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bitterness and unforgiveness towards Me and others. I AM God and I am not effected by people's anger, bitterness and unforgiveness. But if you hold on to the anger, bitterness and unforgiveness about what others did to you, you allow yourself to die. You are dead to yourself, to others and to Me. Choose to forgive those people and set them free so that your healing can start. When you forgive you become alive again. Because you forgive, I also forgive you and I will heal you.

Forgiveness does not make a wrong right, it just sets you and others free. I will deal righteously with that situation for I AM righteous and I can see people’s hearts and inner most areas. If you choose to forgive, ask Me to also remove bitterness from you, for bitterness is an evil root that can cause much damage.

Come and make yourself clean before Me. Come and ask forgiveness for the fact that you hang onto an unjust offense for too long. Come to Me so that I can heal and restore you. Many from My Body have deep cuts in their hearts caused by much unrighteousness and manipulative control. I will deal with those that abuse My people and I will expose them to the Body unless they repent. For the main sin behind this abuse being afflicted on My people, is pride. Because of pride, they are stubborn, stiff-necked, and self-righteous. Repent, because My judgment is coming to My house and if I find pride, you will be uncovered by Me.

Your time to repent is now. When was the last time you came before Me and asked Me to show you what is hidden within you? When last did you ask Me to clean your heart and renew a right spirit within you? Surrender your life to Me. This should be done daily. 

It is easy to follow a lie. It is easy to be deceived. But if you humble yourself before Me, walk with Me daily, honor Me by being obedient to Me, I will show you the truth and the lie. I will shine the light in darkness and I will see that you will not be deceived.”



“The time you are living in, is the end-time and I have warned that many will be deceived. You will be deceived if you follow after people. If you follow after Me, seeking Me first, I will protect you from deception. For deception is what deception is. Those that are deceived do not know they are being deceived because they are deceived. Ask Me if you are deceived in any area of your life. If you ask Me the truth, to reveal the truth about yourself, I will show you if you are being deceived. For you can believe in something and be deceived by that very same thing because you were taught that it is true. The truth as you know it – who taught you that it is the truth? Start thinking out of the box, My people, and start asking yourself and Me why do we do what we are doing and call it religion or Christianity?

If you found the truth in My Word, then it is truth, but many things within My Body are man-made doctrines and I never asked for things to be taught based on a system. A system keeps My people in prison. Man-made doctrines in My house have caused people to get hurt, to never grow or walk with Me. In a system there are many levels, which is an abomination to Me. Not one is above the other in My Body.

I AM the only Head. The rest is My Body. I will give responsibility and authority as I see fit, but that does not mean that you are above another within My Body. Therefore if you think you are better or greater than others you must repent of pride. For I will use the humble ones to show that you are in the wrong.”



“The safest place to be in My Body is having a humble position towards Me and others. If you repent, I will not shame you, but you will learn from Me deep secrets of kingdom life and you will walk with wisdom. Because to admit that you are wrong, is being wise and I will acknowledge you and restore you, because I am looking for a character that can admit that you are human and that you are not perfect and that you need Me.

Without Me you will stumble and fall. Can you admit your faults and sins? You will rise up stronger than before if you can come and ask for forgiveness, so that I can cleanse you and heal you. If you struggle to submit under My sovereignty, you will surely fall, for only the sin of pride keeps you from surrendering yourself to Me. Can you lay down your life, dreams and hopes before Me? Can you stop doing your own concept of what you perceive is My will and listen to hear what is My perfect will and plan for you? Do you have the character to accept what I deem good to give you?

My thoughts are above your thoughts. I know everything from beginning to end. Can you trust Me when I ask you to be obedient to a task? Can you accept that My plan is to do you good and bring you hope? Answer Me truthfully and then I'll give you the desires of your heart.”


 7 February 2012


“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture, declares Jehovah. Therefore thus says Jehovah the God of Israel concerning the shepherds who shepherd My people, you have scattered My flock and driven them away and have not visited them; I will visit upon you the evil of your deeds, declares Jehovah.

