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turn back to Me and remove the false and idolatrous things from among you. So I am also warning My current house – repent and remove the idols from among you. Follow Me, for sheep cannot follow sheep. Follow the true Shepherd. If you follow Me, I will make an everlasting covenant with you and you will be My people and I will be your God! 

Repent and ask from Me a clean heart. The religious games have tested My patience for long enough. I will now separate the darkness from the light and I will remove the lukewarm. Only the hot or cold will remain in My Body.”


 24 January 2012


The Lord said: “What do you see Deborah?”

I replied: “I see a door that leads to a hidden room, which is underground.”

The Lord said: “This is how large parts of My Body operate – either hidden in Me or busy with hidden things. If you are not hidden in Me, you are busy with hidden sinful things which are not part of Me. Nothing is hidden before My eyes. I search the hearts and minds of man and I see and know all things.

Everything you do in darkness I will bring to the light and expose. Those in My Body who say with their lips that they serve Me and still do hidden sinful things, I will expose before others, for you will feel My shame and grief that I carry for you while you sin. If you repent I will wash away those hidden and sinful things. You have stretched My patience and you misuse My grace, for the time is now that I will expose your sinful hidden deeds before others in the Body.” 



“I call for a spotless Bride, no spot, no wrinkle. Do you fear Me so as to lay down you past sinful life? If you surrender to Me I will remove all your sinful things from your house. I grieve over My people, for no fear of Me exists in their hearts. If you do not fear Me, Father Yahweh and Yeshua, you do not understand Me and you do not know Me.

I AM your Creator, your Maker. Do you want to contend with Me? Who do you say I AM? I love it when My children who love Me and obey Me and fear Me, wrestle with Me. For those I call ‘My friend’, those I will answer when they ask My council and wisdom. Those I will answer because they fear Me. For if you fear Me, you will respect Me, for you then know who I AM! The Creator of heaven and earth. I breathed life into your nostrils. I gave you life. I gave you a spirit to have fellowship with My Spirit. Come and have fellowship with Me.

Just like humans, We also have emotions, for you were created in My image. My heart aches when I see what My Body keeps themselves busy with. It saddens Me that they keep on doing hidden sin and think I will just overlook it because of My grace. I usually don’t act on your sin immediately because in My grace I give you time to repent of this sin. But if you think that I give you grace to keep on sinning I will indeed expose you.

Enough is enough. You tried and tested My patience and I will now judge My house for they continue doing abomination in My Name and calling it by My Name. You will be held accountable for everything you said and did in My Name. If you lead people astray because of your own words, your own teaching, your own leading and false words, I will visit you and judge you for your sinful pride before Me. Those who lead My people astray within My Body, struggle with pride, selfishness, self-righteousness and self-love.”

“But know this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, savage, not lovers of good, traitors, reckless, blinded with pride, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having an outward form of godliness, though denying its power; from these also turn away. For of these are those who creep into houses and take captive silly women heaped with sins, who are led by various desires and are always learning yet never able to come to the full knowledge of the truth. And in the manner that Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these also oppose the truth; men corrupted in mind, disapproved concerning the faith. But they will not advance farther, for their folly will be completely manifest to all, as also the folly of those became. But you have closely followed my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, long-suffering, love, endurance, persecutions, sufferings, such as befell me in Antioch, in Iconium, in Lystra. Such persecutions I bore, and out of them all the Lord delivered me. And indeed all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you, continue in the things which you have learned and have been assured of, knowing from which ones you have learned them and that from a babe you have known the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:1-17)



“Have I not said in the last days you will see these things? These things are in My house. This is a monstrous thing within My Body. The deception and imprisonment of these people keeps My people hostage within My Body. These people with pride, selfishness and self-righteousness are keeping My people from the truth. My people stop idolizing one another, for if you idolize another you will fall in the trap of listening to people, and you can be deceived.

How is your relationship with Me? Can you come to Me and ask what the real situation in your life is? For if you blindly follow and believe people and they mislead you because of their pride, selfishness and self-righteousness, you will be deceived. You will get hurt and then accuse Me and other believers. I warn you now, stop idolizing people, for if you cannot discern the truth from Me, you need to ask Me what the truth is. The enemy operates through people, and those people are all within My Body among My people. Like thorns between the lilies. They are being used by the enemy because they knowingly or unknowingly turned away from My truth. Mostly they are convinced that they are doing the right thing in My Name and they cannot see their own sin and fault.

Pride blinds people. Repent from pride and ask Me to give you the mantle of humbleness, for you will surely be deceived in these last days if you do not have the mantle of humbleness. I will forgive you and restore you if you come to Me and repent. Love Me, obey Me, fear Me and humble yourself! For I will speak My judgment over the prideful ones and they will fall. Repent of pride, My people.”


 25 January 2012


“If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, I will heal their land. I will heal them. Turn from your wicked ways My children. There are so many wicked things My people do within My Body. They believe that because they attach My Name to it, and label it in My Name, I approve of it

Stop doing things you believe you should do. Do you ever stop and ask Me how I feel and whether it is My perfect will for you, to do what you are doing? So many people erect churches, start things in My Name, but I never called them to do that. All the work you do which I did not call you to do, will amount to nothing and will be in vain. Only if you do and say what you hear Me tell you to say and do, will it produce fruit in My kingdom. What do you choose - to live a life as you plan and think with no lasting fruit in eternity, or will you choose to live a life as I plan and think it for you? For My will and plans for you are greater than you can ever think and if you live in My perfect will, in obedience, your fruit will be eternally blessed. What you sow here on earth will have an everlasting effect in eternity.

Ask Me to give you a bird's eye view on My economy, My plan for your life and My kingdom. My people are so blind, for they cannot see past their own plans and dreams. My people are deceived and deceived people do not know that they are being deceived. If you cannot discern Me, you need to humble yourself and ask Me to reveal to you whether you are being deceived. Many people’s thoughts and plans about Me and My kingdom are so small. They do not even know Me. If you walk with Me intimately, you will understand that I ask only from you to be humble like a child, to love Me and obey Me. My command is simple. Love Me, the Lord your God and your neighbors as yourself. If you love Me, you will obey Me.”



“My child, I know you have realized that when I speak about someone to you, I only reveal the potential I see in them. I speak what I see, hope and dream for them. I therefore speak life into them. You must do the same. Speak life into the people whom you love, into the people who curse you, speak life into people who wrong you. Learn from Me – this is what I do. Even when My children reject My word daily and grieve Me with their thoughts and actions, I still, in My compassion, speak My love and life into them. Ask Me for the gift of compassion to speak life and hope into others that do you wrong. Learn from Me, for I AM your Teacher.

Indeed I AM your Teacher. I also use people to teach you. For in My Body there are many members and to everyone I’ve appointed a different function. Do not despise the small and the humble ones I send to you to teach you. For the very ones you push aside in My Body, I will use to correct you and until you repent from pride
towards them, you will be blind in your own sin.”



“For those who believe I will only use men to speak and teach My word are deceived. There is no male and female in the spirit before Me. If I choose a female to speak

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