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Book online «TRUE MATURITY by Deborah Melissa Möller (knowledgeable books to read txt) 📖». Author Deborah Melissa Möller

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My word, why do you want to be a stumbling block for her? If I found any male or female with clean hands and a pure heart who is obedient to My voice, I will use him or her. It is an abomination in My eyes if you rule My Body under your thumb because you believe I am that way. Therefore, if you oppress any one in My Body, male or female, who hears Me and wants to obey Me, I will judge you, for your actions has a life and death ripple effect on many others. Unless you repent of holding people back from the callings I called out on them, you will have blood on your hands.

Ministers, pastors, leaders; you need to humble yourselves before Me and return to Me, the one true God. Stop playing God for My people. I appoint you to herd them, not to lead them on your theological doctrinal path. I will hold you accountable for your actions towards My Body.

Take note My Body, I use both male and female to do My ministry. The one is not above the other. If you find that you control, dominate and even manipulate My Body (male and female) with the authority that was given to you, I will surely visit you and hold you accountable. Stop oppressing My people and especially women. You will find that I use many women in the end-time, because they submit to Me in humbleness and they are obedient to what I ask and speak. If you come against My chosen ones I will strike you down. Come to Me for the absolute truth, for My Body is deceived and only I can show you the absolute truth. Ask Me for revelation about the truth and I will give it to you. My Body, if you can overcome the control, intimidation and manipulation (Jezebel) which is rampant in the current church structure, I will give you a scepter to rule and reign with Me.”

“But I have something against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, she who calls herself a prophetess and teaches and leads My slaves astray to commit fornication and to eat idol sacrifices. And I gave her time that she might repent, and she is not willing to repent of her fornication. Behold, I cast her into a bed, and those who commit adultery with her, into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works; And her children I will kill with death; and all the churches will know that I am He who searches the inward parts and the hearts; and I will give to each one of you according to your works. But I say to you - the rest in Thyatira, as many as do not have this teaching, who have not known the deep things of Satan, as they say -- I put no other burden upon you; Nevertheless what you have hold fast until I come. And he who overcomes and he who keeps My works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations; And he will shepherd them with an iron rod, as vessels of pottery are broken in pieces, as I also have received from My Father; And to him I will give the morning star. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” (Rev 2:20-29)

“For surely I gave her time to repent, but this Jezebel spirit in church structures keeps My people in bondage and My people cannot walk into their God-ordained destiny because of pride. Repent My people, for pride comes from behind and you cannot see it, and it blinds you to your own faults. When last did you bow your knees and humble yourselves before Me? I listen and take heed of someone with a broken heart. In brokenness and humbleness you will be close to My heart. For if in pride you think you have made it, YOU have made it. Only in Me you will make it! Humble yourself and come to Me so I can remove the veil from your eyes that blinds you! Only I can show you your true condition. Be wise and humble yourself.”

“A man's pride will bring him low, but he who is of a lowly spirit will obtain honor.” (Prov 29:23)


 26 January 2012
“My child, I want to speak about spiritual abuse in My Body. My Body's biggest bondage and setback from walking in Oneness, is spiritual pride – those who have had a long walk as Christians, but stopped obeying My voice somewhere along the road. They are just going through the motions of belonging to a religion.

Daily you need to lay down your life and follow Me. Daily you need to make a choice to surrender to Me and love Me and obey Me. Many in My Body do not even know Me. I am a religion to them, and they just follow others blindly. Sheep cannot follow sheep. I AM the only true Shepherd. I AM the Truth, the Way and the Light. Why is it that My Body will rather hear from another on what I want to speak into their lives? So many run after prophets to get a word from Me – why not come and hear from Me directly? Do you make time to come and sit at My feet? Come to Me, come and sit quietly and wait upon Me.”

“Those who wait on Jehovah will renew their strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles; They will run and will not faint; They will walk and will not became weary.” (Isa 40:31)

“Many who have followed Me for many years have turned from their one true Love.”

