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broken your covenant with Me. I will mourn over you, but My judgment is just – I gave you many, many opportunities to come and circumcise your heart. A circumcised heart is a heart where pride does not exist. It is the final call to surrender, submit and humble yourself. It is for your own good, because without Me you can do nothing. I want a relationship with you – as a friend to a friend. I can be a Friend to you, for I know what is good for you. Many things you do not understand, but in the Millennium things will be much clearer and you will understand why I ask you to lay down things. I AM God and your Creator. Come closer and seek My heart!” Chapter 9: PROMISES AND PERSEVERANCE

9 February 2012


“My child, I want to heal your wounds – those wounds inflicted by broken promises. Many of your wounds are battle scars. You got those wounds by My hands. You perceived My promises to be broken because what I said, did not come to pass. What happened with regards to your promises is that I tested you. In being tested you are on a battlefield and you get hurt there. I also got hurt on My testing ground – giving My life on the cross for you. I got hurt, but I completed the test and because I completed the test many, many people can be blessed because of My obedience to the Father. I persevered and completed the test. I was tested by the Father and likewise you will also be tested by the Father if you received a promise from Him. You will be tested and it can be painful. But if you persevere in the trials, you will overcome and you will receive your crown and your promise. I will then heal those wounds and bind up your heart for I will give you new oil and new wine. You will know that I AM for you and not against you.”

“And they will be My people, and I will be their God; And I will give them one heart and one way, to fear Me all the days, for their own good and for the good of their children after them. And I will make an eternal covenant with them that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; and I will put My fear into their hearts, so that they will not turn away from Me. And I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land in faithfulness with with all My heart and with all My soul. For thus says Jehovah, Just as I have brought all this great evil upon this people, so I will bring upon them all the good that I promised them.” (Jer 32:38-42)

“Know this – you will get tested according to the measure of your promise. Ask Me to help you so that you learn to persevere, because you are going to need it in the end-time. PERSEVERANCE!”



“Those that will rule and reign with Me in the Millennium will be greatly tested in this age. Stand your ground, call on My Name, be obedient and move when I tell you to. Ask Me to sharpen your discernment, for you need to be in step with Me as we enter into the final stages of the end-time. Don't be a fool about the time you are living in – be wise and ask Me for My truth and I will reveal My heart to you. Many will remember that I sent many prophets to warn them, to prepare for the Bridegroom. But you did not listen. Woe to you if you condemn and ignore the council of My wise servants. You will surely be put to shame at the end if you do not listen to and obey My council. Many are called but few are chosen.

So shall it be when the Bridegroom opens the wedding doors for His Bride. Only those will be chosen who have made themselves ready for Him. My Bride, you need to come before Me and clean yourself from sin with repentance and then turn from your wicked ways. You need to wait on Me daily and desire to hear My voice. Read My Word and eat My Word. If you eat My Word and wait on Me, I will fill you with oil and you will be known as one of the five wise virgin's. 

My recovering church knows how to eat My Word. By eating My Word you get the sword in your mouth. Learn this from them – start eating My Word, so that you get filled with oil. Then come and wait in silence and lie before My feet, so that I can heal you and restore you and fill you with oil.

My Bride, if you do not desire Me daily or reverently fear Me, ask Me to put into your heart a desire and fear of Me. Come My Bride, the time of our union is drawing closer. Do you know your Bridegroom? For I desire for you to call out to Me and I will answer you. My Bride, I am about to remove the old mantle from you and give you a new mantle of authority. This year I will anoint My Bride. Those who have asked and those who have prepared, I will anoint and seal off.”



“Thank you My Bride for loving Me. Thank you that you trust Me both in the valleys and on the mountains for I AM always with you. Thank you that I can be you Maker, your Husband and that you adore Me without even seeing Me. I will dress you and give you many treasures, like they were given to Rebecca. She accepted Isaac‘s hand in marriage without ever seeing him. As Isaac loved Rebecca, so I also love you and more. Take courage My Bride and be strong. I will give you My promises as I have commanded and My covenant with you will be everlasting and My loving-kindness towards you will be everlasting. I love you My Bride. Just a little while then we will be one and married!”


12 February 2012


“There has been many visions and word regarding My army, the army I am preparing to go into battle with Me. I am the Commander of this army. There are indeed different regiments in this army. If your regiment is not in unity, in Oneness with Me and the Body, your regiment is weak. If there is no obedience and no fear of My Name, your regiment is weak. If you compromise My Word which was written and is still being spoken, and you ‘water it down’, your regiment is weak.

As you grow to honor Me above yourself, as you grow to obey My voice, as you grow to walk in Oneness with Me, you will be growing into My perfect army. This group – My fearless, obedient, noncompromising and undivided army – is the group I will be using for My purpose now in the end-time. This group will be called My sons. This group will have allowed Me to transform them into the image of My Son. Because the depth of the battle will be great, I can only use those who have laid down their lives to the call of obedience according to My perfect will. My true sons will obey Me like My Son Yeshua (Jesus) obeyed Me. Those that choose to do the perfect will of the Father will be eternally blessed and you will be like a son to Me, like My Son Jesus. You will be welcomed and honored, for nothing is more valuable to Me than child-like obedience to Me, the Father, and your confidence in Me that I know what is best for you. If you choose to do My perfect will, My eyes see you and your face is continually before Me.

I will protect you under My shadow and no sword or famine or pestilence will befall you. I will raise you up and your name will be engraved in the palms of My hands and on My Heart as that of My Son. Choose only My perfect will, then follow Me and do as I ask. Radical obedience is required in My call to qualify as one of My sons.
Be like a child – a child is uncomplicated and repents wrongdoing. Repent therefore, My child – every day. Don't hold unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment towards others and towards Me. Let go, set free and come and ask forgiveness so that I can make you free in Me.”



“I want to lead you step by step. I want to teach and train you like I taught and trained My Son Yeshua. Let Me be your Father. Your perfect Father! Come and humble yourselves, My children, for My judgment is now coming to My house. Those that repent of pride, sin and stubbornness will be saved from exposure. Those that do not want to repent will be exposed within the Body. You will stand naked and you will be ashamed. I am serious about what I am about to do. 

Listen to My voice for judgment is coming!

To those that repent and persevere through My testing and keep their hearts pure towards Me, I will give authority and a scepter and you will rule and reign with Me. Those given this authority will serve the people like I’ve served the people. You will speak to them the truth from the Father, as you hear the Father speak. For the sons will hear the Father speak and will be obedient to His voice. I am about to set the platform and raise the bar. Do you want to receive True Maturity and be called My son? Be like a child and obey My voice. Have faith in Me and trust Me.” 
“For I know the thoughts that I think about you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace and not for evil, to give you a latter end and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you; And you will seek Me and find Me if you search for Me with all your heart; And I will be found by you, declares Jehovah.”(Jer 29:11-14)



“Ask Me to remove the blindness you have regarding your own sin and ask Me to show you how I see you. In order to receive the mantle of being one of My sons, you need the mantle of humility first. Repent of pride so that I can give you the mantle of humility. Humility is necessary before you can receive the authority of a son. What you choose today will determine your destiny forever! Choose wisely. The price is high but the reward is eternal!”

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