who blasphemes?», «Who can forgive sins except God?», «Why does This eat with tax collectors and with fornicators?». But I answered them: «Most assuredly I tell you that the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering into the Kingdom of God before you, for John came in the way of the righteousness and you did not believe in him, and the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed, and you seeing, did not repent afterwards and to believe in him». The man who sins does not repent because he sins, but the one who repents, that one does no longer sins, and understands the Kingdom of the heavens, and John told the Jews: «Repent for the Kingdom of the heavens has come near!». I told them the same, and I have also told them: «the Kingdom of the heavens is like the virgins», and it was I that I caught them into the word and not they, and they were plotting My death.


The people are no longer satisfied with marriage and being given in marriage and fornication. The man would like to have a woman after the resurrection as well, as I was asked: «Whose wife will the woman of the seven brothers be for they all had her». And I told them: «You are mistaken not knowing the Scriptures, not the power of God, for in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are like God’s angels in heaven». To those that were tempting Me about the man’s separation from the woman, I answered with those that Moses told them, as I could not give them something else; however, to My disciples I answered clearly, as clear as their soul was, as they understood My speaking with the Pharisees, and they said: «Lord, if this is the case of the man with his wife, it is not expedient to marry». I answered them: «Not all the men can receive this saying, but only those to whom

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