Then I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all the lands where I have driven them, and I will bring them back to their pasture; and they will be fruitful and multiply. And I will raise up shepherds over them who will shepherd them, and they will no longer fear or be dismayed, nor will any be missing, declares Jehovah. Indeed, days are coming, declares Jehovah, when I will raise up to David a righteous Shoot; And He will reign as King and act prudently and will execute justice and righteousness in the land. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely; And this is His name by which He will be called, Jehovah our righteousness.

Therefore indeed, days are coming, declares Jehovah, when they will no longer say, as Jehovah lives, who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, as Jehovah lives, who brought up and led back the seed of the house of Israel out of the land of the north and out of all the lands where I had driven them, that they might dwell in their own land.

Concerning the prophets: My heart is broken within me; All my bones fail. I have become like a man who is drunk, even like a mighty man who is overcome by wine, because of Jehovah and because of the words of His holiness. For the land is full of adulterers; For the land mourns because of the curse. The pastures of the wilderness are dried up, and the course they run is evil, and their might is not right. For both the prophet and the priest are profane; Even in My house I have found their wickedness, declares Jehovah. Therefore their way will become like slippery paths for them; In the darkness they will be driven and will fall in it; For I will bring evil on them in the year of their punishment, declares Jehovah.

And in the prophets of Samaria I have seen an offensive thing: They prophesied by Baal and led My people Israel astray. And yet in the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing: The committing of adultery and walking in falsehood; And they strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that none turn from their wickedness. All of them have become to Me like Sodom and her inhabitants like Gomorrah.

Therefore thus says Jehovah of hosts concerning the prophets: I will feed them with wormwood and give them poisonous water to drink, for profaneness has gone forth from the prophets of Jerusalem into all the land. Thus says Jehovah of hosts, do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you; They are leading you to vanity; They speak a vision of their own heart, not out of the mouth of Jehovah. They say continually to those who despise Me, Jehovah has spoken, you will have peace; And to everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart, they say, evil will not come upon you. For who has stood in the council of Jehovah, that he should perceive and hear His word? Who has given heed to His word and listened?

Look, the storm wind of Jehovah! Wrath has gone forth, even a whirling tempest; It will whirl down on the head of the wicked. The anger of Jehovah will not turn back until He has executed and until He has accomplished the purposes of His heart; In the last days you will understand it clearly.

I did not send the prophets, but they ran forth; I did not speak to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in My council and had caused My people to hear My words, they would have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds.

Am I a God who is near, declares Jehovah, and not a God who is far off? Can a man hide himself in secret places, so that I will not see him? Declares Jehovah. Do I not fill the heavens and the earth? Declares Jehovah. 

I have heard what the prophets say, who prophesy falsehood in My name, saying, I have dreamed; I have dreamed. How long will this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy falsehood and who are prophets of the deceit of their own heart, who think to cause My people to forget My name with their dreams which they tell, each one to his neighbour, even as their fathers forgot My name because of Baal?

The prophet who has a dream, let him tell the dream; and he with whom is My word, let him speak My word faithfully. What is the straw to the grain? Declares Jehovah. Is not My word thus — like fire, declares Jehovah, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?

Therefore indeed, I am against the prophets, declares Jehovah, who steal My words, each one from his neighbour. Indeed, I am against the prophets, declares Jehovah, who use their tongues and declare, He has declared. Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams, declares Jehovah, and who tell them and lead My people astray by their lies and by their recklessness, although I did not send them or command them; neither do they profit this people at all, declares Jehovah.” (Jer 23:1-32)

“You have heard My words. These words will burn through My house until the clean have been separated from the unclean. Unless you come and humble yourself to Me and be cleaned by Me, I will give you over to your enemy and you will be driven away into Babyloncaptivity. 

My people, I AM still the same – yesterday, today and tomorrow. My people will be taken captive into the hands of Babylon as in the days of Jeremiah. I call for repentance and to turn back to Me. Remove your idols and repent! For your stubbornness and stiff-neckedness will cause you to be taken captive. I AM serious. I am now busy cleaning My house.

I sent many prophets to warn My house of the judgment that is coming. It is indeed coming. If I find you with an uncircumcised heart, I will spit you out of My mouth for you have

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