“But I have one thing against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore where you have fallen from and repent and do the first works; but if not, I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place, unless you repent. But this you have, that you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God.” (Rev 2: 4-7)
“Turn back to Me, for I should be your first Love. When last did you embrace Me as a Father? I AM your perfect Father. If you come to Me, I will put you into My heart and I will be more to you than your earthly father could ever be. Come, My child and run into Me. Be My child, and I will be your Father. I love you so much more, more than you earthly mother ever could. For if you make Me your Father and your God, I will surround you and protect you and love you and lead you and teach you and bless you far more than you can think or pray.”



“I want a kingdom of priests and kings and My true children, those who accept Me as Father (Yahweh) will be priests and kings in My kingdom. You are already being prepared to rule and reign with Me. Those children of Mine that love Me and obey Me, will be called My sons. And those sons that can overcome the systems will be called overcomers. My overcomers will rule and reign with Me.”

“And he who overcomes and he who keeps My works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations; And he will shepherd them with an iron rod, as vessels of pottery are broken in pieces, as I also have received from My Father; And to him I will give the morning star.” (Rev 2:26-28)

“For My overcomers will be priests and kings. My child, many of these overcomers are being trained to rule and reign with Me as we speak. Your life on earth is not given to you just to have a life to live. If you allow Me to shape you and mold you into My likeness and according to My perfect will, you will already from within your circumstances be undergoing training to rule and reign. Some training and testing is heavy, but blessed are you if you go through tests and trials to test, shape and build character into you.

Remember the life of Joseph - he was tested and shaped by his own brothers and family and was falsely accused. All this was necessary to shape him to rule and reign in Egypt. Joseph kept his heart pure towards Me in the midst of great suffering. Therefore My sons, if I allow the testing and training that you find so painful to shape you, persevere, run the race and keep your heart pure towards Me.

I test everyone in the way they treat their spouse, father, mother and children. If you can treat your spouse as you will treat Me, then you are faithful in the little and I can give you much. If you mistreat or abuse your wife or husband, you will not be given any authority in the Millennium. I look at the small actions. I test you in your own house. If you cannot treat your house as My house, you will not qualify to be in true authority in My house. For many of My precious children are abused in their homes and in church by an authority figure. They abuse My people because of pride, selfishness and self-love. This is a sickness in My church and this sickness starts at home. Satan had the exact same problem – pride, selfishness and self-love. This is a great sin before Me.”



“Saul struggled with this. The biggest problem in My Body is the Saul-syndrome. These cannot even discern Me and do My will. Once they were little in their own eyes and I promoted them, but they did not follow Me with their heart. The Sauls have pride, selfishness and self-love. The Sauls struggle to bow their knee and be humble before Me. Unless the Sauls of today who stand in authority in families and in My church, repent, I will send an evil spirit to them. 

I will expose the Sauls to everyone.

David had many faults, but he could bow his knees, and he could repent of his faults. David knew he had faults, yet he was a real man who showed true maturity by humbling himself. Those in My Body today are either Saul or David. Either you have pride or you are humble. When last did you come before Me and bow your knees and ask My forgiveness for your pride? Saul did not see his own pride. You will walk down the same road as Saul unless you repent of pride. Your pride also harms those around you, for you abuse My precious people because of your pride. The sin of pride hides all other sin such as selfishness, self-love, being controlling and being manipulative.

Come to Me like David did and ask for a clean heart and contrite spirit. Lay down your knowledge and your understanding and come and drink from Me, the Tree of life. I will give you rest. Come and eat only from the Tree of life. Protect your heart and be humble before Me! I am about to shake the prideful Sauls and expose them. 

Do you want to be exposed for your pride? Repent and return to Me and humble yourself. Do you want to be called My son David or do you want to be known as the fallen, prideful Saul? It is your choice - be wise in your free-will!”

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